IO:alert "This file should normally not be empty"
# print alert (to stderr)
IO:announce "Now starting conversion ..."
# print announcement and wait 1 second
IO:confirm "Delete intermediate file?"
# ask confirmation, default = N
IO:debug "Saving to cache ./cache/file.113.txt"
# print debug text (only if -v/--verbose was specified)
IO:die "Input is not correctly formatted"
# print error message and stop script
IO:log "Operation ended after $SECONDS seconds"
# log text to default log file
IO:print "output: ./export/names.220315.csv"
# show text (except if -q/--quiet was specified)
IO:progress "Now processing file #13 ..."
# show text but stay on same line (so next print statement overwrites it)
IO:question "What is your name?" "(unknown)"
# ask a question and return the answer
name=$(IO:question "What is your name?" "(unknown)")
IO:success "Some text"
# print text with a success checkmark
do_something_slow_in_background &
Os:busy $! "Doing the slow thing"
# show an animated spinner while process is running
Os:folder "/some/folder" 30
# prepare and cleanup a folder: create it if necessary and delete all files older than 30 days
Os:follow_link "./do_this"
# return actual path of a file, following all symbolic links
Os:notify "Start downloading ..."
# or
Os:notify "Start compiling ..." "Library Compiler"
# send notification to desktop
Os:require "ffmpeg"
Os:require "convert" "imagemagick"
Os:require "setver" "basher install pforret/setver"
# quit script when a required program is not installed yet
Os:tempfile txt
# create filename for temp file that will be deleted when scripts ends
Str:ascii "Some text"
# remove accents and diacritics from text
<<< "some text" Tool:digest <length:6>
< "some_file.txt" Tool:digest
# calculate hash/digest using MD5 and cut to N chars
Str:lower "Some Text"
# convert text to lower case: "INTÉRNÀTIONAL" -> "intérnàtional"
Str:slugify "Some text"
# reduce text to an ASCII filename-ready text
Str:title "some text"
# convert to title case: "SOME TEXT" -> "Some Text"
Str:trim " some text "
# trim space from beginning & end of text
Str:upper "Some text"
< "some_text.txt" Str:upper
# convert to upper case: "intérnàtional" -> "INTÉRNÀTIONAL"
Tool:calc "( 10 / 7 ) * 25"
# calculate
# return time as # seconds since 1 jan 1970 with microseconds (e.g.: 1651391010.385)