Personal Work Manager
- Visual studio 2010 sp1 (.NET 4.0)
- Internet Information Services 6/7
- SQLLite connector (System.Data.SQLite)
- Url:
- File: sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010- This connector is required to update the Model.adms file, if database schema has changed.
- Stylecop;
- JSLint;
- DB Browser for SQLite;
- IIS 6
- Directory Security configuration Allow "Anonymous Access" Allow "Integrated Windows Authentication"
- Stylecop Load xml file configuration available in web project folder (Settings.StyleCop). Stylecop usually auto load this file.
- JSLint Load xml file configuration available in web project folder (Settings.JSLint.xml). JSLint DOES NOT auto load this file.
- SQLite Unzip "PWM\PersonalWorkManager\PersonalWorkManagerWeb\App_Data\" into the same directory. Use DB Browser for SQLite to maintain data and schema.
- Must compile without JSLint warnings
- Must compile without Stylecop warnings