All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Bug in generation of network topology.
- Changed theme in doxygen documentation.
- Generation of the nanowire network is now more robust as the seed is set internally before the creation.
- GitHub workflow for the automatic generation of documentation.
- Software license.
- Reproducible network generation across different Unix distributions.
- LAPACK function call in order to work with older versions of the library.
- Parameters in examples.
- The MEA structure for a more realistic connection of sources, grounds, and loads.
- New utility functions for the comparison, copy, creation, and destruction of data structures.
- CMake automation and README instructions to work on macOS.
- Used UMFPACK instead of LAPACK for the MNA solution: passed from solving a system of equations to solve a sparse system of equations.
- Computation speed increased by ~500%.
- Bug in MNA solution when multiple sources are used.
- Connected component abstraction, allowing to use multiple connected components belonging to the same NN.
- Linearized the simulation data: from array of arrays to array.
- Reduced the memory usage of the simulator by using wires and junctions index instead of containing the whole sparse matrix.
- Computation speed increased by ~10%.
- Reduced the memory usage of the simulator.
- First alpha version of the NN simulator.