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Minimal Ruby App Template

This is a basic boilerplate template for a minimal Ruby application. It includes:

  • A Gemfile with rspec, rubocop, and rake.
  • A lib directory for your code files.
  • A spec directory for your RSpec tests.
  • Configuration for rspec.
  • Configuration for rubocop.
  • A script/test for running linting and tests.
  • A bundle exec rake console task to open an IRB console to play around with the code.
  • A with some getting started instructions.
  • A .gitignore for Ruby (taken from

Getting started

This project uses the Ruby programming language.

To work with this project, the first step is to ensure you have Ruby installed. The expected Ruby version is specified in the .ruby-version file and also in Gemfile.

If you are using a Mac, some popular ways to install Ruby include asdf (with the asdf-ruby plugin), or rbenv. You can also use homebrew but this makes it difficult to manage multiple Ruby versions at the same time.

Dependencies are managed using Bundler. Install dependencies with:

bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install

The first line in the above is optional but recommended, as it ensures that your gems (Ruby's term for external dependencies) are installed specific to this project in a subdirectory, rather than globally for this whole Ruby version (which could affect other projects).

When running any ruby commands (e.g. running tests) we'll prefix them with bundle exec to ensure that Bundler has made the specific gems, that this project requires, available.

Running tests

This project uses RSpec for testing.

Run specs with:

bundle exec rspec

You can run a specific spec by specifying the filename:

bundle exec rspec spec/some_spec.rb

You can even run a specific example by specifying the filename and line number:

bundle exec rspec spec/some_spec.rb:11

RSpec is configured via .rspec and spec/spec_helper.rb.


This project uses Rubocop for linting and code formatting.

Rubocop is configured via the .rubocop.yml file.

The conventions used in this project are arbitrary and based on my personal preferences. The main purpose of using Rubocop here is to enforce consistency, which helps avoid bikeshedding over coding style and hopefully makes the code a little easier to read.

Running tests and linting

To run tests and linting, you can use:


Interactive console

To open an IRB console, which is useful for debugging and trying stuff out, you can use:

bundle exec rake console

Once you've finished, you can type exit (and hit <return>) within the IRB console to exit.

Project structure

The structure of this project is as follows:

├── .rspec         # configuration for RSpec (for testing)
├── .rubocop.yml   # configuration for Rubocop (code linting)
├── .ruby-version  # specifies the version of Ruby that this project expects
├── Gemfile        # specifies project dependencies
├── Gemfile.lock   # managed by Bundler to track specific version of installed dependencies
├── Rakefile       # specifies available Rake tasks availalable from the command line (use `bundle exec rake -T` to list them)
├──      # you're reading it!
├── lib/           # source code lives in here
├── script/        # utility scripts
├── spec/          # RSpec tests (for the code in `lib`)
└── vendor/        # dependencies (gems) installed by Bundler are stored here; this is not tracked by version control

Where possible, the file structure under lib correlates to the code namespaces.