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Frederic Bor edited this page Feb 9, 2020 · 5 revisions
> PFSENSE_HAPROXY_BACKEND_SERVER    (/home/fbor/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/network/pfsense/

  Manage pfSense haproxy servers

  * This module is maintained by The Ansible Community
OPTIONS (= is mandatory):

- address
  IP or hostname of the backend (only resolved on start-up.)
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- advanced
  Allows for adding custom HAProxy settings to the server. These are passed as written, use escaping where needed.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

= backend
  The backend name.

  type: str

- ca
  SSL servers only, set the CA authority to check the server certificate against.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- checkssl
  This can be used with for example a LDAPS health-checks where LDAPS is passed along with mode TCP
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- clientcert
  SSL servers only, This certificate will be sent if the server send a client certificate request.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- cookie
  Persistence only, Used to identify server when cookie persistence is configured for the backend.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- crl
  SSL servers only, set the CRL to check revoked certificates.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- forwardto
  The name of the frontend to forward. When None, forwards to address and port
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- istemplate
  If set, configures this server item as a template to provision servers from dns/srv responses.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- maxconn
  Tuning, If the number of incoming concurrent requests goes higher than this value, they will be queued
  [Default: (null)]
  type: int

- mode
  How to use the server.
  (Choices: active, backup, disabled, inactive)[Default: active]
  type: str

= name
  The server name.

  type: str

- port
  The port of the backend.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: int

- ssl
  Should haproxy encrypt the traffic to the backend with SSL (commonly used with mode http on frontend and a port 443 on backend).
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- sslserververify
  SSL servers only, The server certificate will be verified against the CA and CRL certificate configured below.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: bool

- state
  State in which to leave the backend server
  (Choices: present, absent)[Default: present]
  type: str

- verifyhost
  SSL servers only, when set, must match the hostnames in the subject and subjectAlternateNames of the certificate provided by the server.
  [Default: (null)]
  type: str

- weight
  A weight between 0 and 256, this setting can be used when multiple servers on different hardware need to be balanced with a different part the traffic. A server with weight 0 wont
  get new traffic. Default if empty: 1
  [Default: (null)]
  type: int

AUTHOR: Frederic Bor (@f-bor)
    - preview
    supported_by: community


- name: Add backend server
    backend: exchange
    port: 443
    state: present

- name: Remove backend server
    backend: exchange
    state: absent


    description: the set of commands that would be pushed to the remote device (if pfSense had a CLI)
    returned: always
    type: list
    sample: [
  "create haproxy_backend_server '' on 'exchange', status='active', address='', port=443",
  "delete haproxy_backend_server '' on 'exchange'"