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强化学习 让我以另一种方式玩游戏吧



DQN in Pytorch Stream 3 of N | Atari Breakout + Logging and Monitoring

DeepMind Made A Superhuman AI For 57 Atari Games! 🕹 Two Minute Papers

Python Flappy Bird AI Tutorial (with NEAT) - Creating the Bird

A.I. Flappy Bird without Libraries from SCRATCH (Python/PyCharm) Max Teaches Tech

How to Solve a Basic Reinforcement Learning Example | RL Hello World

An introduction to Reinforcement Learning


腾讯开悟(s, ) Reinforcement Learning(quora, )


OpenAI(site, git, Baselines, GPT-3) openai Research index s
OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society ABC News
Sam Altman: OpenAI CEO on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the Future of AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #367
Breakthrough potential of AI | Sam Altman | MIT 2023 Imagination in Action
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testifies at Senate artificial intelligence hearing | full video CBS News
LIVE: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testifies during Senate hearing on AI oversight — 05/16/23 CNBC Television
Open AI CEO第一次国会听证会内容介绍 Jeff科技视角
【OpenAI】萨姆奥特曼 Sam Altman出席国会听证会 | 积极拥抱政府监管 | AI企业要上牌照 | 建议成立国际组织 | AI将创造更多就业 | 不为赚钱只因热爱 最佳拍档


Yuxi Li(u, ) Code Bullet(u, )
ClarityCoders u Greer Viau(u, )
DeepMind u Machine Learning with Phil u
Lex Fridman u 蓝仔的十八般武艺 抖音号: lanzai8888
Shusen Wang u en AI探长 抖音号: AITanzhang
Yifei Hu u Emergent Garden u
学渣程序员 抖音号:67129424878 Edan Meyer u
AI Prism u Saasha Nair u
Pourquoi (布瓜的世界) u


强化学习基础(本科课程)-北京邮电大学 刘先生
秒懂强化学习 Reinforcement Learning 莫烦Python
强化学习 Reinforcement Learning Python 教学 教程 莫烦Python
什么是深度强化学习(DRL)?【知多少】 KnowingAI知智
什么是强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)?【知多少】KnowingAI知智
在Unity環境中訓練強化學習AI! AI葵
Tim & Heinrich — Democraticizing Reinforcement Learning Research Weights & Biases
Train AI to Play Snake – Reinforcement Learning Course (Python, PyTorch, Pygame) freeCodeCamp
Reinforcement learning with Snake-RL - Made with TensorFlow.js TensorFlow
Algorithmic SNAKES! (AI compilation) AlphaPhoenix
How does electricity find the "Path of Least Resistance"? AlphaPhoenix
贪吃蛇游戏数学算法人工智能AI创造世界纪录 Oziter茅 哈密尔顿回路
代码编程 Oziter茅 华容道
分步详解C语言贪吃蛇游戏 大雄的公开课
【Python】60行搞定贪吃蛇小游戏 Bennett Poitier
【python游戏编程教程】【小白友好版】贪吃蛇 Stephanie_程序媛 五子棋 三子棋 联机
我用30天写了一个完美的贪吃蛇AI 林亦LYi
MIT 6.S191: Reinforcement Learning Alexander Amini list
AI Learns to Play Normalized Nerd
Deep Maths - machine learning and mathematics Oxford Mathematics

Using AI to accelerate scientific discovery - Demis Hassabis (Crick Insight Lecture Series)


DeepMind x UCL | Reinforcement Learning Course 2018 DeepMind
Alpha Go weibin zhuang
CS885 Reinforcement Learning - Spring 2020 Pascal Poupart
CS885 Reinforcement Learning - Spring 2018 - University of Waterloo Pascal Poupart

CS234: Reinforcement Learning

深度强化学习完整版-2020秋-UC Berkeley CS285 by Sergey Levine Math4AI
Reinforcement Learning with Python(Nicholas Renotte)
A.I. Learns to play Flappy Bird(Code Bullet)
AI Learns to play... Code Bullet
AI is programmed to play... Code Bullet
AI Plays Flappy Bird - NEAT Python Tech With Tim
Python Pong AI Tutorial - Using NEAT Tech With Tim
Neural Network Learns to Play Snake Greer Viau
Reinforcement Learning Yannic Kilcher RE•WORK NPTEL-NOC IITM
Reinforcement Learning - Goal Oriented Intelligence deeplizard
Reinforcement Learning - Developing Intelligent Agents deeplizard
MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games SethBling
MarIQ -- Q-Learning Neural Network for Mario Kart -- 2M Sub Special SethBling
Reinforcement Learning - David Silver
Reinforcement Learning by David Silver 道法自然
Reinforcement Learning - Emma Brunskill | Stanford - OnlineHub Rahul Madhavan
reinforcement learning Matlab Raony Maia Fontes
秒懂强化学习 Reinforcement Learning 莫烦Python
强化学习基础(张志华)-北京大学 刘先生
深度强化学习基础 Shusen Wang
决胜AI-强化学习实战系列视频课程 唐宇迪 网易云课堂
讓人工智慧玩捉迷藏,最後居然發展出連人類都想不到的策略!? | 一探啾竟 第80集 | 啾啾鞋
OpenAI Plays Hide and Seek…and Breaks The Game! 🤖 Two Minute Papers
這是我看過最廢的人工智慧了... 啾啾鞋
CS 294-112 Deep Reinforcement Learning UC Berkeley coursehero eecs CAL ESG - EECS reddit
Python Bots Playing Games and More!! ClarityCoders
A.I. Battles ClarityCoders
Python Reinforcement Learning using Gymnasium – Full Course freeCodeCamp
Reinforcement Learning Course: Intro to Advanced Actor Critic Methods freeCodeCamp
Reinforcement Learning Course - Full Machine Learning Tutorial freeCodeCamp
Python AI Learns to Play the Chrome Dinosaur Game | Made with Pygame and NEAT enigma git
Build a Chrome Dino Game AI Model with Python | AI Learns to Play Dino Game Nicholas Renotte

Python A.I. (N.E.A.T.) Max teaches Tech

Chrome Dinosaur in Pygame Max teaches Tech

Pygame Tutorials Max teaches Tech

Python AI Learns To Play Flappy Bird! | Python NEAT and Pygame enigma git
Flappy Bird Tutorial Max teaches Tech
Intro to Reinforcement Learning 强化学习纲要 Bolei Zhou git
Reinforcement Learning sentdex
Reinforcement Learning with Stable Baselines 3 sentdex
Physics Simulator w/ Robot Dog sentdex
Starcraft 2 AI sentdex
永不坠落的小鸟—游戏中的人工智能 开发者学堂
An introduction to Reinforcement Learning Arxiv Insights
Reinforcement Learning with sparse rewards Arxiv Insights
An introduction to Policy Gradient methods - Deep Reinforcement Learning Arxiv Insights
Learning to Walk via Deep Reinforcement Learning Jie Tan
Equivariant RL Simons Institute

What is the Statistical Complexity of Reinforcement Learning?


Simons Institute

AI Learns To Draw New Pokemon Jabrils
Making My First Machine Learning Game Jabrils
Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning DeepPavlov

This AI Learned Boxing…With Serious Knockout Power! 🥊 Two Minute Papers

Control Strategies for Physically Simulated Characters Performing Two-player Competitive Sports Meta Research

Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python Tutorial - A Course on How to Implement Deep Learning Papers freeCodeCamp
Q Learning In Reinforcement Learning | Q Learning Example | Machine Learning Tutorial | Simplilearn
Artificial Intelligence Lessons Dr. Daniel Soper
Reinforcement Learning Steve Brunton
Reinforcement learning with TensorFlow Agents TensorFlow
TensorFlow and deep reinforcement learning, without a PhD (Google I/O '18) TensorFlow
The fastest matrix multiplication algorithm Dr. Trefor Bazett
Deep Reinforcement Learning: CS 285 Fall 2021 (UC Berkeley) RAIL
Deep Reinforcement Learning: CS 285 Fall 2020 RAIL
David Silver: AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and Deep Reinforcement Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #86 Lex Fridman
AI's Game Playing Challenge - Computerphile
Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I. ColdFusion
Teach AI To Play Snake! Reinforcement Learning With PyTorch and Pygame Python Engineer
Download Practical AI with Python and Reinforcement Learning tut4dev
NVIDIA’s New AI Trained For 10 Years! But How? 🤺 Two Minute Papers
NVIDIA’s AI Plays Minecraft After 33 Years of Training! 🤖 Two Minute Papers
DeepMind Makes Prototyping Papers Easy with ACME Machine Learning with Phil
Deep Reinforcement Learning Tutorials - All Videos Machine Learning with Phil
Advanced Actor Critic and Policy Gradient Methods Machine Learning with Phil
Learning RL Algorithms via ML Edan Meyer
Research Talk: Dueling network architectures for deep reinforcement learning Stanford Scholar
Tutorial - Search Solutions 2020 - IRSG BCS Member Groups
혁펜하임의 “트이는” 강화 학습 (Reinforcement learning) 혁펜하임
Code Frozen Game Using Reinforcement Learning | OpenAI Gym | Python Project AI Sciences
Creating binance trading bot GUI | Python | Live trading AI Sciences
Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning AI Sciences
深度強化學習簡介 (Deep Reinforcement Learning) Kuan-Ting Lai
Taipei Tech Deep Reinforcement Learning Kuan-Ting Lai
Ubisoft’s New AI: Breathing Life Into Games! Two Minute Papers
Superintelligence: Science or Fiction? | Elon Musk & Other Great Minds Future of Life Institute

Reinforcement Learning in 3 Hours

Reinforcement Learning Fundamentals Mutual Information
Reinforcement Learning AI Insights - Rituraj Kaushik
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Advanced AI Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python

[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning in Python

[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning in Python

Reinforcement Learning Krish Naik
Data-driven Optimization Workshop: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Supply Chain Optimizations Microsoft Research
【强化学习的数学原理】课程视频合集(从零开始透彻理解强化学习)Aerial robotics @ Westlake University
Talk | 悉尼科技大学在读博士生胡思逸:MARLlib,全新的多智能体强化学习框架 将门-TechBeat技术社区
Reinforcement Learning for Simple UAV Navigation Huy Pham

Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction pdf stanford Second edition, in progress


Richard S. Sutton和Andrew G. Barto的《强化学习导论》一书全面介绍了强化学习领域。该书涵盖价值函数、蒙特卡罗方法、时序差分学习和策略梯度等主题。



Learning From Passive Data Explained Edan Meyer


Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning arxiv pdf pdf 2013.12
Reinforcement Learning - Ep. 30 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED) DeepLearning.TV
CURL: Contrastive Unsupervised Representations for Reinforcement Learning Machine Learning Street Talk
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback: From Zero to chatGPT HuggingFace
John Schulman - Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback: Progress and Challenges Berkeley EECS
How ChatGPT works - From Transformers to Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) John Tan Chong Min
RLHF+CHATGPT: What you must know Machine Learning Street Talk
AI Safety, RLHF, and Self-Supervision - Jared Kaplan | Stanford MLSys #79 Stanford MLSys Seminars
【分享】State of GPT(GPT的现状)中文字幕精校版 | Andrej Karpathy 微软Build大会精彩演讲 | GPT状态和原理 | 解密OpenAI模型训练 最佳拍档
【機器學習 2023】(生成式 AI) Hung-yi Lee
RL — Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Explained medium
强化学习与ChatGPT:PPO 算法介绍和实际应用(中文介绍) Pourquoi (布瓜的世界)
Python Reinforcement Learning using Stable baselines. Mario PPO ClarityCoders
Google AI Simulates Evolution On A Computer! 🦖 Two Minute Papers

具身智能 Embodied AI

【人工智能】具身智能:下一个AI浪潮 | 稚晖君 | Embodied AI | 什么是具身智能 | 目前发展阶段 | 挑战与困难 | 智元远征A1机器人 最佳拍档


【人工智能】全新AI智能体Voyager | 自己学会玩minecraft | 全场景终身学习 | 性能完胜AutoGPT | 英伟达Nvidia最新发布 | NPC取代人类玩家 最佳拍档 无梯度架构 终身学习
arxiv MineDojo/Voyager
NVIDIA’s New AI Mastered Minecraft 15X Faster! Two Minute Papers


DQN_HollowKnight(git, v, )
快手斗地主 DouZero(arxiv, git, s, reddit, paperswithcode, dczha, ) v
俄罗斯方块Tetris AI Learns to Play Tetris [Cocos Creator/TypeScript] Archi Tsai
Coding Adventure: Chess AI Sebastian Lague
How To Hack The Google Chrome Dinosaur Game [PYTHON] | Only 10 Lines Of Coding | Pyautogui | Numpy Know-How
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python Tutorial freeCodeCamp
AI's Game Playing Challenge - Computerphile
AlphaStar: The inside story DeepMind
David Silver: AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and Deep Reinforcement Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #86 Lex Fridman
AlphaZero from Scratch – Machine Learning Tutorial freeCodeCamp
The story of AlphaGo DeepMind
AlphaGo full movie HD Zucci
阿尔法狗用什么算法击败李世石?《阿尔法围棋》 | 看电影了没
DeepMind AlphaStar Analysis and Impressions (StarCraft II) brownbear
StarCraft 2: Google DeepMind AlphaStar (A.I.) vs Pro Gamer! LowkoTV
Reinforcement Learning for Stock Prediction Siraj Raval
DeepMind's New AI: As Smart As An Engineer... Kind Of! 🤯 Two Minute Papers
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning ForrestKnight
Coding Challenge #71: Minesweeper The Coding Train
How to play Minesweeper Eric Buffington
Python Game Development Project Using OOP – Minesweeper Tutorial (w/ Tkinter) freeCodeCamp
蘑菇书 Easy RL 强化学习教程 s epubit datawhalechina/easy-rl errata db
Reinforcement Learning in 3 Hours | Full Course using Python Nicholas Renotte
Discovering novel algorithms with AlphaTensor deepmind v
Deepmind AlphaTensor Algorithmic Discovery with AI | Paper + Code Simon Lermen AI
【線性代數 2022 (課程補充)】AlphaTensor: 用增強式學習 (Reinforcement Learning) 找出更有效率的矩陣相乘演算法 Hung-yi Lee

DRL, Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2018 Hung-yi Lee

ML Lecture 23-1: Deep Reinforcement Learning Hung-yi Lee

Machine Learning (Hung-yi Lee, NTU) Hung-yi Lee

This is a game changer! (AlphaTensor by DeepMind explained) Yannic Kilcher
AlphaFold 2 论文精读【论文精读】 Mu Li
Deep Reinforcement Learning with OpenAI Gym in Python NeuralNine
格斗之王!AI写出来的AI竟然这么强! 林亦LYi
DeepMind’s AI Athletes Play In The Real World! Two Minute Papers colab





rl + 无人机

{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/Bilgin E. Mastering Reinforcement Learning with Python 2021.pdf" %}