diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# make sure you ignore the SSH keys and only commit the
-# encrypted version. You may also want to back up the original
-# key files elsewhere
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2af1f31..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
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-sudo: false
-language: ruby
- - 2.0.0
- - npm install -g bower
- - bower install
- - jekyll build
- - ./deploy.sh
-# The encryption label is the unique key used in the environment
-# variables set up when calling `travis encrypt-file` on the SSH key
- global:
- - ENCRYPTION_LABEL="8417706c747f"
- - GIT_NAME="Travis CI"
- - GIT_EMAIL="sonrisesoftware@gmail.com"
- - SOURCE_BRANCH="source"
- except:
- - master
- slack: papyros:KBYIhW6PbotRKo3MO1CZ15aF
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 366a5c4..0000000
--- a/Gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-source "https://rubygems.org"
-gem 'octopress', '~> 3.0.0.rc'
-gem 'html-proofer', '~> 2.0.5'
-group :jekyll_plugins do
- gem 'octopress-image-tag'
- gem 'jekyll-mentions'
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Site settings
-title: Papyros
-email: mspencer@sonrisesoftware.com
-description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
- Papyros is a modern operating system which adheres to Google's
- Material Design guidelines and is based on Arch Linux.
-baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
-url: "http://papyros.io" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
-github_username: papyros
-# Build settings
-markdown: kramdown
-# Google Analytics
-google_analytics_tracking_id: UA-47662876-2
-# Disqus comments
-disqus_short_name: quartzos
-disqus_show_comment_count: true
- - jekyll-mentions
- - octopress-image-tag
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-method: git # How do you want to deploy? git, rsync or s3.
-site_dir: _site # Location of your your static site files.
-git_url: git@github.com:papyros/papyros.github.io # remote repository url, e.g. git@github.com:username/repo_name
-# Note on git_branch:
-# If using GitHub project pages, set the branch to 'gh-pages'.
-# For GitHub user/organization pages or Heroku, set the branch to 'master'.
-git_branch: master # Git branch where static site files are commited
-# remote_path: # Destination directory
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/_drafts/monthly-status-update-2-15.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: "Monthly Status Update 2/15"
-comments: true
-categories: monthly-update
-Lots of progress has happened during the past month. We had originally planned to release an alpha of the desktop shell on March 2nd to follow along with the joke of February 30th, but unfortunately the shell isn't in a complete enough stage to do that yet.
-### New Team Members
-I'd like to welcome a new designer, Nils Urbanus, and a new developer, Jordan Neidlinger, to our team. Great work guys!
-In addition to the official team, we've had contributions from the community. Thanks to this awesome team and to everyone else who has show interest, given support, or contributed to the project.
-### Overall OS progress
-Work on the overall OS is progressing nicely. Our design team has done some great mockups for the installer and some of the core apps, including the web browser and calculator. We also have our first packages available in the AUR, which you can install as [papyros-shell](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/papyros-shell/).
-Work is also starting on a build server to host packages so users don't have to compile everything from scratch, which takes a very long time, especially in VirtualBox. Unfortunately, there are some issues with the build tooling on the server, but hopefully that can be worked on soon.
-### Material Design framework
-Lots of work has gone into polishing the Material Design framework. Some of the features that have been implemented include:
- * An improved dialog component
- * A FAB/action button
- * Dropdown and navbar overflow menu
- * Slider component
- * Improved textfield
- * Switch to QtQuick Controls for the PageStack
- * Improved ink animations
-Thanks to the [17 developers](https://github.com/papyros/qml-material/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the framework.
-### Desktop shell
-Lots of work has gone into Papyros shell, and it's getting closer and closer to at least being semi-usable as a full desktop session. We also reached a significant milestone by being able to run it as a Wayland session from GDM using Qt 5.5's eglfs bindings.
-Some of the features that have been implemented in the past two months include:
- * A music control widget in the widgets/notification drawer
- * The sound indicator
- * The power indicator
- * A classic layout, similar to Chrome OS
-Current in-development features include:
- * The network indicator
- * App launcher
- * App icons in the panel
- * The modern layout, similar to GNOME/Ubuntu/OS X
- Here's a nice screenshot of our work so far, highlighting the classic layout and our fancy calendar indicator:
- {% img /images/monthly_update_1_15/screenshot_1.png %}
-Thanks to the [7 developers](https://github.com/papyros/papyros-shell/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the desktop shell, and to the [3 developers](https://github.com/papyros/qml-desktop/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the desktop backend code.
-### OSTree and App Bundles
-We've successfully set up building OSTree images from Arch packages, and have tested a GNOME OSTree image in VirtualBox. We've built a Papyros image too, but it's having Wayland issues.
-This is huge step forward, as we now have the foundation for a fully atomic, stable, and read-only base OS using OSTree and Arch Linux. Awesome stuff! If you want try it out, check out the [Powerpack](https://github.com/papyros/powerpack) repository, and follow the instructions in the README. The plan is to eventually start building the OSTree repository and VirtualBox images (plus eventually installable ISOs) on our build server, but for you now must compile it from scratch.
-In addition OSTree providing the base operating system, we are also looking to using a new GNOME project called [xdg-app](https://github.com/alexlarsson/xdg-app), which implements [App Bundles and sandboxing](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/SandboxedApps). This will support the concept of runtimes, such as GNOME 3.16, Papyros 0.1, KDE 5.2, etc., which allow multiple versions installed side-by-side without breaking apps. This will allow applications to be upgraded independent of each other and the base OS.
-### Core Apps
-Some work has started on the [Settings app](https://github.com/papyros/settings-app), but most of it is in the planning phase still.
-The great news is an app developer has started on what will probably be the default Calculator app! Check out his code on [GitHub](https://github.com/PierreJacquier/papyros-calculator) or view his post on [Google+](https://plus.google.com/117435800250066519130/posts/da2JuC1gkbN). Here's a screenshot of the Calculator app:
-{% img /images/monthly_update_1_15/papyros-calculator.png %}
-### The Website
-In case you're new to the project, or didn't happen to notice, we have a new website! It's built with the all-new Octopress 3, which is a static website generator built on top of Jekyll. We're also slowly beginning to implement a Material Design theme using Polymer.
-If you're a web developer and interested in contributing, feel free to check out the [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/papyros/papyros.github.io/issues) or [submit a pull request](https://github.com/papyros/papyros.github.io/pulls).
-Thanks to the [4 developers](https://github.com/papyros/papyros.github.io/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the new website.
-### Getting Involved
-Interested in contributing to the project? We have a page for that! Check out our [Get Involved](/get_involved) page. Here you can find ways to contribute, regardless of whether you are a developer, designer, translator, tester, or just plain user.
-We also have a Donate button that page, which allows you to donate via Paypal. All donations will go to web hosting and server costs and (once we set them up) bug bounties.
-Thanks for everyone's support and interest in our project! Here's to another exciting month of development!
--- Michael Spencer, Papyros founder and lead developer
diff --git a/_drafts/welcome-to-jekyll.markdown b/_drafts/welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
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--- a/_drafts/welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
+++ /dev/null
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-layout: post
-title: "Welcome to Jekyll!"
-date: 2015-01-29 18:50:18
-categories: jekyll update
-You’ll find this post in your `_posts` directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run `jekyll serve`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
-To add new posts, simply add a file in the `_posts` directory that follows the convention `YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext` and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.
-Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:
-{% highlight ruby %}
-def print_hi(name)
- puts "Hi, #{name}"
-#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.
-{% endhighlight %}
-Check out the [Jekyll docs][jekyll] for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at [Jekyll’s GitHub repo][jekyll-gh]. If you have questions, you can ask them on [Jekyll’s dedicated Help repository][jekyll-help].
-[jekyll]: http://jekyllrb.com
-[jekyll-gh]: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll
-[jekyll-help]: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-help
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-{% comment %} Load script if disquss comments are enabled and `page.comments` is either empty (index) or set to true {% endcomment %}
-{% if site.disqus_short_name and page.comments != false %}
-{% endif %}
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- {% if site.disqus_short_name and page.comments == true %}
{% include post/disqus_thread.html %}
- {% endif %}
diff --git a/_posts/2014-11-19-introduction-and-initial-plans.markdown b/_posts/2014-11-19-introduction-and-initial-plans.markdown
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--- a/_posts/2014-11-19-introduction-and-initial-plans.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: "Introduction and Initial Plans"
-date: 2014-11-19 18:48:41 -0600
-comments: true
-author: Michael Spencer
-summary: "Welcome to Papyros! We are working on developing an operating system based upon Linux which conforms to Google's Material Design guidelines."
-Welcome to Papyros! We are working on developing an operating system based upon Linux which conforms to Google's [Material Design guidelines](http://google.com/design/). The focus will be on creating a stable and easy-to-use operating system with a heavy emphasis on well-thought-out design.
-**UPDATE:** Quantum OS has been renamed to Papyros to avoid trademark issues.
-#### The Desktop Shell
-We plan to develop the desktop shell and applications primarily using Qt 5 and QML, which will allow us to build highly polished and dynamic user interfaces and will work well for implementing Material Design. If possible, we will build the desktop shell in as much QML as possible built on top of the QtCompositor API, which provides a Qt framework for building a Wayland compositor.
-We already have some working code with an experimental desktop layout:
-#### Applications
-Our application framework will be based upon a QML UI toolkit implementing Material Design. It is written completely from scratch, and does not use QtQuick Controls, and is not a fork or theme for the Ubuntu UI toolkit. The reason for this is that we want to be able to focus specifically on implementing Material Design, which has several unique features, such as the concept of elevation. We will most likely have a Qt/Gtk theme for existing apps, but the official recommendation will be writing new applications or porting existing applications to the Material Design framework. The API will be similar to that of other QML frameworks such as the Ubuntu UI toolkit, so it will not be too difficult porting existing apps.
-The UI framework itself will be cross-platform, just as Qt itself is, so apps written with it will run on OS X, Windows, or other Linux distributions. This plays well with the concept of Material Design, which aims to be a cross-platform design framework.
-We also plan to support web apps and treat them as nicely as possible. This will probably involve a simple wrapper that allows web apps to have their own icon and window with no browser chrome.
-The Material Design QML framework is well underway, as can be seen from this sample application:
-#### The Base Operating System
-We plan to initially leverage an existing operating system, most likely Arch or Ubuntu. Arch is a strong possibility because of the simple packaging manager, lightweight base system, and the rolling release concept. Our goal is to base our work on the latest upstream versions available, with no patches or modifications, so our work will run on any base Linux distro that supports Wayland.
-We will also need to build a login manager and installer. Our plan is to write a theme for SDDM, which supports themes written in QML. We don't have any plans for an installer yet, as that will need to wait until a base OS is chosen.
-#### The Development Team and Code
-Currently the team consists of mainly just myself ([Michael Spencer](https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MichaelSpencer)/[@iBeliever](https://github.com/iBeliever)), though I am already getting some great design feedback and mockups from [Andrea Del Sarto](https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AndreaDelSarto88). Anyone who is interested in contributing code, design, feedback, or testing is welcome to contribute, though I plan to remain in control of project management to ensure that we stay focused on our goals. I am certainly open to suggestions and feedback, though!
-We are hosting our code on GitHub at , with the Material Design QML framework hosted at . You can also track our mockups [here](https://github.com/papyros/mockups), though because of the flexibility and power of QML, we often work directly in code versus designing mockups first.
diff --git a/_posts/2014-12-19-weekly-status-update.markdown b/_posts/2014-12-19-weekly-status-update.markdown
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6eafb..0000000
--- a/_posts/2014-12-19-weekly-status-update.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: "Weekly Status Update"
-date: 2014-12-19 19:55:59 -0600
-comments: true
-categories: weekly-status
-author: Michael Spencer
-summary: "We'll be starting weekly status updates to share progress on the various components of Quantum OS. I'll also share some ongoing discussions and work on the operating system in general."
-**UPDATE:** Quantum OS has been renamed to Papyros to avoid trademark issues.
-We'll be starting weekly status updates to share progress on the various components of Quantum OS.
-#### QML Material
-21 commits where made to our Material Design framework during the past week. The following features
-were implemented:
-* Implement the Switch control and update the design to match Material Design [[@boghison](https://github.com/boghison), [@iBeliever](https://github.com/iBeliever)]
-* Switch to GitFlow, and set up a CONTRIBUTING.md document [[@iBeliever](https://github.com/iBeliever)]
-* Load more of the Roboto fonts [[@glenfordwilliams](https://github.com/glenfordwilliams)]
-* Initial work on a component demo app [[@iBeliever](https://github.com/iBeliever)]
- * Initial demos cover the Button, Switch, Icon, and Progress Bar components
-* Improvements to the Snackbar component [[@boghison](https://github.com/boghison)]
-Ongoing work includes:
-* Migrating to QtQuick.Controls
-* Rewriting the PageStack code to use QtQuick.Controls and sort out the way transitions, etc are handled [[#36](https://github.com/papyros/qml-material/issues/36), [#37](https://github.com/papyros/qml-material/issues/37)]
-* Investigating how to handle the various styles of the Robot font [[#46](https://github.com/papyros/qml-material/issues/46)]
-Thanks to all the developers who have contributed code to the project this week and in past weeks!
-I'd like to especially mention [@geiseri](https://github.com/geiseri) who has been helping us migrate to QtQuick.Controls along
-with contributing other great feedback and discussion about how we're implementing various features.
-#### Quantum Shell
-No commits landed in the main branch for Quantum Shell, as discussion was ongoing and any work was made
-to separate repositories or branches. The following items were discussed or worked on:
-* Implementing the Music indicator [[#14](https://github.com/papyros/papyros-shell/issues/14), [#16](https://github.com/papyros/papyros-shell/issues/16)]
-* Implementing the Network indicator [[#17](https://github.com/papyros/papyros-shell/issues/17)]
-Planning also continues on different designs and layouts and deciding what features to implement.
-#### SDDM Theme
-Not much happening here, as the focus during the past week has been on other components. However, [@boghison](https://github.com/boghison) did turn the initial prototype into a working SDDM theme, which is awesome.
-#### General OS progress
-A large part of my time this week was spent on the following items:
-* Trying to get QtCompositor compiled and working on Arch Linux, which will be the base for our OS
-* Studying and learning how to use OSTree, which will be the distribution/release technology used in Quantum OS
-Other ongoing issues include:
-* Picking a new name. With the majority of my time spent on other tasks, I have not spent much time on this. I have several names to research in the US trademark databases and perform general internet seaches on. Currently, my favorite candidate is Papyros, as a modified version of papyrus, an ancient form of paper, which fits with Material Design and the concept of paper used.
-* Getting a list of packages we will need to ship together
-* Designing various aspects of the desktop shell, applications, and OS in general
-In closing, we're making good progress towards building an awesome OS! Thanks to everyone interested in the project and who have offered support, ideas and suggestions, design feedback, or code contributions. That's the power of open source!
-Have any suggestions, bug reports, or ideas for what you'd like to see next in the various projects? Comment here or on Google+, or open issues on our GitHub projects at .
-Christmas is coming up next week, so I may not do a progress report next Friday and will probably not make a whole lot of progress on Quantum OS work as well. I'll be back in full force the next week, though!
-Have a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year!
diff --git a/_posts/2015-02-05-monthly-status-update-1-15.markdown b/_posts/2015-02-05-monthly-status-update-1-15.markdown
deleted file mode 100644
index ce885cd..0000000
--- a/_posts/2015-02-05-monthly-status-update-1-15.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: "Monthly Status Update 1/15"
-date: 2015-02-05T15:33:45-06:00
-comments: true
-categories: monthly-update
-author: Michael Spencer
-summary: "Due to busyness in development and normal life, I'll be writing monthly updates instead of weekly ones. The biggest news since our first update is that we've settled on a new name - Papyros!"
-I had originally planned to do weekly status updates, but I've been busy focusing on actual development and normal life, so I've only had time to do one update so far. So, we'll turn the updates into monthly updates instead. I'll start off by calling this the January update so as to get another one in at the end of February.
-The biggest news since our first update is that we've settled on a new name - Papyros! (The old name, Quantum OS, was trademarked by an existing company). Our website is now [papyros.io](http://papyros.io), and you can follow us on [Google+](https://plus.google.com/113262712329378697012) or join our [Google+ community](https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109966288908859324845).
-#### New Team Members
-I'd like to welcome several new designers and developers to our team who have shown continued great contributions in code and designs.
-Our design team consists of:
- * Myself, Michael Spencer (well, I'm a developer, not a professional designer, but I care a lot about design)
- * Josh Gray
- * Christopher Spencer
- * Andrea Del Sarto
- * Christoph Laier
-And our development team consists of:
- * Michael Spencer (that's me again)
- * Bogdan Cuza
- * Ricardo Vieira
-Thanks to this awesome team and to everyone else who has show interest, given support, or contributed to the project.
-#### Overall OS progress
-Work on the overall OS is progressing nicely. Our design team has done some great mockups for the installer and some of the core apps, including the web browser and calculator. We also have our first packages available in the AUR, which you can install as [papyros-shell](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/papyros-shell/).
-Work is also starting on a build server to host packages so users don't have to compile everything from scratch, which takes a very long time, especially in VirtualBox. Unfortunately, there are some issues with the build tooling on the server, but hopefully that can be worked on soon.
-#### Material Design framework
-Lots of work has gone into polishing the Material Design framework. Some of the features that have been implemented include:
- * An improved dialog component
- * A FAB/action button
- * Dropdown and navbar overflow menu
- * Slider component
- * Improved textfield
- * Switch to QtQuick Controls for the PageStack
- * Improved ink animations
-Thanks to the [17 developers](https://github.com/papyros/qml-material/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the framework.
-#### Desktop shell
-Lots of work has gone into Papyros shell, and it's getting closer and closer to at least being semi-usable as a full desktop session. We also reached a significant milestone by being able to run it as a Wayland session from GDM using Qt 5.5's eglfs bindings.
-Some of the features that have been implemented in the past two months include:
- * A music control widget in the widgets/notification drawer
- * The sound indicator
- * The power indicator
- * A classic layout, similar to Chrome OS
-Current in-development features include:
- * The network indicator
- * App launcher
- * App icons in the panel
- * The modern layout, similar to GNOME/Ubuntu/OS X
- Here's a nice screenshot of our work so far, highlighting the classic layout and our fancy calendar indicator:
-Thanks to the [7 developers](https://github.com/papyros/papyros-shell/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the desktop shell, and to the [3 developers](https://github.com/papyros/qml-desktop/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the desktop backend code.
-#### OSTree and App Bundles
-We've successfully set up building OSTree images from Arch packages, and have tested a GNOME OSTree image in VirtualBox. We've built a Papyros image too, but it's having Wayland issues.
-This is huge step forward, as we now have the foundation for a fully atomic, stable, and read-only base OS using OSTree and Arch Linux. Awesome stuff! If you want try it out, check out the [Powerpack](https://github.com/papyros/powerpack) repository, and follow the instructions in the README. The plan is to eventually start building the OSTree repository and VirtualBox images (plus eventually installable ISOs) on our build server, but for you now must compile it from scratch.
-In addition OSTree providing the base operating system, we are also looking to using a new GNOME project called [xdg-app](https://github.com/alexlarsson/xdg-app), which implements [App Bundles and sandboxing](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/SandboxedApps). This will support the concept of runtimes, such as GNOME 3.16, Papyros 0.1, KDE 5.2, etc., which allow multiple versions installed side-by-side without breaking apps. This will allow applications to be upgraded independent of each other and the base OS.
-#### Core Apps
-Some work has started on the [Settings app](https://github.com/papyros/settings-app), but most of it is in the planning phase still.
-The great news is an app developer has started on what will probably be the default Calculator app! Check out his code on [GitHub](https://github.com/PierreJacquier/papyros-calculator) or view his post on [Google+](https://plus.google.com/117435800250066519130/posts/da2JuC1gkbN). Here's a screenshot of the Calculator app:
-#### The Website
-In case you're new to the project, or didn't happen to notice, we have a new website! It's built with the all-new Octopress 3, which is a static website generator built on top of Jekyll. We're also slowly beginning to implement a Material Design theme using Polymer.
-If you're a web developer and interested in contributing, feel free to check out the [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/papyros/papyros.github.io/issues) or [submit a pull request](https://github.com/papyros/papyros.github.io/pulls).
-Thanks to the [4 developers](https://github.com/papyros/papyros.github.io/graphs/contributors) who have contributed to the new website.
-#### Getting Involved
-Interested in contributing to the project? We have a page for that! Check out our [Get Involved](/get_involved) page. Here you can find ways to contribute, regardless of whether you are a developer, designer, translator, tester, or just plain user.
-We also have a Donate button that page, which allows you to donate via Paypal. All donations will go to web hosting and server costs and (once we set them up) bug bounties.
-Thanks for everyone's support and interest in our project! Here's to another exciting month of development!
--- Michael Spencer, Papyros founder and lead developer
diff --git a/_posts/2015-02-07-repository-for-early-testing.markdown b/_posts/2015-02-07-repository-for-early-testing.markdown
deleted file mode 100644
index cbec6ba..0000000
--- a/_posts/2015-02-07-repository-for-early-testing.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: "Repository for Early Testing"
-date: 2015-02-07T22:07:20-06:00
-comments: true
-author: Michael Spencer
-summary: "We now have an initial package repository for users to try out the Papyros shell on ArchLinux! It's very much a pre-alpha state, and many things aren't done, but it's an exciting step towards an alpha release."
-We now have an initial package repository for users to try out the Papyros shell on ArchLinux!
-***DISCLAIMER**: Currently, there are packages for x86_64 architecture only, as the qt5 packages are big and will take time to compile again for i686. Keep in mind this is very much in a pre-alpha state, and many things are not implemented yet. The packages themselves should work though, as I've tested them locally. No guarantees though!*
-First, add the following lines to your `/etc/pacman.conf` file, above the default repositories:
- [papyros]
- SigLevel = Never
- Server = http://dash.papyros.io/repos/$repo/$arch
-Then, run
- pacman -Syu
- pacman -S papyros-shell
-You can then test the shell by running it in a new window on top of your desktop:
- papyros-shell
-It's still very much in early development, though; the network indicator doesn't work, and you can't even start apps in the shell yet. Those features will land over coming weeks.
-Happy testing!
--- Michael Spencer, Papyros founder and lead developer
diff --git a/_posts/2015-06-04-support-us-on-bountysource.markdown b/_posts/2015-06-04-support-us-on-bountysource.markdown
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-layout: post
-title: "Announcing our Crowdfunding Campaign"
-date: 2015-06-04T19:31:06-05:00
-comments: true
-author: Michael Spencer
-summary: "Today I'm excited to announce a new crowdfunding campaign on Bountysource Salt! You can choose a monthly reoccurring subscription, earn rewards, and help us reach our goals."
-Our vision for Papyros is building a Linux operating system that is fun and easy to use for the average user. We're doing this by building an operating system that gets out of the user's way, integrates with cloud services and web technologies, and converges across devices and form factors.
-Papyros currently has no commercial funding, and development is done by team members and third-party contributors in their spare time. Today I'm excited to announce a new crowdfunding campaign on Bountysource Salt! You can choose a monthly reoccurring subscription amount to help fund Papyros, and earn rewards such as getting your name listed on our website's [Sponsors](/sponsors) page. And if you sponsor us with a large enough subscription, we'll put your logo and name directly on our [About](/about) page (perfect for commercial funding!). Help us reach our goals and make Papyros an awesome OS!
-With continual funding, the Papyros team will be able to dedicate more time to working on Papyros as well as pay third-party contributors to work on features and bugs through the use of bug bounties. This will allow me, Michael Spencer, to spend more time as the lead developer building new features of the OS, getting the alpha ready for testing, and working towards stable releases of the operating system. It will also encourage more third-party contributors to get involved with development of the OS.
-Unlike crowdfunding campaigns like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Patreon, where you can't see where funding goes, supporting Papyros on Bountysource Salt lets you see exactly where your contributions go. You can see exactly what features and bugs you're helping fund by checking out our [bounties page](https://www.bountysource.com/teams/papyros/bounties). If you're a developer, you're able to jump in, find bugs you can fix or features you can implement, and earn bug bounties yourself!
-We're planning on releasing the first alpha of the OS this summer, with a stable release later this year. With your help funding the devlopment of Papyros, we'd like to continue working towards fulfilling our vision of building an open-source operating system that is fun and easy to use for the average user yet advanced enough for power users, including building the following features:
- * A selection of core apps that conform to Material Design and integrate tightly with the operating system
- * Intelligent, persistent notifications, similar to the notifications on Android
- * User account restrictions, useful for parental controls, library and coffee shop computers, and other restricted environments
- * Application bundles and sandboxing, supporting GNOME's work on cross-distro apps and a polished app store
- * Presentation mode, providing a simple way to present to an external display
- * Convergence, or adapting to the device and input methods Papyros is running on
-You can read more about our goals on our [About page](/about).
-So, what are you waiting for? Go [check out our new page](https://salt.bountysource.com/teams/papyros) and share it with everyone you know! We’d love it if you’d subscribe there and help us fund the development of a really awesome project :)
- Support us on Bountysource Salt
diff --git a/_posts/2015-07-21-bountysource-and-development-update.markdown b/_posts/2015-07-21-bountysource-and-development-update.markdown
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--- a/_posts/2015-07-21-bountysource-and-development-update.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Bountysource Campaign and Development Update
-date: 2015-07-21T20:31:48-05:00
-comments: true
-author: Michael Spencer
-summary: "As many of you may have noticed, our Bountysource campaign disappeared recently. This was because our campaign unfortunately received a large amount of continuing fraudulent funding."
-As many of you may have noticed, our Bountysource campaign disappeared recently. This was because our campaign unfortunately received a large amount of continuing fraudulent funding, and Bountysource had to close the campaign while they investigated the issue. At the time of closing the campaign, we 77 supporters funding us with over $3000 per month, including both real supporters and fraudulent activity. After investigating the issue, Bountsource found that of the 77 supporters, only 15 of them were real supporters funding us with real money. This brings our monthly funding down to $134 per month, in addition to direct funding on Bountsource and bug bounties on specific bugs. According to the person I spoke with at Bountysource, Papyros is the only Salt campaign that has had fraudulent activity on it.
-So, why did this happen? Honestly, I don't know. All that this has done is hurt Papyros and Bountysource. However, I suspect that this was a twisted attempt (and an illegal one) to help Papyros by making it look popular and well funding, with the hopes that that would cause more people to help fund it with real money. Even if this is the case, it doesn't make what was done right; the end never justifies using wrong means to achieve that end, and this fraudulent activity was both morally and legally wrong.
-While this news had been very disappointing, I want to say thank you so much to the 15 monthly supporters who actually were real sponsors, and to the many people who have contributed funding via Paypal and one-time donations on Bountysource. You support has been much appreciated!
-The person I spoke to at Bountysource said we can open up the campaign again as long as this doesn't happen again, but this event has left me with a bad taste in my mouth, so for now, we won't be reopening the campaign or pursuing similar options such as Patreon, though we may try again in the future to fund the development of Papyros with continual funding.
-#### Development Update
-In addition to the news about our Bountysource campaign, I'd also like to give a brief update of where we are with progress on Papyros and the desktop shell.
-Our goal for the first release of the Papyros desktop shell was July 1st. As is obvious, we did not meet that goal. There are some issues remaining in the desktop shell as well as several major bugs in Green Island that we are waiting on. We also were waiting for Qt 5.5 to land in the Arch repository, which it did within the past week or so.
-I found out about the fraudulent activity on Bountysource Salt at about the time of our intended release date for the desktop shell, and after hearing the bad news and after working hard for close to six months on Papyros, I needed a break to prevent getting burned out and to focus on college studies for a while. So I've taken a break from most of Papyros-related stuff since then. As a result, there has been no progress since the start of the month on finishing the remaining issues in the desktop shell or on working on any of the other projects of Papyros. However, other developers have continued to work on Papyros and there are many new merge requests waiting for me to review.
-I am beginning to pick up development again, though it will continue to only be a spare-time activity, with an hour or two in the evenings and time on Saturday. I'll review all the open pull requests, update our packages in the Papyros repository, and jump back into finishing up the remaining bugs before the first release of the desktop shell.
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- * Syntax highlighting styles
- */
-.highlight {
- background: #fff;
- @extend %vertical-rhythm;
- .c { color: #998; font-style: italic } // Comment
- .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } // Error
- .k { font-weight: bold } // Keyword
- .o { font-weight: bold } // Operator
- .cm { color: #998; font-style: italic } // Comment.Multiline
- .cp { color: #999; font-weight: bold } // Comment.Preproc
- .c1 { color: #998; font-style: italic } // Comment.Single
- .cs { color: #999; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } // Comment.Special
- .gd { color: #000; background-color: #fdd } // Generic.Deleted
- .gd .x { color: #000; background-color: #faa } // Generic.Deleted.Specific
- .ge { font-style: italic } // Generic.Emph
- .gr { color: #a00 } // Generic.Error
- .gh { color: #999 } // Generic.Heading
- .gi { color: #000; background-color: #dfd } // Generic.Inserted
- .gi .x { color: #000; background-color: #afa } // Generic.Inserted.Specific
- .go { color: #888 } // Generic.Output
- .gp { color: #555 } // Generic.Prompt
- .gs { font-weight: bold } // Generic.Strong
- .gu { color: #aaa } // Generic.Subheading
- .gt { color: #a00 } // Generic.Traceback
- .kc { font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Constant
- .kd { font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Declaration
- .kp { font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Pseudo
- .kr { font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Reserved
- .kt { color: #458; font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Type
- .m { color: #099 } // Literal.Number
- .s { color: #d14 } // Literal.String
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- .nc { color: #458; font-weight: bold } // Name.Class
- .no { color: #008080 } // Name.Constant
- .ni { color: #800080 } // Name.Entity
- .ne { color: #900; font-weight: bold } // Name.Exception
- .nf { color: #900; font-weight: bold } // Name.Function
- .nn { color: #555 } // Name.Namespace
- .nt { color: #000080 } // Name.Tag
- .nv { color: #008080 } // Name.Variable
- .ow { font-weight: bold } // Operator.Word
- .w { color: #bbb } // Text.Whitespace
- .mf { color: #099 } // Literal.Number.Float
- .mh { color: #099 } // Literal.Number.Hex
- .mi { color: #099 } // Literal.Number.Integer
- .mo { color: #099 } // Literal.Number.Oct
- .sb { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Backtick
- .sc { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Char
- .sd { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Doc
- .s2 { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Double
- .se { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Escape
- .sh { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Heredoc
- .si { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Interpol
- .sx { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Other
- .sr { color: #009926 } // Literal.String.Regex
- .s1 { color: #d14 } // Literal.String.Single
- .ss { color: #990073 } // Literal.String.Symbol
- .bp { color: #999 } // Name.Builtin.Pseudo
- .vc { color: #008080 } // Name.Variable.Class
- .vg { color: #008080 } // Name.Variable.Global
- .vi { color: #008080 } // Name.Variable.Instance
- .il { color: #099 } // Literal.Number.Integer.Long
diff --git a/_templates/draft b/_templates/draft
deleted file mode 100644
index b2f881e..0000000
--- a/_templates/draft
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-layout: {{ layout }}
-title: {{ title }}
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deleted file mode 100644
index b2f881e..0000000
--- a/_templates/page
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@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-layout: {{ layout }}
-title: {{ title }}
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deleted file mode 100644
index 66642c6..0000000
--- a/_templates/post
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-layout: {{ layout }}
-title: {{ title }}
-date: {{ date }}
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-layout: page
-title: "About"
-order: 1
-Our vision for Papyros is building a Linux operating system that is fun and easy to use for the average user. We're doing this by building an operating system that gets out of the user's way, integrates with cloud services and web technologies, and converges across devices and form factors.
-##### Where are we now?
-Papyros is currently in pre-alpha, with an alpha coming this summer. You can find more information (and downloads!) at [papyros.io](http://papyros.io/). You can follow us on [Google+](https://plus.google.com/113262712329378697012) for frequent updates or on [our blog](http://papyros.io/blog) for less frequent but more detailed posts.
-All our code is open source and is available on GitHub at .
-Some of the current features we're working on include:
- * Focus on modern design by conforming to Google's Material Design guidelines
- * A rolling release architecture with atomic upgrades and rollbacks
- * Integration with web apps such as Gmail, Inbox, and Evernote
- * A simple and easy to use desktop environment
- * A cross-platform app development framework based on QtQuick
- * A file manager and settings app for the OS
-##### We need your support!
-Papyros currently has no commercial funding, and development is done by team members and third-party contributors in their spare time. With continual funding, the Papyros team will be able to dedicate more time to working on Papyros as well as pay third-party contributors to work on features and bugs through the use of bug bounties. This will allow me, Michael Spencer, to spend more time as the lead developer building new features of the OS, getting the alpha ready for testing, and working towards stable releases of the operating system. It will also encourage more third-party contributors to get involved with development of the OS.
-To support the development of Papyros, check out our ongoing crowdfunding campaign on [Bountysource Salt](https://salt.bountysource.com/teams/papyros).
-If you're a developer and would rather earn money by coding rather than paying us to do it for you, check out the [list of open bounties](https://www.bountysource.com/teams/papyros/bounties) and get coding!
-##### Where does your money go?
-With your support, we'd like to continue working towards fulfilling our vision of building an open-source operating system that is fun and easy to use for the average user yet advanced enough for power users, including building the following features:
-* **Intelligent notifications**
- We'd like to extend the existing notification specification for Linux to support intelligent notifications that persist as long as the original content is unread. For example, a notification will show until you read an email or open your chat program, but will automatically go away once you read the email or chat. We also will display the persistent notifications in a top panel similar to Android to provide at-a-glance identification of which apps have notifications.
-* **User account restrictions**
- User account restrictions are useful for parental controls, library and coffee shop computers, and other restricted environments. We'd like to build a simple UI settings module to restrict access to parts of the user's account and desktop, such as what apps are pinned, which apps can be opened or are hidden, whether the user can change networks, or log out or power off the computer.
-* **Application bundles and sandboxing**
- GNOME is working on cross-distro and cross-desktop environment application bundling and sandboxing. We'd like to use this technology to build modern application bundling support for Papyros, allowing you to install Papyros apps on any distro or any bundled app on Papyros, even if it was built and packaged on another distro.
- Along with this, we'd like to build an elegant app store UI to manage and install these application bundles.
-* **Presentation mode**
- We'd like to build a simple and easy-to-use presentation mode that turns an external display into a presentation screen, with an easy way to present specific windows on the display, without having to deal with the hassle of trying to drag windows onto the display and fullscreen them. This mode would also disable notifications and screen locking while enabled.
-* **Convergence**
- If Papyros becomes successful enough, we'd like to eventually implement convergence. This would include different interfaces for different devices, such as tablets, phones, and TVs. We'd also like to work on support for convertible laptops, where removing the keyboard and touchpad turns the device into a tablet mode, losing windowed mode and making the screen more touch-focused.
diff --git a/blog/index.html b/blog/index.html
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index 399cf03..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-title: Blog
-permalink: /blog/
-order: 2
With the Material framework for QtQuick, you can build powerful and well-designed cross-platform apps that run on Papyros and other Linux operating systems, OS X, Windows, and Android. You can create convergent apps that adapt to a wide variety of device sizes and input methods.
Material Design
Our framework is built exactly according to the Material Design specifications. This means that apps built with the framework will fit in on Android and will look good on other platforms. You can also use the QtQuick.Controls theme to adapt existing apps without rewriting from scratch.
Open Source
The Material framework is open source and is licensed under the LGPL version 2.1 or higher. This means you have full access to the source code on our GitHub page. You can choose to publish your app under a compliant open-source license, or choose to keep it closed source.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/download/index.markdown b/download/index.markdown
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index 4ec9091..0000000
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: "Download"
-order: 4
-The operating system, desktop shell, and material design framework is still in active development and is in a pre-alpha state. We don't have any installer ISOs or stable repositories. However, we now have an initial package repository for users to try out the Papyros shell on ArchLinux! These packages are automatically built each night by a Buildbot instance running on the Papyros servers.
-DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind this is very much in a pre-alpha state, and many things are not implemented yet. The packages themselves should work though, as I've tested them locally. No guarantees though!
-First, add the following lines to your `/etc/pacman.conf` file, above the default repositories:
- [papyros]
- SigLevel = Never
- Server = http://dash.papyros.io/repos/$repo/$arch
-Then, run
- pacman -Syu
- pacman -S papyros-shell
-You can test the shell by running it in a new window on top of your desktop:
- papyros-session
-We're getting closer to our first release, but there are still some missing features and many bugs. Stay tuned for more updates!
-Happy testing!
diff --git a/feed.xml b/feed.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a6628bd..0000000
--- a/feed.xml
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-layout: null
- {{ site.title | xml_escape }}
- {{ site.description | xml_escape }}
- {{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/
- {{ site.time | date_to_rfc822 }}
- {{ site.time | date_to_rfc822 }}
- Jekyll v{{ jekyll.version }}
- {% for post in site.posts limit:10 %}
- {{ post.title | xml_escape }}
- {{ post.content | xml_escape }}
- {{ post.date | date_to_rfc822 }}
- {{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}
- {{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}
- {% for tag in post.tags %}
- {{ tag | xml_escape }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% for cat in post.categories %}
- {{ cat | xml_escape }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endfor %}
diff --git a/get_involved/index.markdown b/get_involved/index.markdown
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index 4eb786b..0000000
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-layout: page
-title: "Get Involved"
-order: 5
-Whether you are a developer, designer, translator, or just a regular user, there are many ways to contribute to Papyros.
-#### Funding
-Papyros currently has no commercial funding, and development is done by team members and third-party contributors in their spare time. With continual funding, the Papyros team will be able to dedicate more time to working on Papyros as well as pay third-party contributors to work on features and bugs through the use of bug bounties. This will allow me, Michael Spencer, to spend more time as the lead developer building new features of the OS, getting the alpha ready for testing, and working towards stable releases of the operating system. It will also encourage more third-party contributors to get involved with development of the OS.
General Funding
- You can support our ongoing crowdfunding campaign on Bountysource Salt. Choose an amount, get rewards, and help us reach our goals. View our sponsors
- PayPal is a quick and easy solution. Choose a one-time amount or set up a subscription. View donation report
Targetted Funding
- Bountysource puts funds directly in the hands of developers by rewarding them for committing fixes or creating new features. Set a bounty on the issues that matter to you most or fund a specific app or project. You can also set up a recurring subscription. Learn more
-#### Development
- * If you're familiar with QML, you can contribute to our
- [Material Design app framework](https://github.com/papyros/qml-material) or the
- [desktop shell](https://github.com/papyros/papyros-shell) itself.
- * If you prefer C++, you can help by implementing backends for the desktop shell indicators and
- other features in the [desktop library](https://github.com/papyros/qml-desktop)
- * If you want to help build the base operating system, including work on using OSTree and xdg-app,
- check out the [powerpack](https://github.com/papyros/powerpack) repository.
-#### Translations
-The project is still in active development, and doesn't fully support translating yet. We'll add
-support for translations, and would love to have your help!
-#### Design
-We care a lot about the design of Papyros. You can check out our [mockups](https://github.com/papyros/mockups),
-or join the discusson in the Papyros community on Google+ by submitting mockups or commenting on
-others' mockups.
-#### Bug Reports
-Once we have an alpha release, bug reports are a great way to contribute to Papyros, whether you're
-a developer, designer, or tester. We plan to have a bug reporting app in the OS, but you can also
-file bugs in the appropriate project on [GitHub](https://github.com/papyros).
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Binary files a/images/monthly_update_1_15/papyros-calculator.png and /dev/null differ
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index 3bd4aa8..0000000
Binary files a/images/papyros_logo.png and /dev/null differ
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index fa05e0b..231b68a 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1,125 +1,24 @@
-layout: default_light
Bringing modern features and Material Design to Linux
Alpha coming soon
- Follow us on Google+
- or read our blog for more details. We're working towards releasing an initial version of the desktop shell for general testing soon. You can track our progress to the next development milestone using the progress bar below:
- Papyros currently has no commercial funding, and development is done by team members and third-party contributors in their spare time. Help fund the development of Papyros so we can spend more time working on development and get more contributors involved.
We are building some exciting features including atomic upgrades, powerful notifications support, and much more. We're leveraging the latest and greatest Linux technologies, including OSTree, Wayland, Qt 5, and much more.
Material Design
We're building the desktop and apps following the Material Design standard which Google created and uses in Android and many of their web apps. This means the operating system will look great, be easy to use and understand, and have a high degree of polish and animations.
Open Source
We believe that open source is the best way to develop software. All our code is publicly available on GitHub, even before the alpha is released. We also share progress and discuss new ideas on our Google+ page and community and on our mailing list.
diff --git a/support/index.markdown b/support/index.markdown
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-layout: page
-title: "Support"
-order: 6
-You can contact us and get help and support from a variety of resources:
-* File bugs or feature requests at
-* Join our [Google+ community](https://plus.google.com/communities/109966288908859324845)
-* Join our [mailing list on Google Groups](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/papyros)
-* Chat with us on [IRC at #papyros](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=papyros)
-* If you're a developer, you might want to check out one of the following Gitter channels:
- * [papyros/papyros](https://gitter.im/papyros/papyros) for general development and discussion
- * [papyros/qml-material](https://gitter.im/papyros/qml-material) for development and discussion of our Material Design toolkit for QtQuick
-* You can also contact the Papyros founder and lead developer, Michael Spencer, personally at [mspencer@sonrisesoftware.com](mailto:mspencer@sonrisesoftware.com)
-#### Frequently Asked Questions
-##### Is this only just a bunch of mockups or is it a real working OS?
-Yes, we do have real working code and lots of progress is going on. Check out our repositories on GitHub
-at .
-##### You're building yet another desktop shell! Why not just theme KDE?
-We're not building an entire desktop shell and window manager from scratch -- we're building a Wayland compositor using [Green Island](https://github.com/greenisland/greenisland) and the QtCompositor APIs, which takes care of most of the work for window management and compositing. It's so easy that a working compositor can be built in 9 files or less. We'll still have to implement the standard indicators and app launching, but we believe that by focusing just on wayland and not offering a ton of theming and configuration options, we can build a very small desktop shell that works well and has very clean code.
-##### Why build an entirely new OS?
-First of all, we aren't. We will be building on top of an existing Linux distro, Arch Linux.
-However, to work well for the typical computer user, we'll be focusing on an easy-to-use system, with stable, reproducable system installs and atomic upgrades. This will most likely be done using [OSTree](https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Projects/OSTree), which is like Git for operating systems.
-While this will at least initially limit what you'll be able to install on the system, our desktop shell and other software should work well on any Linux distro that offers the latest packages. Our plan is to eventually support all or many of the packages from the Arch repository and the AUR via either composing the custom packages on top OSTree repository locally, or via a writable overlay on top of the read-only root filesystem.
-##### When is it going to be released?
-We'll release it when it's ready, whenever that will be. As of right now, you can install packages on Arch of our current pre-alpha work.
-Soon, we hope to release an alpha of the Material Design framework and then the desktop shell.
-Then, finally, we'll release ISOs to install the operating system in a VM or on an actual computer, once we have our installer finished.
-##### Is it going to be a GNU free distro?
-Our goal is not to be a pure free-software distro; if you want that, install our apps, shell, and
-login screen on another distro. Our goal is to be the best possible operating system for the typical
-computing user. So, if that means supporting proprietary software such as firmware and drivers, then
-we will support non-free software. And that includes supporting an appstore that supports selling
-proprietary software (if we ever get to that point).
-My goal for the OS itself is to focus on an elegant user experience for the typical computing user.
-This may limit its use for certain use cases (for example, if we use OSTree), or may require that
-we support non-free software. It certainly won't please everyone. If you don't like the OS itself,
-go find your own distro and install our packages on top of it.
-I'm not developing this operating system to please everyone. I'm developing it as a hobby project
-to fulfill a list of requirements that I've put forth, and being an ideal distro that doesn't
-work for users is not one of them.
-##### So you're selling your operating system?
-No, we are a completely open-source project, with the code available on GitHub at , and the operating system will be available at no cost. Our main software is licensed under the GPL, while our application framework implementing Material Design is LGPL. By not following GNU free distro guidelines, that simply means that we will support the user using firmware and drivers that do not have source code and are released under a proprietary license. That does not mean that we will be charging for our work.
-Instead, once we have more work to show, we will be accepting direct donations and donations via bug bounties to pay developers for their time and work. We may also use crowdfunding to cover the costs of major new features.
-##### So, you're just another person/project crazy about all things Google and Material Design in particular.
-No. I (Michael Spencer, the project's founder and lead developer) have been planning on developing an operating system for several years now, and have been working on ideas for the OS and reading up about people's thoughts about Linux Desktops in general. I actually had started to develop my own UI style somewhat similar to the Bootstrap web framework, but then Google announced Material Design and I decided just to use that as Material Design looked really nice and it obviously would get a lot of support and interest since it came from a big company like Google.
-##### You really plan to build all the apps yourself?
-We'll work with other projects to support existing Gtk/Qt apps using a Material Design theme, but, as with any design guidelines, the best apps will be those built to follow the guidelines. So, we will build a few core apps ourselves and promote our Material Design framework for building native apps, along with supporting web apps via Google's Polymer web framework.