All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added stamp for rounding row item
- Fixed payment status after failed payment
- Added possibility to display OP Lasku calculator in product and cart page
- Fixed click listener on shortcode checkout
- Added Apple Pay support for payment page bypass
- Added supported currency notice
- Added gateway check for blocks checkout
- Fixed refund query
- Fixed subscription/saved card deletion
- Added checkout blocks support
- Added more validation for transactions in payment response
- Fixed VAT rounding problem caused by certain product price settings
- Added support for decimal values in tax rate
- Added Finnish bank reference option
- Allow selection of HTML tags in the payment description view
- Minor fixes
- Fixed test mode enablement
- Fixed test mode settings
- Removed option to generate Finnish bank reference numbers for transactions
- Added WooCommerce HPOS support
- Added new customer on-boarding flow
- Added option to generate Finnish bank reference numbers for transactions
- Improved error logging
- Changed the Cancel URL to be the 'Pay for Order' page
- Fixed tax calculations
- Fixed payment card value fields
- Fix card form
- Fix rounding rows again
- Fix rounding row negative amount fix
- Fix rounding row negative amount
- Fixed item amount type missmatch
- Added WP code linter tests
- Added update status to canceled on each error case when handling refunds
- Fixed possible race condition between redirect and callback payment processing
- Home url cleaned with esc_url
- Added 3 second delay to Paytrail API callbacks to avoid race condition in cluster environments
- Company name field added to API calls when available
- Loosened comparisons on the condition related to tax calculations when taxes amount to zero
- Add support for manual renewals of Subscriptions
- Fix an issue with rounding taxes for small amounts
- Fix calculation with zero taxes
- The order->payment_complete now happens later than before
- Fixed an issue with rounding taxes for small amounts
- Make it possible to tweak paytrail order items via apply_filters
- PHP-SDK version updated to 2.3
- Updated various libraries
- Fixed language selection issue
- Checkout page login text tweak
- Added login and registration instructions for guest users, so they can save card details
- Updated supported features
- Hide empty payment method categories
- Fixed an issue which prevented deleting saved card
- Updated Paytrail PHP-SDK to 2.2 version
- Fixed Guzzle version conflict issues by adding cUrl as a fallback option
- Updated Paytrail PHP-SDK version
- Removed symphony packages & composer installers
- Added direct link to WooCommerce logs from the settings page
- Improvements to order status checking
- Better logging for status changes and references
- Update payment method image url
- Added missing migration interface file
- Added token migration functionality for WooCommerce Subscriptions orders
- Added token migration functionality and upgrade instructions from old Checkout Finland plugin
- Reverted a code change that broke customizer options
- Updated lock files
- Added assets
- Added even more escapes to variables and options
- Added more escapes to variables and options
- Renamed some CSS classes to improve compatibility with the old Checkout Finland for WooCommerce plugin
- All initial plugin functionalities.