description |
机器视觉 |
这张计算机界最流行的图像,为什么成了学术期刊不敢碰的禁忌? 量子位
Paper_Reading_List |
极市平台 | |
Supervisely(u, ) | ComputerVisionFoundation Videos(u, ) |
Raúl Mur Artal(u, ) | 小无敌技术讲堂(u, ) |
Denis Dmitriev(u, ) | Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI(u, ) |
Jeremy Howard u | Apeer_micro u |
James Briggs u | 恩培 抖音号: enpeizhao git |
AINTU-人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合研究中心 u | |
Computer vision engineer u |
faceai 一款入门级的人脸、视频、文字检测以及识别的项目
李飞飞: 我们怎么教计算机理解图片? TED |
MAE 论文逐段精读【论文精读】 Mu Li |
How computers learn to recognize objects instantly | Joseph Redmon TED |
机器视觉-2020北邮远程课 刘先生 git |
CS 198-126: Modern Computer Vision Fall 2022 (UC Berkeley) Machine Learning at Berkeley |
CS231n Winter 2016(Andrej Karpathy, ) |
CS231N-2016 Alex 2017 Mansoor Mughal Stanford University School of Engineering |
圖象處理編程知識 | 如何為圖象去除Alpha透明通道?網上廣傳的方法是錯的,小心! 解密遊俠 |
Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition - Fei Fei Li | Stanford University Rahul Madhavan |
Fei-Fei Li & Demis Hassabis: Using AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery Stanford HAI |
Full Stack Computer Vision Tutorial with Tensorflow, Python (Nicholas Renotte) |
曲线高级用法【裹小脚的大叔】08:10 |
遥感数字图像处理-朱文泉(北京师范大学)中国大学MOOC-慕课 |
Image Analysis in Python with SciPy and scikit-image | SciPy 2018 Tutorial | Stefan van der Walt |
Cmputer Vision Yannic Kilcher RE•WORK |
Deep Learning for Computer Vision NPTEL-NOC IITM |
Deep Learning for Computer Vision Michigan Online |
Build An Image Editor in HTML CSS & JavaScript | Image Editor in JavaScript CodingNepal |
图像处理与分析 武汉大学 贾永红 电子工程世界 共41课时 6小时4分9秒 |
数字图像处理 天津理工大学 电子工程世界 共49课时 1天4小时20分39秒 |
Advanced Computer Vision with Python - Full Course 6:40:40 |
Images Computer Science |
RGB Colour Mixer Application Computer Science |
Introduction to Computer Vision | Udacity |
Why do computers use RGB for colors, and not RBY? Fireship |
Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning DigitalSreeni |
Introductory python tutorials for image processing Apeer_micro |
Image Annotation for Machine Learning Apeer_micro |
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of JPEG: A Signal Processing Approach Reducible |
How PNG Works: Compromising Speed for Quality Reducible |
Huffman Codes: An Information Theory Perspective Reducible Data Compression |
Image processing with python DigitalSreeni |
Image filters in python DigitalSreeni |
Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning DigitalSreeni |
Hyperspectral Image Processing 李政軒 高光谱图像处理 |
Fun Python Exercise - Convert Numbers to Images with NumPy, OpenCV and Pillow Python Simplified |
网络视频监控技术-任帅(长安大学) 中国大学MOOC-慕课 |
Image Localization: Explanation + Code in TensorFlow (And how to make Multi-Output Models!) Greg Hogg |
Introduction to SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) opencv |
Computer Vision Yannic Kilcher |
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Deep Learning and Computer Vision A-Z™ OpenCV, SSD & GANs |
Computer Vision Tutorial Krish Naik |
Introduction to AI & Neural Networks Luci Date |
AI 產業訓練課程 國網中心NCHC |
Vision Transformers (ViT) Explained + Fine-tuning in Python James Briggs |
AI Image Manipulation NanoNomad |
pillow | ||
doc | git |
pip install mediapipe
import mediapipe as mp
Mediapipe s s git u doc |
一小时学习python和mediapipe it coding man |
利用MMediapipe和DGL实现火影结印识别与追踪---特殊手势识别 csdn |
恩培 抖音号: enpeizhao git |
AI Face Body and Hand Pose Detection with Python and Mediapipe Nicholas Renotte |
Latest 3D OBJECT DETECTION with 30+ FPS on CPU - MediaPipe and OpenCV Python The Coding Lib |
MediaPipe - AI机器学习套件介绍 陈荣政 |
【python】OpenCV + MediaPipe 手部追踪 | GrandmaCan -我阿嬷都会 git |
Exercise Rep Counter using OpenCV | Python | Computer Vision | Machine Learning AI Sciences |
Push-up counter using Mediapipe python I know python |
pip install opencv-python
import cv2
OpenCVTutorials(u, ) | doc 2.4 4.x OpenCV-Python Tutorials |
doc OpenCV-Python Tutorials | Introduction to OpenCV-Python Tutorials doc |
Public LIVE: Code Walkthrough (OpenCV using Python)
LEARN OPENCV C++ in 4 HOURS | Including 3x Example Projects Win/Mac (2021)
OpenCV Python Course - Learn Computer Vision and AI freeCodeCamp |
OpenCV Python Tutorial For Beginners ProgrammingKnowledge |
OpenCV 3 Hour Course linuxhint |
Image Processing - OpenCV and Matlab - Training | Projects - Pantech E Learning |
OpenCV基础入门 覃秉丰 |
OpenCV with Python for Image and Video Analysis sentdex |
Computer Vision - OpenCV ClarityCoders |
Android Development with OpenCV doc |
教程 Python 和 OpenCV 图像处理基础(2 小时!) Kong Ruksiam สอน Python & OpenCV Image Processing เบื้องต้น (2 ชั่วโมงเต็ม!) |
【python】opencv 2小时初学者教程 GrandmaCan -我阿嬤都會 git |
OpenCV 3.4 with Python 3 Tutorial Pysource |
Images Comparison with Opencv and Python Pysource |
Gaze controlled keyboard with Opencv and Python Pysource |
Neural Networks from Scratch with Python and Opencv Pysource |
OpenCV Course - Full Tutorial with Python freeCodeCamp |
OpenCV视觉处理核心课程 Min Yuan |
影像處理 數老的肺炎教室 |
Hand Distance Measurement with Normal Webcam + Game | OpenCV Python Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI |
35行python代码100万?人工智能光速入门 小波说xiaoboswift |
Using OpenCV with MFC s search |
OpenCV and Python ibrahimokdadov |
OpenCV Python Tutorials Tech With Tim |
OpenCV Up Degree |
Python Open CV World of Python |
OpenCV and Python Projects TheCodingBug |
HALCON Tutorials mvtecsoftware | ||
将门创投 | 微软亚洲研究院胡瀚:图像识别中的非网格化网络 将门-TechBeat技术社区 | ||
Multi Class Image Classification Kan Fusheng | Leaf Disease Classification Using PyTorch Abhishek Thakur | 3D Image Classification from CT Scans - Keras Code Examples Connor Shorten |
OpenAI's CLIP for Zero Shot Image Classification James Briggs | Fast Zero Shot Object Detection with OpenAI CLIP James Briggs | Image classification from scratch - Keras Code Examples Connor Shorten |
Image classification with Python and Scikit learn | Computer vision tutorial Computer vision engineer | Image Classification with Neural Networks in Python NeuralNine | |
Build a Deep CNN Image Classifier with ANY Images Nicholas Renotte |
How AI Image Generators Work (Stable Diffusion / Dall-E) - Computerphile |
AI绘画系列 PiPi哈皮 |
AI Generated Images Are Getting Too Real bycloud |
Anime Related AI Applications bycloud |
Adobe Firefly v |
史上最强AI画图软件PS AI中文版、永久免费使用!Win+Mac系统、附安装流程和疑难杂症解决! 科技源代码Technology |
Turn Midjourney Illustration to Vector in Figma DesignCode |
新的 AI 繪圖工具抵達戰場!! 五個超酷功能讓 Midjourney 也感到害怕 PAPAYA 電腦教室 |
Ai绘图谁更强? 16GB VS 22GB 技数犬 |
2080Ti所有涡轮卡都是这么改的! 技数犬 |
Midjourney教程 入门到精通 氪学家 |
How to detect DeepFakes with MesoNet | 20 MIN. PYTHON TUTORIAL
DDPM - Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Image Synthesis (Machine Learning Research Paper Explained) Yannic Kilche |
最真实人工智能换脸--AI换脸背后的秘密(deepfacelab操作指南)长安老张 |
iperov/DeepFaceLab arxiv |
AI 换脸教程 - 最简单易懂的 Faceswap 换脸视频!完全免费开源 2022 | 零度解说 |
iperov/DeepFaceLab creating deepfakes |
Deepfacelab智能换脸 u |
Age & Gender Prediction with DeepFace in Python NeuralNine |
【公众号:马哥随笔】AI视频换脸!史上最强最快的方法,100%成功,完全免费,无需配置、打开即用、使用操作简单 公众号 | 马哥随笔 git |
runway v text 2 video |
This New AI Is The Future of Videomaking! Two Minute Papers |
HeyGen s AI-powered video creations at scale |
t04glovern/selfie2anime s |
Talk | 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校穆方舟:3D相片的风格化-从单张输入图生成风格化的全新视角 将门-TechBeat技术社区 |
AI Caricatures And Portrait Style Transfer Are Here! Two Minute Papers |
StyleDrop |
arxiv demo |
【AIGC】谷歌公开StyleDrop模型论文 | 图像风格定制大师 | LOGO也能轻松生成 | 挑战Midjourney | 基于Muse模型 最佳拍档 |
Image Compression Using PCA in Python NeuralNine |
Talk | 商汤科技计算机视觉研究员何岱岚:基于深度学习的高效图像压缩编码 将门-TechBeat技术社区 |
JPEG 有损压缩 离散余弦变换 DCT 一条视频讲清楚 掌芝士 |
ZIP压缩算法刨析 什么是LZ77编码 掌芝士 |
哈夫曼编码很难懂?一条视频讲清楚 掌芝士 |
How JPEG Works Computerphile |
How are Images Compressed? [46MB ↘↘ 4.07MB] JPEG In Depth Branch Education |
如何压缩视频,把文件变小,还没画质损失? Mac云课堂 |
完全解析:视频编码与封装 Mediastorm影视飓风 |
视频格式, 封装格式, 编码格式, h.264 编码 mp4 封装 |
高画质的背后——视频的封装与编码 Mediastorm影视飓风 |
封装格式 mp4 |
视频编码 h.264 帧内压缩 intraframe jpeg 保留亮度 压缩颜色 缩小90% 帧间压缩 interframe 关键帧+细节变化 I帧、P帧和B帧 |
adobe media encoder |
码率, 控制码率的方法, 恒定码率cbr 可变码率vbr 固定质量crf 比特率 16mbps 16mb/s 5000kbps cpu画质预设 fast |
【科普】“视频”是怎么来的?H.264、码率这些词又是什么意思? 极客湾Geekerwan |
300mbps ->3mbps MediaCoder x64 |
显卡编码 nvenc编码器 直播用 | AVS的各种用法 doom9论坛(有用的压制技巧 |
h.265 hevc B站的视频上传规范 |
【科普】手把手教你做直播!4K直播了解一下? 极客湾Geekerwan |
obs studio |
Depix git v v |
利用AI给黑白照片上色 git colourise |
CodeFormer-GUI v 零度解说 |
DeblurGAN arxiv git git 除去运动模糊 |
ShieldMnt/invisible-watermark s | ||
生成式填充和扩图又一替代方案!Topaz Photo AI。 工具狂Toolbuddy |
csxmli2016/DFDNet |
CVPR2021论文能修复马赛克?香港理工大学新研究,修复模糊图像!新智元 |
GAN Prior Embedded Network for Blind Face Restoration in the Wild zh |
Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior 程序员资料 |
TecoGAN v git arxiv |
SixQuant/nowatermark 去除图片中的水印 |
search?q=cnn-watermark-removal |
Deep Image Prior s paper git |
模糊视频秒变高清! Chrome、Edge浏览器可直接开启,AI又添全新“VSR”超分辨率技术,支持三代N卡、A卡 | 零度解说 |
Justin62628/Squirrel-RIFE Squirrel Anime Enhance v reddit |
xinntao/ESRGAN Enhanced SRGAN |
AI技術去除馬賽克,全民步兵時代已經來臨 LSP开车 CodeFormer JavPlayer JavPlayerfree(假) TecoGAN JavPlayer中文交流论坛 SD:BVPP模型 |
现在AI这么强,能去马赛克吗?#技术 #科技 #知识 #黑科技 #涨知识 玄离199 |
facebookresearch/faiss |
通过截图找片子!好多人在寻找的搜索方法!| 零度解说 |
gettyimages s |
Pinecone Demo - Image similarity search example Pinecone |
Image Similarity Search using PyTorch & Spotify Annoy CloudCasts - Alan Smith |
Google Image s |
Kernel Size and Why Everyone Loves 3x3 - Neural Network Convolution Animated AI | What are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)? IBM Technology | |
What is a convolutional neural network (CNN)? Packt | What is CNN Convolutional neural network | Why should we use CNN | Goeduhub Goeduhub Technologies | CNN architecture in 5 minutes - A Quick Learning Shriram Vasudevan |
Convolutional Neural Networks | CNN | Kernel | Stride | Padding | Pooling | Flatten | Formula Binod Suman Academy | Convolutional Neural Networks Weights & Biases | Convolutional Neural Networks Explained (CNN Visualized) Futurology — An Optimistic Future |
Convolutional Neural Network Visualization by Otavio Good Israel Vicars | 2D Convolution Neural Network Animation Anuj shah | Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) explained deeplizard |
卷积神经网络的简介(ML Zero to Hero,第三集) TensorFlow | 【機器學習2021】卷積神經網路 (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN) Hung-yi Lee | |
AlexNet论文逐段精读 Mu Li | Convolution Neural Networks CodeEmporium | Convolutional Neural Networks in Practice // Cassidy Williams, Clarifai (FirstMark's Code Driven) Code Driven NYC |
CNN Explainer s v | ||
Why do Convolutional Neural Networks work so well? Algorithmic Simplicity | ||
撑起计算机视觉半边天的ResNet Mu Li ResNet论文逐段精读 Mu Li |
EfficientNet Explained! Connor Shorten EfficientNet! - Keras Code Examples Connor Shorten |
EfficientNet Explained: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks Code With Aarohi |
EfficientNet Paper Walkthrough Aladdin Persson EfficientNet from scratch in Pytorch Aladdin Persson |
Detectron2(git, Model Zoo and Baselines, ) |
MaskRcnn-benchmark(git, ) |
图像分割算法实战(深度学习) 唐宇迪 网易云课堂 |
面向医学领域的深度学习项目实战 唐宇迪 网易云课堂 |
73 - Image Segmentation using U-Net - Part1 (What is U-net?) DigitalSreeni |
Image Matting sota |
Jiake Xie 谢家柯 s git TIMI-Net Google Scholar |
picup s |
U-net for image segmentation DigitalSreeni |
280 - Custom object segmentation using StarDist library in python DigitalSreeni |
3D MRI brain segmentation - Made with TensorFlow.js TensorFlow |
PyTorch Image Segmentation Tutorial with U-NET: everything from scratch baby Aladdin Persson |
I tried building an ML Cancer Segmentation API in 15 Minutes Nicholas Renotte |
AI 图片去背景工具,可离线,终身免费,同时支持 Windows 和 Linux 迷途小书童的Note git |
META Segment Anything Model (SAM) |
s paper facebookresearch/segment-anything |
【人工智能】Meta发布史上最强抠图模型 | Segment Anything Model | 零样本学习可分割一切物体 | 计算机视觉迎来GPT-3时刻 最佳拍档 |
307 - Segment your images in python without training using Segment Anything Model (SAM) DigitalSreeni |
META dino |
Advancing the state of the art in computer vision with self-supervised Transformers and 10x more efficient training ai.facebook |
Explore Meta AI’s self-supervised learning demo for images ai.facebook dino-self-supervised-learning-demo |
DINO: Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Summary towardsdatascience |
DINOv2: State-of-the-art computer vision models with self-supervised learning ai.facebook |
facebookresearch/dino |
facebookresearch/dinov2 DINO2 API documentation s v4:00 |
DINOv2 from Meta AI: Data pipeline, model training and results explained AI Bites |
Tensorflow Object Detection in 5 Hours with Python | Full Course with 3 Projects(Nicholas Renotte) |
I tried building a Computer Vision Game in 12 Hours Murtaza's Workshop |
【AI Meetup】 最強的AI物件偵測技術Yolo-v4作者親自剖析 AINTU-人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合研究中心 |
What is YOLO algorithm? | Deep Learning Tutorial 31 (Tensorflow, Keras & Python) codebasics |
Object detection using YOLO v4 and pre trained model | Deep Learning Tutorial 32 (Tensorflow) codebasics |
facebookresearch/Detectron git |
YOLOv5发布v6.0版本,看看效果怎么样 迷途小书童的Note s |
Streamlit部署YOLOv5目标检测 迷途小书童的Note v |
YOLO Mark Jay |
Build a Deep Face Detection Model with Python and Tensorflow | Full Course Nicholas Renotte |
Gilbert Tanner u |
【论文推荐】《目标检测》必看的8篇论文【附pdf】深度之眼 |
Facebook DETR | ML Coding Series | End to end object detection with transformers The AI Epiphany |
使用樹莓派及桌上型電腦進行實時物體偵測 AI葵 |
目标检测的关系网络 zh pdf |
283 - What is Mask R-CNN? DigitalSreeni |
284 - Installing Mask RCNN and troubleshooting errors DigitalSreeni |
286 - Object detection using Mask RCNN: end-to-end from annotation to prediction DigitalSreeni |
Mask RCNN Mark Jay |
只要你在社交平台发了照片,这个AI就能利用开放式摄像头找到你摆拍的全过程 量子位 |
Coding an Object Detection App in 15 mins Nicholas Renotte |
DETR: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers (Paper Explained) Yannic Kilcher |
2 Faster R-CNN Architecture Ardian Umam |
YOLO For Smart Object Detection Using Python | Project For Beginners AI Sciences |
Lane detection and object detection with OpenCV & TensorFlow Kittipong G |
YOLOv8 影像分析演算法實作教學影片:不需錨點,可進行影像分類、物件偵測、及物件分割 人工智慧 |
Complete YOLO v8 Custom Object Detection Tutorial | Windows & Linux TheCodingBug |
YOLOv8 COMPLETE Tutorial | Object Detection | Segmentation | Classification TheCodingBug |
Instance segmentation YOLO v8 | Opencv with Python tutorial Pysource |
Train Yolov8 object detection on a custom dataset | Step by step guide | Computer vision tutorial Computer vision engineer |
Aladdin Persson u |
Talk | 阿里巴巴达摩院算法工程师许贤哲:DAMO-YOLO:兼顾速度与精度的高效目标检测框架 将门-TechBeat技术社区 |
Building a Cat Detector with LandingLens Landing AI |
Object Detection (Yolov8, YOLOv7, YOLOv3, YOLOv4 , TensorFlow) TheCodingBug |
Detectron2 Instance Segmentation and Object Detection TheCodingBug |
Realtime Object Detection Android App | Kotlin | Camera2 api | tflite ProgrammingHut |
Object Tracking with Opencv and Python Pysource code |
【小白CV教程】YOLOv5+Deepsort实现车辆行人的检测、追踪和计数 |
xiaojunzaizai/Yolov5-deepsort-inference |
Sharpiless/Yolov5-deepsort-inference |
Talk | 香港中文大学(深圳)计算机信息工程在读博士生郑超达:以运动为导向的点云单目标跟踪 将门-TechBeat技术社区 |
Object Tracking from scratch with OpenCV and Python Pysource |
Tricking AI Image Recognition - Computerphile |
YOLOv5 的 Android 部署,基于 tflite 迷途小书童的Note |
I Built an AI That Shoots Me in the Face When I Get Distracted ForrestKnight |
Tracking Cars with Drones and LandingLens Landing AI |
【人工智能】Segment-and-Track Anything | SAM-Track | 视频版SAM来了,分割/跟踪/编辑一切 | 现已开源 | 浙江大学计算机学院ReLER实验室 最佳拍档 |
Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition (Research Paper Explained) Yannic Kilcher |
Gesture Volume Control | OpenCV Python 2021 | Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI |
Hand Tracking 30 FPS using CPU | OpenCV Python (2021) | Computer Vision Murtaza's Workshop |
Create a Rock Paper Scissors AI | Keras and OpenCV | Tutorial | Python Sourav Johar |
Mouse Control using OpenCV and a Webcam CodingExperiments git |
facebookresearch/InterHand2.6M git |
Sign Language Detection using ACTION RECOGNITION with Python | LSTM Deep Learning Model Nicholas Renotte |
Detect 468 Face Landmarks in Real-time(Robotics and AI) |
Face Recognition with OpenCV with Python ProgrammingKnowledge |
Eyes Tracking Opencv python AiPhile |
人脸识别的基本原理 黑科技老K |
Simple Face Detection in Python NeuralNine |
Build a Deep Face Detection Model with Python and Tensorflow | Full Course Nicholas Renotte |
人脸识别啥原理?人工智能(二)卷积神经网络 李永乐老师 |
CrazyTalk第七课 头像创建 CrazyTalk8教程人脸识别验证教程照片变动画人脸五官编辑裁剪静态照片修改动态 xiaoge ji |
QQ丨支付宝丨交易猫丨淘宝丨平台实名验证,简单做人脸视频教程,原理说明,通用模板。人脸识别验证,人脸实名技术,支付宝实名,QQ过人脸教程。 易网科技YiNets |
人脸对齐(Face Alignment) - MSQRD, Snow, Snapchat的原理 - 上 Boyi Zhang |
Face Alignment - How MSQRD, Snow, Snapchat works - Part 2/2 Boyi Zhang |
Python Computer Vision OpenCV - Find Face Landmarks using DLIB Rajeev Ratan |
Pose Estimation Mark Jay | ||
3D Motion Capture using Normal Webcam | Computer Vision OpenCV Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI | Track Human Activity Using Scikit Learn | Python | Tutorial For Beginners AI Sciences | |
MASTER: Multi-Aspect Non-local Network for Scene Text Recognition arxiv git |
Extract Text From Images in Python (OCR) NeuralNine Tesseract |
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - Computerphile |
How Does Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Work? Techquickie |
Automatic OCR Receipt & Invoice Parsing in Python NeuralNine |
Extract Text From Images in Python (OCR) NeuralNine |
Basic OCR bill detection system | Pytesseract | Python | Data Analysis Cherry’s Project |
Optical Character Recognition Project | Find Text inside the images/Videos Machine Learning | OCR Data Magic (by Sunny Kusawa) |
Optical Character Recognition From Beginner to Expert Using Python | Tesseract - Complete Tutorial The Sineth |
Automatic Number Plate Recognition using Tensorflow and EasyOCR Full Course in 2 Hours | Python Nicholas Renotte |
[表格识别论文解读]Deep Splitting and Merging for Table Structure Decomposition jianshu |
视觉时-空注意力建模与学习 华年ss |
视错觉通常是由于视觉系统对来自外界的信息进行处理时发生的。视觉系统是一个复杂的系统,它包括眼睛、神经、大脑皮层等多个组成部分。当光线进入眼睛并刺激视网膜时,视觉系统开始对外界信息进行处理和解释。 视错觉通常是由于视觉系统处理信息时出现了一些偏差或错误所导致的。例如,视觉系统可能会将来自外界的信息解释为具有不同的深度、大小、形状、颜色或运动状态,这可能导致视错觉的发生。此外,环境因素,如光线、对比度、背景等也可能会影响视觉系统的处理和解释。 另外,一些视错觉可能是由于人类视觉系统中特定神经机制的工作方式所致。例如,当视觉系统处理来自不同位置的信息时,可能会产生尺度错觉。这是因为视觉系统在将来自不同位置的信息整合在一起时,可能会出现某些细节信息的缺失或模糊,导致我们产生了不正确的大小感知。 总之,视错觉的发生是由于视觉系统在处理外界信息时出现了偏差或错误所导致的,这可能是由多种因素造成的。研究视错觉可以帮助我们更好地了解人类视觉系统的工作原理,并提高我们对视觉信息的处理和解释的准确性。 |
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