description |
语音 音频 Voice speech Sound |
Python实现语音合成 zminoooooo 使用百度api 35:00 开始
Python文字语音播报 书童
LumenVox - Exceptional Voice Experiences u
Deep Learning for Human Language Processing (2020,Spring) Hung-yi Lee |
Understanding Sound & Speakers Branch Education |
Simple Voice Recorder with GUI in Python NeuralNine |
深度学习-语音识别实战(Python) 网易云课堂 |
Valerio Velardo - The Sound of AI(u, medium, linkedin, fb, s, ) |
Deep Learning (for Audio) with Python(ulist, ) |
speech recognition pixeldev |
讯飞听见 |
Audacity s v doc shop 音频处理软件 v v |
aeneas s git doc 用于自动同步音频和文本(也称为强制对齐)的工具 |
音频处理|adobe audition cc 2020|零基础教程 长安老张 |
音频编辑处理|Adobe Audition CC 2019|零基础教程 长安老张 |
文字转语音--让机器语音像人类一样自然真实 长安老张 |
Desmos Shenanigans Eric Tao |
Simple Voice Recorder in Python NeuralNine pyaudio wave |
Guitars AI u git |
Multirate Signal Processing with Python Guitars AI git |
Python for Beginner: Basics of Digital Audio Processing and Machine Learning using Python Guitars AI |
Machine Learning for Audio Signals in Python - Full Course - Ilmenau University of Technology Guitars AI Machine Learning for Audio Signals in Python Guitars AI git |
Advanced Digital Signal Processing using Python Guitars AI git |
speechbrain/speechbrain A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit s s |
从语音识别到语音交互 陈伟 青云QingCloud |
Talk | 字节跳动研究员董倩倩:基于单调切分的端到端同传 将门-TechBeat技术社区 |
Talk | 中国科学技术大学和微软亚洲研究院联合培养博士生冷燚冲:语音识别的快速纠错模型FastCorrect 将门-TechBeat技术社区 |
How to do entity detection on audio files with Python AssemblyAI |
Audio Signal Processing for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Prabhjot Gosal |
oscilloscope search |
Audio Spectrum Analyzer Mark Jay |
Python - Read WAV file SMN DigiTech |
Audio processing in Python with Feature Extraction for machine learning Prodramp |
Extract Features from Audio File | MFCC | Python Hackers Realm |
Basic Sound Processing in Python | SciPy 2015 | Allen Downey Enthought |
Extract Musical Notes from Audio in Python with FFT Jeff Heaton |
Music Production with FL Studio – Full Tutorial for Beginners freeCodeCamp |
Sorting Visualizer with Sound (JavaScript Tutorial) Radu Mariescu-Istodor |
#219 Generating sounds 🎵 from the PICO! But is it music to my 👂 ears? Ralph S Bacon |
AI sound bites series for media pickup Dr Alan D. Thompson |
文字转语音、音频转文字软件!双向转换,完全免费开源!支持 Windows、macOS、Linux | 零度解说 |
注意看,这些全是 AI 配音。 Topbook |
中国传媒大学__播音主持普通话语音 知识资源世界(KnowledgeWorld) |
Audio Slicer 音频切片机 一个简约的 GUI 应用程序,通过静音检测对音频进行切片。 flutydeer/audio-slicer v |
Transcribe Audio Files with OpenAI Whisper NeuralNine |
Convert Videos To MP3 in Python NeuralNine |
Build a Deep Audio Classifier with Python and Tensorflow Nicholas Renotte |
MIT 6.S191: Automatic Speech Recognition Alexander Amini |
Complete Deep Learning Krish Naik Part 1-EDA-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning Part 2-Data Preprocessing-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning Part 3-Model Creation-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning Part 4-Testing ANN Model-Audio Classification Project Using Deep Learning |
Speech to Text / Speech Recognition / Voice Recognition / Speech Detection 语音转文字
vosk |
paddle speech |
SpeechRecognition pypi git v |
PyAudio s |
Speech Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks in Keras/TensorFlow Weights & Biases |
Automatic Speech Recognition - An Overview Microsoft Research s |
I Built a Personal Speech Recognition System for my AI Assistant The A.I. Hacker - Michael Phi |
A Basic Introduction to Speech Recognition (Hidden Markov Model & Neural Networks) Hannes van Lier |
Voice Recognition As Fast As Possible Techquickie |
Phoneme Detection with CNN-RNN-CTC Loss Function - Machine Learning Ali Yektaie |
how speech recognition works in under 4 minutes. Sam Stork |
Automatic Speech Recognition: Chapter 1 NEWTON Technologies |
Lecture 9 - Speech Recognition (ASR) [Andrew Senior] Zafarullah Mahmood Deep Learning for NLP at Oxford with Deep Mind 2017 Zafarullah Mahmood |
Python Speech Recognition Project Series AssemblyAI |
Speech Recognition in Python Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners freeCodeCamp Python Speech Recognition Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners |
Speech Recognition in Python NeuralNine |
Build your own real-time voice command recognition model with TensorFlow AssemblyAI |
nobody132/masr 中文语音识别; Mandarin Automatic Speech Recognition; |
Build a Twitter Hate Speech Detection Model Using Machine Learning | Python | Project For Beginners AI Sciences |
Hate Speech Detection on Twitter Using Sentiment Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms. Vikas Mayurkumar Patel colab |
JSALT 2020 Workshop Closing Ceremonies: Speech Recognition and Diarization for Unsegmented Multi-talker Recordings Team Presentation Center for Language and Speech (CLSP) @ JHU |
Conformer-1: a new large scale/robust speech recognition model AssemblyAI Conformer-2: A state-of-the-art speech recognition model AssemblyAI |
【Whisper】免費開源語音辨識自動上字幕 字幕正確率比剪映還高!!!|下載完後無須聯網 僅需使用自己電腦處理|如何在Windows上使用Whisper The walking fish 步行魚 |
【Code Gym】Python 文字轉語音教學,用短短幾行程式,做出會讀文字說話的自動化服務 Code Gym |
教你写一款简单的语音识别软件 程序马 |
语音识别小程序 识别中英文语音转文字 附python code源码 人工智障机器人 |
【免費!極速!上字幕!】5分鐘完成8小時的工作量! 木石mushi 剪映 |
阿里达摩院paraformer 中文语音识别 v |
Speech recognition in Python made easy | Python Tutorial AssemblyAI |
pyTranscriber | ||
raryelcostasouza/pyTranscriber generate automatic transcription / automatic subtitles | 069ba4a500 | |
NVIDIA Jarvis Conversational AI on Python - Dr. Ahmad Bazzi(v, ) |
Conversational AI w/ Jarvis - checking out the API(sentdex, ) |
1. Live coding Jarvis Transcriptions for Speech to Text Dataset p.1(sentdex, ) |
2. Live coding Jarvis Transcriptions for Speech to Text Dataset p.2(sentdex, ) |
How to Convert Speech To Text In Python | Speech Recognition Library | 10 Lines Of Code Know-How |
How To Convert Text To Speech In Python | pyttsx3 Library | Basics Of Artificial Intelligence Know-How |
Voice Synthesis
AI Voice Synthesis NanoNomad |
ai实时变音,你的声卡能否一战!#人工智能 #aigc #有ai就有无限可能 #ai AICK-KC |
pdf to voice v |
魔音工坊 s |
逗哥 云浩宇 解说模式 |
VoiceMaker s v |
NaturalReaders s 无中文 英文发音好 |
narakeet s s Zihan Daoming | s 下载付费 带情绪 Zhiyu Yunxi Xiaoyou Xiaoxuan Xiaoxiao |
IBM Watson Text to Speech s |
chineseedge s 单一 高亮 |
imtranslator s 一般 |
Kukarella v s |
百度 api paddlepaddle/PaddleSpeech |
Balabolka s v TTS程序 api调用 不支持linux |
ranchlai/mandarin-tts 中文 (普通话) 语音 合成 |
espeak s |
ubuntu完美安装espeak支持中文和粤语 csdn caixxiong/espeak-data |
clipchamp s v 语音需要从视频中提取 |
【全球10大机器配音软件】有声书影视解说博主利器|全球10大语音合成软件 软件侠何二 |
一款采用人工智能黑科技文字转流畅自然配音软件配音神器 廉飞 |
听书、看书、搜书(小说),一个视频教你全搞定!从此你就是大神!几千万书源,AI智能朗读 嘴哥干货 |
Harmonai, Dance Diffusion and The Audio Generation Revolution Weights & Biases |
语音合成-腾讯云 |
How to make text to speech from your own voice with python TheLazyBusyGamer |
我花了15小時,就為找到這3款AI語音生成工具|AI朗读|AI虚拟主播 指令必达 |
【Anny讲Python】Python听书系统之语音合成技术 Python学习指南 pytts 百度api |
suno-ai/bark 文字轉語音,堪比人聲!100%相似,完全找不到AI的痕跡!Bing Chat將擁有長期記憶😱 ChatGPT更新! 你的攝影大哥 Davidddodle bark |
2 Build Your Own Audiobooks App ! python projects 2023 ! Master Python by Building Real World Python Self Study pyttsx3 |
最强TTS(文本转语音)模型Bark发布 - 支持带有情感的语音,歌曲生成 -体验声音克隆功能 小薇 Official Channel huggingface space |
文本转语音的逼真程度再次突破天花板!Bark横空出世 The realism of text-to-speech conversion technology reached new heights! 工具狂Toolbuddy |
AI工具 免费可商用的AI克隆声音 语音合成 文字转语音 手把手教学 bark #bark #AI语音 #声音克隆 #AI克隆 #创业工具 AB视界 |
Ekho s git 支持linux 为Ekho添加新的声音 linuxInstall 2 编译安装 |
TTS技术简单介绍和Ekho(余音)TTS的安装与编程 csdn |
Cloud Text-to-Speech Google Cloud |
gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech) doc git |
自定义声音模型 📱文字转语音--先从克隆自己的声音开始|20分钟合成自己的声音 长安老张 |
How to Generate Your Own Voice - Text to Speech Website Learners |
Can we CLONE my voice using ML? Nicholas Renotte |
I secretly used AI to clone my favourite Rapper Nicholas Renotte |
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning |
NVIDIA’s Amazing AI Clones Your Voice! 🤐 Two Minute Papers |
Microsoft’s New AI Clones Your Voice In 3 Seconds! Two Minute Papers |
My Vocal.AI s v |
AI工具 五秒声音克隆 mockingbird 支持中文 AB视界 |
只需5秒!就能克隆你的声音,MockingBird 轻松实现 AI 文字转语音 !附最新安装、使用教程!| 零度解说 |
我把自己做成了AI声库,效果太离谱了!! 给朋友打“诈骗电话”会被发现吗? | LKs |
Azure 文档 microsoft |
azure 语音服务文档 microsoft 语音服务定价 试用 试用精简版 |
azure 文本转语音 microsoft |
Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk Python |
Build a natural custom voice for your brand microsoft Neural TTS u |
Microsoft Azure Open Course (Mandarin) By MVP张诚 Cheng Zhang |
articles with label Neural TTS microsoft |
articles with label Speech microsoft |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning microsoft |
articles with label Cognitive Services microsoft |
Neural Text to Speech extends support to 15 more languages with state-of-the-art AI quality By Qinying Liao microsoft |
Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network arxiv |
FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech arxiv |
微软AI配音,免费的文字转音频在线工具 便利空间 |
voice 2 voice |
AI孙燕姿 u 华语AI翻唱 u |
【AI翻唱】“超详细”!Sovits4.0手把手详细教学! StarPorridge小粥 |
从孙燕姿的“漠河舞厅”谈生成式AI创作 Jeff科技视角 Jarret Charvis |
AI孙燕姿,再次席卷乐坛。版权律师们,愁白了头。 老范讲故事 |
面向小白的低成本的VITS模型训练教程及注意事项 欧皇张大千 colab |
Voice Cloning Tutorial with Coqui TTS and Google Colab | Fine Tune Your Own VITS Model for Free NanoNomad |
一键完成Ai声音模拟和音色替换,无需训练模型 – 快速生成AI孙燕姿歌曲 小薇 Official Channel |
我们做了个能对话的AI派蒙,免费给大家玩! 极客湾Geekerwan |
变分推断 学习声线 VITS: Variational Inference with adversarial learning for end-to-end Text-to-Speech |
Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Adversarial Learning for End-to-End Text-to-Speech |
【警告】涉及敏感內容!未公開的教學流出!隨時會刪片... #ai孫燕姿 #tuneflow #svs 咖哩哥 |
TuneFlow s |
svc-develop-team/so-vits-svc |
【超火的 AI翻唱】克隆自己的声音!全网最详细的使用教程, So-VITS-SVC 4.1 声音复制神器,完全免费!! | 零度解说 |
如何克隆自己的声音?如何克隆别人的声音?免安装1分钟克隆声音 关键还是免费的,支持中文英文日语韩语、AI文字转语音克隆 峰哥探世界 |
【GPT-SoVITS 本地整合包0306】声音克隆新纪元!1分钟完美声音克隆,完美复刻任何语音、语调、语气!效果超神! 十个骑士 |
只需一小时,完美克隆你自己!最新中文AI数字人制作教程, 手机可搞定的AI数字人分身, 中文领域秒杀Heygen数字人 clone yourself perfectly within one hour 靜電的AI設計教室 |
GPT-SoVITS语音克隆AI,只需一分钟素材训练模型,效果堪比商用。一键安装,附Colab脚本 | TTS | RVC|GPT-SoVITS Colab AI探索与发现 |
Transcribed speech 是将口语转录为书面语的过程,也可以理解为将已经存在的音频或视频转换为文本的过程。 |
LeMUR: a framework for applying powerful LLMs to transcribed speech AssemblyAI |
MusicLM is a GAMECHANGER for ML Text to Music Generation Nicholas Renotte |
Noise2music、MusicLM:文本生成音乐效果如何? 跟李沐学AI |
"壞了壞了,有了AI音樂人都沒飯吃了!“ Devin Wang |
AIVA - The AI composing emotional soundtrack music v |
Google's MusicLM: Text Generated Music & It's Absurdly Good bycloud |
Music Creation John Tan Chong Min |
资深音频人怎么看谷歌最新作曲AI,MusicLM(上集). How does a composer look at Goolge Music AI MusicLM,Episode I? Van Zeng [Audio Man] |
资深音频人怎么看谷歌最新作曲AI(下集)读评论,How does a composer look at Goolge Music AI,Episode II, Read Comments Van Zeng [Audio Man] |
【Code Gym】Python 文字轉語音教學,用短短幾行程式,做出會讀文字說話的自動化服務 |
借助ChatGPT,乐盲也能轻松驾驭 Google MusicLM,Midjourney来助阵,让音乐与图像完美结合 | 回到Axton |
Advanced Music Production with FL Studio – Tutorial freeCodeCamp |
Voicemod声音模拟 s v |
X Studio 3 | 小冰公司AI合成歌声软件 最佳拍档 s doc |
algoriddim s |
vocal remover v s |
Ultimate Vocal Remover s v |
除了提取伴奏和人声、还可以提取乐器的免费开源工具! | Ultimate Vocal Remover | UVR5 忙嘞个芒 |
Python Voice Assistant Tech With Tim |
search_query=Python+Voice+Assistant |
Azure-Samples/Cognitive-Services-Voice-Assistant |
Assistente Vocale Python - Riconoscimento Vocale con Speech Recognition e Pyttsx3 PitoneProgrammatore |
Build an AI Voice Assistant with PyTorch The A.I. Hacker - Michael Phi |
Build A Python Speech Assistant App Traversy Media |
Intelligent Voice Assistant in Python NeuralNine |
Voice Assistant with Wake Word in Python NeuralNine |
Open Jarvis 大數軟體有限公司
[Open Jarvis] 如何讓Python 自動將語音轉譯成文字?
[Open Jarvis] 如何用Python 讓電腦說話?
[Open Jarvis] 如何用不到30行Python程式碼寫出「真‧對話機器人」?
[Open Jarvis] 如何讓對話機器人利用 Wikipedia 回答專業知識?
[Open Jarvis] 如何使用Python寫一個翻譯蒟蒻?