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File metadata and controls

123 lines (105 loc) · 3.75 KB

API Description


Preliminary v1.1 specification. Using PHP/Slim at the development server of Rain.


  1. URL:
  2. The Names of request body are not case sensitive, but names of response body are.
  3. The timezone is Europe/Berlin.

Response format of failed request

If request fails or has some warnings, the response format is as follows:

Name Type Description
Status int 0: fail
1: success
2: warning
Description string The brief description of the error or the warning


Initial Signup

[POST] /user/
Request Body
Name Required Type Description
Mail yes string E-Mail
DeviceID no string Unique device ID, You can set it later.
Response Body
Name Type Description
Status int Status
Password string Password that system generate
Token string Auth token for the session


[POST] /auth/
Request Body
Name Required Type Description
Mail yes string Mail
Password yes string Password
Response Body
Name Type Description
Status int Status
Token string Auth token for the session

Set or change user's personal infomation

[POST] /userinfo/
Request Body
Name Required Type Description
Token yes string user's token
Name no string name
Age no int age of the user
Avatar no string URL to the users avatar/picture
Weight no double Weight in kg of the user
Sportiness no int Sportiness of the user (0:low, 1:medium, 2:high)
Response Body
Name Type Description
Status int Status

Bind user and device

[POST] /bind/
Request Body
Name Required Type Description
Token yes string User's token
DeviceID yes string Bepple watch device id
Response Body
Name Type Description
Status int Status


Post Data

[POST] /happiness/
Request Body
Name Required Type Description
Token yes string Auth token that identifies the user
Timestamp yes dateTime The DateTime this datasheet is associated with
Happiness no int Happiness Likert Scale
WhoHaveYouBeenWith no int Enum that indicates who has the user been with
DidYouDoSports no boolean Indicates whether the user did any sports activity
Response Body
Name Type Description
Status int Status


Post Data

[POST] /sensor/
Request Body
Name Required Type Description
Token yes string Auth token that identifies the user
Timestamp yes dateTime The DateTime this datasheet is associated with
Steps no int The number of steps
AvgBPM no int Average Heart Rate in BPM
MinBPM no int Minimum Heart Rate in BPM
MaxBPM no int Maximum Heart Rate in BPM
AvgLightLevel no int The average ambient light level
Activity no int The current activity the user is doing
SleepSeconds no int The number of seconds the user was sleeping
PositionLat no decimal(9,6) Current lat position of the user (GPS)
PositionLon no decimal(9,6) Current lon position of the user (GPS)
Altitude no decimal(12,6) Altitude
Acc_x no int Accelerometer data on x-axis.
Acc_y no int Accelerometer data on y-axis.
Acc_z no int Accelerometer data on z-axis.
Response Body
Name Type Description
Status int Status