- Reuse some of the original crazy cat stuff for UI, but have an option to turn off the background (tone it down)
- Our goal is to have a competent, show-worthy app, but it doesn't have to be perfect
- We'd like to end up with something that people would enjoy playing with and would be good to show off to bluesky folks
- Use open source widgets / UIs wherever helpful
- Register a username
- Enforce lower case usernames
- Enforce minimum length of 3 characters
- Create / Edit user profile
- Display name / full name
Default: identicon as avatar(avatars are mandatory in profile DNA) - Upload avatar image
- Basic 1-line bio
- Location
- Search for users (by pathname/anchor)
- three character autocomplete
Disambiguation page for usernames(autocomplete in mew input)
- User Page
- Follow / Unfollow users (by agentkey on their page)
- Follow
- Unfollow
- Compose/Commit mew
- Mews Feed (with recent mews from follows)
- pagination / "load more" option
- show avatar
- show username
- show full/display name
- Link new mew from a agentkey as a post
- Ensure username uniqueness (via external namespace service?)
- Change username
- Process tweet text for grammatical components
- @user mentions
- #hashtags
- $cashtags ?
- ^links (in UI triggers a link constructor)
- Search for
- @user mentions
- #hashtags
- $cashtags
- Open social preview (e.g. thumbnail, mewmew box, etc)
- Attach / Upload Picture (file sharing mixin/zome)
- Enforce 5mb size limit (UI should auto-scale down images above it)
- Reply to mew 🗨️
- Mewmew? (Retweet without comment) ♻️
- Quote (Retweet with comment) 📢
- Favorite a mew? ❤️
- Delete a mew? 🗑
- infinite scroll on feeds
- Preview Profile
- sPin a Yarn (feature unique to clutter)
- Limit N pinned yarns (2?)
- [-] Threaded / Git/branching view for yarn (partly done)
- $cashtag transaction accounting
- tx grammar
- accounting nodes
- Update Post
- Language preference in user profile
- Future: Search mews by keywords
- Direct Messages
- Lists??
- Home page: TBD
- User page
- View/Edit my profile:
- View/Follow other user profile
- Un/follow button
- Preview user mews
- Pinned Yarns
- Mews_by(agent)
- MewsFeed(agent): coallated mews_by for the people the agent follows
- pagination for MewsFeed
- Mews which are part of a yarn have an icon/link to view source yarn
- Yarns threads / gitbranch view
V.01 / First Pass
Zome: Profile
- create_handle(string)
- create_profile(struct)
- update_profile(struct)
- view_user()
Date sorted Vector of FeedMews
enum MewType {
MewMew(HeaderHash,MewContent), // QuoteTweet
struct FullMew {}
mew_type: MewType,
mew: Option<MewContent>,
struct MewContent {
mew: String, // "Visit this web site ^link by @user about #hashtag to earn $cashtag! Also read this humm earth post ^link (as an HRL link)"
mew_links: Vec[LinkTypes], // [^links in the mewstring in sequence]
mew_images: Vec[EntryHash], //Vec of image links hashes to retrieve
enum LinkTypes {
HRL, //Holochain Resource Locator DnaHash/DhtHash<@AgentKey>
struct AuthorInfo {
handle: Profile.handle,
full_name: Profile.Firstname + Profile.Lastname,
avatar_hash: EntryHash,
struct FeedMew {
author: AuthorInfo,
time: Element.Header.TimeStamp,
mew: FullMew,
stats: Vec[u32], // counts of get_links for replies, retweets, likes
MewsFeed: Vec[FeedMews]
Use PATHS for a bunch of stuff to find things in standard places. For example:
/agent/[sharded agent_pubkey]/mews/ (links to mews)
/followers (links to agentkeys)
/following (links to agentkeys)
/licks (likes) (links to mews)
/mentions (links to mews)
/images (links to entryhashes)
/hashtag/[sharded hashtag] (links to mews)
/cashtag/[sharded cashtag] (links to mews)
/handle/[rivalrously managed namespace]/[links to agentkeys]
Other non-path links
enum FeedOptions {
About(Path), // (mentions, hashtags, cashtags, links)
authored_by: AgentPubKey
Zome: Mews
- create_mew()
- view_mew // includes replies (and related things, e.g. "quote tweets")
- mews_feed(FeedOptions) -> Vec
- mews_by(AgentPubKey)
- reply_to_mew()
Future versions Zome: Profile
- delete_handle() // leave the platform
- update_handle(string)
- preview_profile() Zome: Mews
- delete_post()
- update_post()
- Cattiness
- Cat = animal of the internet
- Mew instead of tweet
- Mewmew instead of retweet
- Mewsfeed instead of newsfeed
- Licks instead of likes
- Collar tags instead of username/handle
/.idea /.vscode
/.idea /.vscode