Public: Get an area bounding box.
- $1 - An optional area id.
The trunk roads are divided up into various pre-defined areas. Given an (optional) area id, this function will return the coordinates of a bounding box(es). The function will return all areas if an area id argument has not been supplied.
get_area 1
* id
* name
* description
* x_lon (South East longitude)
* x_lat (South East latitude)
* y_lon (North West longitude)
* y_lat (North West latitude)
Public: Get overall or daily quality.
- $1 - Comma seperated list of site ids. Or single site id if daily.
- $2 - ddmmyyyy start period.
- $3 - ddmmyyyy end period.
- $4 - overall or daily.
If overall quality has been specified, gets the quality in terms of a percentage score. The percentage represents aggregated site data availability for the specified time period. If daily has been specified, Gets the day by day percentage quality for each site.
Note that the orignal API contains a bug in which the overall quality is not calculated correctly. If CSV output has been specified (or jq is not present) This implementation will automatically correct for this bug.
get_quality 5688 01012018 04012018 daily
get_quality 5688,5699 01012018 04012018 overall
* date,quality (daily) or
* quality (overall)
Public: Get site report.
- $1 - Comma seperated list of site ids. Or single site id if daily.
- $2 - ddmmyyyy start period.
- $3 - ddmmyyyy end period.
- $4 - overall or daily.
This is the main part of the API. A site report consists of a number of variables for each time period (minimum 15 minute interval) covering vehicle lengths, speeds and total counts.
get_report 5688 daily 01012015 01012018
get_report 5688 daily 01012018 01012018
* site_name
* report_date
* time_period_end,
* interval
* len_0_520_cm
* len_521_660_cm
* len_661_1160_cm
* len_1160_plus_cm
* speed_0_10_mph
* speed_11_15_mph
* speed_16_20_mph
* speed_21_25_mph
* speed_26_30_mph
* speed_31_35_mph
* speed_36_40_mph
* speed_41_45_mph
* speed_46_50_mph
* speed_51_55_mph
* speed_56_60_mph
* speed_61_70_mph
* speed_71_80_mph
* speed_80_plus_mph
* speed_avg_mph
* total_vol
Public: Get sites.
- $1 - Comma seperated list of site ids. (optional)
Get all avaiable site details and status.
get_sites 5688
get_sites 5688,5689
* id
* name
* description
* longitude
* latitude
* status
Public: Get site types.
Get site types. This is static info.
* id
* description
Public: Get sites by type.
- $1 - Site type.
Filter site information by site type. Use get_site_types
function to see available options. The API currently returns:
Motorway Incident Detection and Automatic Signalling (MIDAS) Predominantly inductive loops (though there are a few sites where radar technology is being trialled)
TAME (Traffic Appraisal, Modelling and Economics) which are inductive loops
Traffic Monitoring Units (TMU) (loops)
Highways Agency’s Traffic Flow Database System (TRADS) Traffic Accident Database System (TRADS)? (legacy)
get_site_by_type 1
* id
* name
* description
* longitude
* latitude
* status
Public: Get sites in a bounding box.
- $1 - Bounding box South East Longitude
- $2 - Bounding box South East Latitude
- $3 - Bounding box North West Longitude
- $4 - Bounding box North West Latitude
Get all sites inside a defined bounding box.
get_sites_in_box 2.007464 53.344107 -2.485731 53.612572
* id
* name
* description
* longitude
* latitude
* status