Releases: ossia/score
Releases · ossia/score
New features
- Add a way to disable LV2 at runtime with SCORE_DISABLE_LV2 (as currently LV2 is broken on Arch Linux)
- Implement mouse and key input for the Window gfx device. Fixes #395
Bug fixes
- Fix some issues with cable deletion order when closing a document
- Fix various nodal process issues
- Improve OpenGL version detection
- Fix .score file association on macOS
- Fix various VST execution issues, in particular with all notes off messages
- Clamp opacity between [0; 1] in relevant text and image processes
Important notes
The OSCQuery integration has been reworked in order to work towards better integration of score into other systems.
There may be unexpected behaviours, please test heavily !
New features
- Control surface bounds are now updated when the nodes change.
- Live edition with the PureData integration (only tested on Mac and Linux for now). However we loose the ability of using Purr Data for edition.
- Faust plug-ins will now support knobs (Thanks @thibaudk !)
- Added an API to support offline processing and modification of processes as plug-ins. For instance to apply an off-line modification to an entire audio file. provides an example of plug-in that adds a simple action on sound files.
The actions are for now listed by right-clicking on the process name in the object panel ; improvements to the UI are welcome ! - Image chooser widget for the Images process.
- Score will display that a new version is available on the start screen (thanks @aklevy !).
- New experimental Factor Oracle implementation (thanks @mariapcarrero !).
- All the processes are now exposed over the Remote protocol (useable with The remote has also seen a lot of work thanks to @Toine-ddt !
- Improve the click area for the graph intervals which were hard to create.
- Various small improvements to widgets such as HSV chooser, XY input, etc.
- Support for depth buffer in video render targets (thanks @Afourcadet and 0tbarbe004 !)
- Support for 8-bit soundfiles.
- Support for GPU decoding of YUVJ420P for camera input and video files.
- The way the video graph works has been entirely reworked to allow multiple processes to render on the same port.
This will open many creative applications but impacted the whole design, thus there may be a few bugs.
- Fix the startup lag induced by the local device exposing itself over OSCQuery, which seems to take up to a few seconds on some platforms.
- Do not show the startup screen if loading a file by clicking on it.
- Fix domains for text and image processes's scales.
- Fix min/max not updating the background in the piano roll (#1147)
- Fix issues with the spline UI (#1228)
- Fix issues when reloading sound files with a start offset (#1244)
- Fix that playing a state before playing the score a first time did not work.
- Fix issues when editing the Pattern process (#1240).
- Fix many issues with VST plug-ins:
- Pure 2.4 VST will load again.
- Fix some issues due to Juce plug-ins seemingly doing UI callbacks in non-UI threads... needing serialization to the main UI thread.
- Fix dlopen options that prevented some competing VSTs to be loaded in the same session.
- Increase the resource limits which were causing issues due to large OSCQuery devices launching a lot of HTTP requests,
exhausting the system limits. - Try to use the most recent GL version available, which fixes in particular video support on Wayland, as well as on some macs.
- Fix editing an address from the device explorer edit dialog.
- Fix issues with CPU-decoded video frames.
- Fix issues with soundfiles with some embedded metadata that would trip up FFMPEG.
- Fix detection of visibility for ports by doing it manually as QGraphicsScene is apparently unable of doing that. This fixes the issue with cables hanging around in the void without being connected to anything.
- Fix issues when resizeing the nodal view.
- Fix the position of drops in the nodal view.
- Fix naming of node items.
- Fix a crash when changing a JS script during the execution of a score.
- Fix many small video rendering issues:
- In particular fix that a lot of video resources weren't freed.
- Rescale textures if they do not fit into GPU limits (for instance large photos).
- Fix many small UI bugs and issues.
- Fix that some data wasn't always reloaded on a crash (e.g. CABLES).
- Fix Y direction of Image process, when using for instance with a Spline to automatize the movement of an image.
- Enable CORS in WebSockets (thanks @x37v !)
- Reenable the JIT cache to make JIT'ed plug-ins more easily useable.
Bugfix release
- This release only contains bugfixes to improve compatibility of the JIT feature
New features
- E1.31 / sACN support for DMX
- Fix an issue with reloading scores with graph intervals
New features
- Ability to choose the audio output from the mixer panel directly
- Allow to control full-screen, size and position for window devices
- Lot of fixes for JIT plug-ins, plus additional work on CI for those
- Disable edition during recording, temporary fix for #1229
- Fix that notifications could create windows in threads which macOS does not support
- Fix some issues with skin loading when going from score 2.5.2 to score 3
Known bugs
- score will display that a new version is available even if it isn't... oops
- Documentation was written for how to create custom gfx nodes, start from here:
Bugfix release
- Fix an issue that was reported on OSC saving after a35 #1167
- Remove an unused timer which was was hogging resources for no reason
New features
- Rewritten the parallel execution algorithm to make sure that there's no hidden mutex like there was with cpp-taskflow. Please try it on large score :-)
- [experimental] the OSC protocol has become much more powerful : it is now possible to send / receive OSC not only through UDP but also TCP, serial port, and websockets, directly from score.
That means that score is now able to send / receive OSC directly to e.g. an Arduino or a web page : see for instance (we recommend using a proper Javascript OSC library for actual work, or the WebAssembly port of libossia).
It's also possible to choose the OSC version to use, for instance OSC 1.0 will limit the type tags used versus 1.1 if communicating with older OSC systems. SLIP encoding over serial port and TCP is supported, as well as a few other useful features.
- Added a setting to change the refresh rate of the score UI when the score is executing to help low-power computers.
- Faust now uses the
option for building which seems to make the Faust plug-in execution much much much much more efficient !
New features
- ISF multi-pass shaders now work, which should make score ISF-feature-complete (any in-depth testing would be very appreciated though !)
- Device explorer will remember previously open branches when removing a filter
- It's now possible to choose the video backend used for the graphics pipeline in the settings (D3D, Vulkan, Metal, GL)
- ControlSurface now notifies over websocket when a control changes
- Various issues during edition are fixed
- Lots of improvements for the default audio devices for new installs
- Disable broken audio backends
- Fix first startup zoom
- Fix dropping .score files in scenarios and intervals
- Fix droppping ports in interval / scenario to create automations
- 2D touchpads should now be able to scroll diagonally in the score
- Fix that the gain outlet did not have a domain
- Enable scrollbars in the main scene
- Fixes with the device explorer filtering
- Improve zoom by using Qt's builtin feature
- Fix creating graph intervals backwards
- Disable interpolation process which is an incomplete wip
- Fix potential division by zero with spline2D
- Fix that many processes did not have a name and did not work in the localtree
- Fix device edition not allowing to validate
- Fix pause for video
- Use the name of the device for the learning dialog
- Fix LV2 plug-ins which use NaN values
- Add support for UYVY texture format (which enables NDI support with
- Fix various small video decoding issues
- Greatly improve support of Qt 6
- Fix that the installer was blurry on Windows
- Fix broken transport in a33 due to the transport refactoriong
Only minor bugfixes
New features
- HAP formats are now decompressed on the GPU as they should be.
- Experimental support for JACK transport (not all features work yet)
- Various other JACK improvements (#1006 #1007), go check the settings
- MIDI: allow to choose the backend used as there may be multiple depending on the OS.
- Many improvements to video playback
- Add ability to mute / unmute intervals from the localtree
- Some shortcuts have been introduced and changed to make more sense:
-> Create mode becomes Add mode (the new shortcut is "A")
-> Create a condition with C, remove it with shift+C
-> Create a trigger with T, remove it with shift+T
- A ton thanks to user testing
- Library: sort things by name
- Fix selection of graph intervals
- Fix issues when dropping unexpected data on a control surface
- Fix dragging a part of a scenario (shortcut changed for middle-click to alt-click)
- Fix creating a point on a spline by double click not happening at the right place
- Make sure that durations can never be negative in a scenario
- Fix that gain inlets did not have a name
- Fix the interval colors when drag'n'dropping (and various other cases)
- Improve Qt 6 support