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语音 音频 Voice speech Sound



基于CNN的歌声合成算法论文解读 NEUTRINO


Python实现语音合成 zminoooooo 使用百度api 35:00 开始

Python文字语音播报 书童

LumenVox - Exceptional Voice Experiences u

Deep Learning for Human Language Processing (2020,Spring) Hung-yi Lee
Understanding Sound & Speakers Branch Education
Simple Voice Recorder with GUI in Python NeuralNine
深度学习-语音识别实战(Python) 网易云课堂
Valerio Velardo - The Sound of AI(u, medium, linkedin, fb, s, )
Deep Learning (for Audio) with Python(ulist, )
speech recognition pixeldev
Audacity s v doc shop 音频处理软件 v v
aeneas s git doc 用于自动同步音频和文本(也称为强制对齐)的工具
音频处理|adobe audition cc 2020|零基础教程 长安老张
音频编辑处理|Adobe Audition CC 2019|零基础教程 长安老张
文字转语音--让机器语音像人类一样自然真实 长安老张
Desmos Shenanigans Eric Tao
Simple Voice Recorder in Python NeuralNine pyaudio wave
Guitars AI u git
Multirate Signal Processing with Python Guitars AI git
Python for Beginner: Basics of Digital Audio Processing and Machine Learning using Python Guitars AI

Machine Learning for Audio Signals in Python - Full Course - Ilmenau University of Technology Guitars AI

Machine Learning for Audio Signals in Python Guitars AI git

Advanced Digital Signal Processing using Python Guitars AI git
speechbrain/speechbrain A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit s s
从语音识别到语音交互 陈伟 青云QingCloud
Talk | 字节跳动研究员董倩倩:基于单调切分的端到端同传 将门-TechBeat技术社区
Talk | 中国科学技术大学和微软亚洲研究院联合培养博士生冷燚冲:语音识别的快速纠错模型FastCorrect 将门-TechBeat技术社区
How to do entity detection on audio files with Python AssemblyAI
Audio Signal Processing for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Prabhjot Gosal
oscilloscope search
Audio Spectrum Analyzer Mark Jay
Python - Read WAV file SMN DigiTech
Audio processing in Python with Feature Extraction for machine learning Prodramp
Extract Features from Audio File | MFCC | Python Hackers Realm
Basic Sound Processing in Python | SciPy 2015 | Allen Downey Enthought
Extract Musical Notes from Audio in Python with FFT Jeff Heaton
Music Production with FL Studio – Full Tutorial for Beginners freeCodeCamp
Sorting Visualizer with Sound (JavaScript Tutorial) Radu Mariescu-Istodor
#219 Generating sounds 🎵 from the PICO! But is it music to my 👂 ears? Ralph S Bacon
AI sound bites series for media pickup Dr Alan D. Thompson
文字转语音、音频转文字软件!双向转换,完全免费开源!支持 Windows、macOS、Linux | 零度解说
注意看,这些全是 AI 配音。 Topbook
中国传媒大学__播音主持普通话语音 知识资源世界(KnowledgeWorld)

Audio Slicer 音频切片机 一个简约的 GUI 应用程序,通过静音检测对音频进行切片。

flutydeer/audio-slicer v

Transcribe Audio Files with OpenAI Whisper NeuralNine
Convert Videos To MP3 in Python NeuralNine

Audio Classify

Build a Deep Audio Classifier with Python and Tensorflow Nicholas Renotte
MIT 6.S191: Automatic Speech Recognition Alexander Amini

Complete Deep Learning

Krish Naik

Part 1-EDA-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning

Part 2-Data Preprocessing-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning

Part 3-Model Creation-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning

Part 4-Testing ANN Model-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning

语音识别, ASR, Automatic Speech Recognition

Speech to Text / Speech Recognition / Voice Recognition / Speech Detection 语音转文字

paddle speech
SpeechRecognition pypi git v
PyAudio s
Speech Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks in Keras/TensorFlow Weights & Biases
Automatic Speech Recognition - An Overview Microsoft Research s
I Built a Personal Speech Recognition System for my AI Assistant The A.I. Hacker - Michael Phi
A Basic Introduction to Speech Recognition (Hidden Markov Model & Neural Networks) Hannes van Lier
Voice Recognition As Fast As Possible Techquickie
Phoneme Detection with CNN-RNN-CTC Loss Function - Machine Learning Ali Yektaie
how speech recognition works in under 4 minutes. Sam Stork
Automatic Speech Recognition: Chapter 1 NEWTON Technologies

Lecture 9 - Speech Recognition (ASR) [Andrew Senior] Zafarullah Mahmood

Deep Learning for NLP at Oxford with Deep Mind 2017 Zafarullah Mahmood

Python Speech Recognition Project Series AssemblyAI

Speech Recognition in Python Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners freeCodeCamp

Python Speech Recognition Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

Speech Recognition in Python NeuralNine
Build your own real-time voice command recognition model with TensorFlow AssemblyAI
nobody132/masr 中文语音识别; Mandarin Automatic Speech Recognition;
Build a Twitter Hate Speech Detection Model Using Machine Learning | Python | Project For Beginners AI Sciences
Hate Speech Detection on Twitter Using Sentiment Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms. Vikas Mayurkumar Patel colab
JSALT 2020 Workshop Closing Ceremonies: Speech Recognition and Diarization for Unsegmented Multi-talker Recordings Team Presentation Center for Language and Speech (CLSP) @ JHU

Conformer-1: a new large scale/robust speech recognition model AssemblyAI

Conformer-2: A state-of-the-art speech recognition model AssemblyAI

【Whisper】免費開源語音辨識自動上字幕 字幕正確率比剪映還高!!!|下載完後無須聯網 僅需使用自己電腦處理|如何在Windows上使用Whisper The walking fish 步行魚
【Code Gym】Python 文字轉語音教學,用短短幾行程式,做出會讀文字說話的自動化服務 Code Gym
教你写一款简单的语音识别软件 程序马
语音识别小程序 识别中英文语音转文字 附python code源码 人工智障机器人
【免費!極速!上字幕!】5分鐘完成8小時的工作量! 木石mushi 剪映
阿里达摩院paraformer 中文语音识别 v
Speech recognition in Python made easy | Python Tutorial AssemblyAI
raryelcostasouza/pyTranscriber generate automatic transcription / automatic subtitles 069ba4a500


NVIDIA Jarvis Conversational AI on Python - Dr. Ahmad Bazzi(v, )
Conversational AI w/ Jarvis - checking out the API(sentdex, )
1. Live coding Jarvis Transcriptions for Speech to Text Dataset p.1(sentdex, )
2. Live coding Jarvis Transcriptions for Speech to Text Dataset p.2(sentdex, )
How to Convert Speech To Text In Python | Speech Recognition Library | 10 Lines Of Code Know-How
How To Convert Text To Speech In Python | pyttsx3 Library | Basics Of Artificial Intelligence Know-How

语音合成 SpeechSynthesis, Audio Generation

Voice Synthesis

AI Voice Synthesis NanoNomad
ai实时变音,你的声卡能否一战!#人工智能 #aigc #有ai就有无限可能 #ai AICK-KC

TTS Text to Speech

pdf to voice v
魔音工坊 s
逗哥 云浩宇 解说模式
VoiceMaker s v
NaturalReaders s 无中文 英文发音好
narakeet s s Zihan Daoming s 下载付费 带情绪 Zhiyu Yunxi Xiaoyou Xiaoxuan Xiaoxiao
IBM Watson Text to Speech s
chineseedge s 单一 高亮
imtranslator s 一般
Kukarella v s
百度 api paddlepaddle/PaddleSpeech
Balabolka s v TTS程序 api调用 不支持linux
ranchlai/mandarin-tts 中文 (普通话) 语音 合成
espeak s
ubuntu完美安装espeak支持中文和粤语 csdn caixxiong/espeak-data
clipchamp s v 语音需要从视频中提取
【全球10大机器配音软件】有声书影视解说博主利器|全球10大语音合成软件 软件侠何二
一款采用人工智能黑科技文字转流畅自然配音软件配音神器 廉飞
听书、看书、搜书(小说),一个视频教你全搞定!从此你就是大神!几千万书源,AI智能朗读 嘴哥干货
Harmonai, Dance Diffusion and The Audio Generation Revolution Weights & Biases
How to make text to speech from your own voice with python TheLazyBusyGamer
我花了15小時,就為找到這3款AI語音生成工具|AI朗读|AI虚拟主播 指令必达
【Anny讲Python】Python听书系统之语音合成技术 Python学习指南 pytts 百度api


文字轉語音,堪比人聲!100%相似,完全找不到AI的痕跡!Bing Chat將擁有長期記憶😱 ChatGPT更新! 你的攝影大哥 Davidddodle bark

2 Build Your Own Audiobooks App ! python projects 2023 ! Master Python by Building Real World Python Self Study pyttsx3
最强TTS(文本转语音)模型Bark发布 - 支持带有情感的语音,歌曲生成 -体验声音克隆功能 小薇 Official Channel huggingface space
文本转语音的逼真程度再次突破天花板!Bark横空出世 The realism of text-to-speech conversion technology reached new heights! 工具狂Toolbuddy
AI工具 免费可商用的AI克隆声音 语音合成 文字转语音 手把手教学 bark #bark #AI语音 #声音克隆 #AI克隆 #创业工具 AB视界
Ekho s git 支持linux 为Ekho添加新的声音 linuxInstall 2 编译安装
TTS技术简单介绍和Ekho(余音)TTS的安装与编程 csdn
Cloud Text-to-Speech Google Cloud
gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech) doc git
自定义声音模型 📱文字转语音--先从克隆自己的声音开始|20分钟合成自己的声音 长安老张
How to Generate Your Own Voice - Text to Speech Website Learners
Can we CLONE my voice using ML? Nicholas Renotte
I secretly used AI to clone my favourite Rapper Nicholas Renotte
NVIDIA’s Amazing AI Clones Your Voice! 🤐 Two Minute Papers
Microsoft’s New AI Clones Your Voice In 3 Seconds! Two Minute Papers
My Vocal.AI s v
AI工具 五秒声音克隆 mockingbird 支持中文 AB视界
只需5秒!就能克隆你的声音,MockingBird 轻松实现 AI 文字转语音 !附最新安装、使用教程!| 零度解说
我把自己做成了AI声库,效果太离谱了!! 给朋友打“诈骗电话”会被发现吗? | LKs
Azure 文档 microsoft
azure 语音服务文档 microsoft 语音服务定价 试用 试用精简版
azure 文本转语音 microsoft
Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk Python
Build a natural custom voice for your brand microsoft Neural TTS u
Microsoft Azure Open Course (Mandarin) By MVP张诚 Cheng Zhang
articles with label Neural TTS microsoft
articles with label Speech microsoft
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning microsoft
articles with label Cognitive Services microsoft
Neural Text to Speech extends support to 15 more languages with state-of-the-art AI quality By Qinying Liao microsoft
Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network arxiv
FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech arxiv
微软AI配音,免费的文字转音频在线工具 便利空间

voice 2 voice


voice 2 voice
AI孙燕姿 u 华语AI翻唱 u
【AI翻唱】“超详细”!Sovits4.0手把手详细教学! StarPorridge小粥
从孙燕姿的“漠河舞厅”谈生成式AI创作 Jeff科技视角 Jarret Charvis
AI孙燕姿,再次席卷乐坛。版权律师们,愁白了头。 老范讲故事
面向小白的低成本的VITS模型训练教程及注意事项 欧皇张大千 colab
Voice Cloning Tutorial with Coqui TTS and Google Colab | Fine Tune Your Own VITS Model for Free NanoNomad
一键完成Ai声音模拟和音色替换,无需训练模型 – 快速生成AI孙燕姿歌曲 小薇 Official Channel
我们做了个能对话的AI派蒙,免费给大家玩! 极客湾Geekerwan

变分推断 学习声线 VITS:

Variational Inference with adversarial learning for end-to-end Text-to-Speech

Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Adversarial Learning for End-to-End Text-to-Speech
【警告】涉及敏感內容!未公開的教學流出!隨時會刪片... #ai孫燕姿 #tuneflow #svs 咖哩哥
TuneFlow s
【超火的 AI翻唱】克隆自己的声音!全网最详细的使用教程, So-VITS-SVC 4.1 声音复制神器,完全免费!! | 零度解说
如何克隆自己的声音?如何克隆别人的声音?免安装1分钟克隆声音 关键还是免费的,支持中文英文日语韩语、AI文字转语音克隆 峰哥探世界
【GPT-SoVITS 本地整合包0306】声音克隆新纪元!1分钟完美声音克隆,完美复刻任何语音、语调、语气!效果超神! 十个骑士
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GPT-SoVITS语音克隆AI,只需一分钟素材训练模型,效果堪比商用。一键安装,附Colab脚本 | TTS | RVC|GPT-SoVITS Colab AI探索与发现

Transcribed speech(转录语音)

Transcribed speech 是将口语转录为书面语的过程,也可以理解为将已经存在的音频或视频转换为文本的过程。
LeMUR: a framework for applying powerful LLMs to transcribed speech AssemblyAI

音乐生成, Text to Music Generation

MusicLM is a GAMECHANGER for ML Text to Music Generation Nicholas Renotte
Noise2music、MusicLM:文本生成音乐效果如何? 跟李沐学AI
"壞了壞了,有了AI音樂人都沒飯吃了!“ Devin Wang
AIVA - The AI composing emotional soundtrack music v
Google's MusicLM: Text Generated Music & It's Absurdly Good bycloud
Music Creation John Tan Chong Min
资深音频人怎么看谷歌最新作曲AI,MusicLM(上集). How does a composer look at Goolge Music AI MusicLM,Episode I? Van Zeng [Audio Man]
资深音频人怎么看谷歌最新作曲AI(下集)读评论,How does a composer look at Goolge Music AI,Episode II, Read Comments Van Zeng [Audio Man]
Code Gym】Python 文字轉語音教學,用短短幾行程式,做出會讀文字說話的自動化服務
借助ChatGPT,乐盲也能轻松驾驭 Google MusicLM,Midjourney来助阵,让音乐与图像完美结合 | 回到Axton
Advanced Music Production with FL Studio – Tutorial freeCodeCamp

text to song

Voicemod声音模拟 s v

X Studio 3

X Studio 3 | 小冰公司AI合成歌声软件 最佳拍档 s doc


algoriddim s
vocal remover v s
Ultimate Vocal Remover s v
除了提取伴奏和人声、还可以提取乐器的免费开源工具! | Ultimate Vocal Remover | UVR5 忙嘞个芒

Voice Assistant

Python Voice Assistant Tech With Tim
Assistente Vocale Python - Riconoscimento Vocale con Speech Recognition e Pyttsx3 PitoneProgrammatore
Build an AI Voice Assistant with PyTorch The A.I. Hacker - Michael Phi
Build A Python Speech Assistant App Traversy Media
Intelligent Voice Assistant in Python NeuralNine
Voice Assistant with Wake Word in Python NeuralNine
Open Jarvis 大數軟體有限公司

[Open Jarvis] 如何讓Python 自動將語音轉譯成文字?

[Open Jarvis] 如何用Python 讓電腦說話?

[Open Jarvis] 如何用不到30行Python程式碼寫出「真‧對話機器人」?

[Open Jarvis] 如何讓對話機器人利用 Wikipedia 回答專業知識?

[Open Jarvis] 如何使用Python寫一個翻譯蒟蒻?