description |
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency |
解读《关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作风险的通知》Andehui志辉 |
IBM Blockchain(u, ) | 千锋教育 u |
Pepcoding u | 2140 加密社群 u |
李欢 u | 飞彪队 u |
华人开放式课程MOOC u | 区块链教程 廖雪峰 |
币圈小林子 u | |
Intro to Crypto - Walkthrough of Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin paper Luci Date Ethereum Luci Date |
MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 MIT OpenCourseWare |
加密货币交易平台币安(Binance)s |
Coinbase FTX Huobi |
Khan's Crypto by Brit Cruise Chris Boette |
Trading - Advanced Order Types with Coinbase deeplizard |
Steemit - Blockchain Powered Social Network deeplizard |
Waves - Proof of Stake Blockchain Platform and DEX deeplizard |
Jaxx - Blockchain Interface and Crypto Wallet deeplizard |
Zcash - Privacy Based Blockchain Platform deeplizard |
Blockchain Technology Anders Brownworth |
Blockchain and cryptocurrency stanfordonline |
Bitcoin Lessons learnmeabitcoin |
Automated Crypto Trading Bots with Trality NeuralNine |
Kraken Trading Bot in Python NeuralNine |
Coding A Blockchain in Python NeuralNine |
Blockchain - Sandip Chakraborthy Pravin Jayachandran | IIT KGP - NPTEL Rahul Madhavan |
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Simply Explained |
Decentralized tech - Simply Explained |
Building a blockchain with Javascript Simply Explained |
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Simply Explained |
货币和加密货币 西班牙语 UnityCoin |
Why a new cryptocurrency? UnityCoin |
以太坊 Ethereum Smart Contract Development CodePulse |
Cryptography and Bitcoin Nerd's lesson |
Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course – Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial freeCodeCamp |
Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course freeCodeCamp |
Etherscan API with Python 3 Tutorial Pysource Etherscan是以太坊网络的区块链浏览器。 |
Blockchain For Beginners Tech With Tim |
Track Ethereum Transactions and Balance Using Python Tech With Tim |
区块链与比特币技术入门教程 土妹土妹 |
区块链中的密码学 刘先生 |
比特币背后的逻辑 掌芝士 比特币的三个难题 掌芝士 |
什么是比特币Bitcoin?通过货币发展史看比特币的产生 妈咪说MommyTalk |
Web3 Course Walkthrough on (Rust, Blockchain Development, and Smart Contracts) freeCodeCamp |
Become a Web 3 & Blockchain Developer in 2022 | Practical Step by Step Solidity and Web3 Roadmap JavaScript Mastery |
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Course: What You Need to Know Stanford Online 区块链和加密货币课程:你需要知道的 |
區塊鏈介紹 DVE(IT) |
PolkaWorld u Polkadot是一个区块链平台 |
元宇宙是什么?别听概念,看本质 科学声音 |
將會徹底改變世界的元宇宙 | 老高與小茉 |
元宇宙:終極躺平,等待收割!元宇宙經濟割了誰的韭菜?|政經孫老師 |
为什么人人都能聊元宇宙?因为它“什么都不是” 科技袁人 |
SYNC 2021-元宇宙分论坛 PingWest |
Mark Zuckerberg: Meta, Facebook, Instagram, and the Metaverse | Lex Fridman Podcast |
千萬不要錯過,將會徹底改變世界的元宇宙 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao |
关于元宇宙,你需要知道的那些事儿~ |NFT Metaverse 小Lin说 |
DeData u Web3行研会 u |
WEB3.0是什么,该如何布局?丨哪些WEB3.0的币值得我们关注和投资 奔跑的格格 |
WEB3.0是什么? TOP5 web3.0板块区块链背后加密货币 虚拟货币 ?丨哪些WEB3.0的虚拟货币潛力巨大 大方BigFang |
Build and Deploy a Modern Web 3.0 Blockchain App | Solidity, Smart Contracts, Crypto JavaScript Mastery |
Learn Web3 programming and how to build dapps on the Internet Computer (preview) London App Brewery |
基础设施板块项目介绍 All For Research |
Web3 版块项目介绍 All For Research |
Stanford Seminar - Evolution of a Web3 Company Stanford Online |
Stanford CEE246A - Web3 Entrepreneurship: Future Models of Value Creation Connecting the Real and Digital Economy Seminar Series Stanford Online Web3 创业:连接实体经济和数字经济研讨会系列的价值创造的未来模型 |
Web 3.0 Explained Siraj Raval |
Web 7.0 Standard Base (W7SB) Specification Set: Video Podcasts Michael Herman Michael Herman 是一位技术顾问、软件架构师和培训师,专注于教授现代软件开发技术和实践。他在软件工程和开发领域拥有超过 20 年的经验,并为企业、政府和非营利组织提供过技术咨询和培训服务。 Michael Herman 是知名的技术博主和作者,他的文章和书籍涵盖了从软件架构、微服务和容器化部署到区块链、人工智能和机器学习等广泛的主题。他还是多个开源项目的贡献者和维护者,包括 Python 和 Node.js 生态系统中的一些项目。 Michael Herman 的使命是帮助软件开发人员和企业从传统的软件开发模式转向现代的敏捷、DevOps 和微服务架构,以更快地交付高质量的软件产品。 |