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Releases: osmcode/libosmium

Version 2.15.6

27 Jun 21:34
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  • Add IdSetSmall::merge_sorted function.


  • Little optimization for IdSetSmall: Don't add the same id twice in a row.


  • Do not build areas with "recursion depth > 20". This happens when there are complex multipolygon with many rings touching in single points. This is a quick fix that hopefully keeps us going until we find a better solution.

Version 2.15.5

21 Apr 07:32
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  • Additional constructor for builder::attr::member_type(_string) taking char type making it even easier to generate test data.
  • Allow single C string or std::string as argument for builder::attr::_tag. Must contain key and value separated by the equal sign.
  • New builder::attr::_t() function to set tags from comma-separated string.
  • New nwr_array iterator.
  • Support for the PROJ library has now been declared deprecated. The old PROJ API (up to version PROJ 6) is currently still available, but will be removed in a future version. Support for the new PROJ API will not be in libosmium. See for some code that might help you if you need this.


  • Check how much space is available in file system before resizing memory mapped file (not on Windows). This means we can, at least in some cases, show an error message instead of crashing the program.


  • Parsing coordinates in PBF files did not work correctly if an lat/lon offset was specified (which almost never happens).
  • Make OPL parser more strict: Attributes can only be specified once.
  • Do not close stdout after writing OSM file to it.

Version 2.15.4

28 Nov 17:23
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  • Add osmium::Options::empty() for consistency with STL containers.


  • Massive reduction of memory consumption in area assembly code. For some very complex polygons memory usage can drop from multiple gigabytes to just megabytes.

Version 2.15.3

16 Sep 15:11
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  • New header option "sorting" when reading and writing PBFs. If the header option "sorting" is set to Type_then_ID, the optional header property Sort.Type_then_ID` is set on writing to PBF files. When reading PBF files with this header property, the "sorting" header option is set accordingly.


  • Do not propagate C++ exception through C code. We are using the Expat XML parser, a C library. It calls callbacks in our code. When those callbacks throw, the exception was propagated through the C code. This did work in the tests, but that behaviour isn't guaranteed (C++ standard says it is implementation defined). This fixes it by catching the exception and rethrowing it later.

Version 2.15.2

16 Aug 12:38
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  • Instead of handler classes, the apply function can now also take lambdas (or objects from classes implementing operator()).
  • Add swap, copy constructor and assignment operator to IdSetDense.


  • Enable use of the old proj API in proj version 6. This is a stopgap solution until we find a better one.
  • Better error messages when there is an error parsing a timestamp.
  • Cleaned up a lot of code based on clang-tidy warnings.
  • Ignore or subelement of or . elements are created by Overpass API as subelements of ways or relations when the "out bb" format is used. subelements turn up in files downloaded from . Libosmium used to throw an error like "Unknown element in : bbox". With this commit, these subelements are ignored, ie. there is no error any more, but the data is not read.
  • Add swap, copy constructor and assignment operator to IdSetDense.
  • Update included catch.hpp to 1.12.2.
  • Retire use of OSMIUM_NORETURN macro. Use [[noreturn]] instead.


  • Do not build areas with more than 100 locations where rings touch. Places where rings touch are unusual for normal multipolygons and the algorithm in libosmium that assembles multipolygons does not handle them well. If there are too many touching points it becomes very slow. This is not a problem for almost all multipolygons. As I am writing this there are only three relations in the OSM database with more than 100 touching points, all of them rather weird boundaries in the US. With this commit libosmium will simply ignore those areas to keep the processing speed within reasonable bounds.

Version 2.15.1

26 Feb 11:04
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  • More tests.
  • CMake config: also find clang-tidy-7.


  • Example and benchmark programs now don't crash with exceptions any more but report them properly.


  • Compile with NDEBUG in RelWithDebInfo mode.
  • Correctly throw exception in multimap::dump_as_list().
  • Integer truncation on 32 bit systems in MemoryUsage.
  • Exception specification on some functions.
  • Forwarding references that might have hidden copy/move constructors.

Version 2.15.0

07 Dec 20:14
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  • Function dump_as_array() to dump sparse array indexes.
  • Set the xml_josm_upload header option when reading XML files.
  • New function OSMObject::remove_tags() marks tags on OSM objects as removed.
  • More tests.


  • When reading OSM files Libosmium now has less memory overhead, especially when reading PBF files. This works by using more, but smaller buffers.
  • The TagsFilter class is now based on the TagsFilterBase template class which allows setting the result type. This allows the filter to return more data depending on the rule that matched.
  • Use enums for many constants instead of (static) const(expr) variables.
  • Make chunk_bits in IdSetDense configurable.
  • Hardcode %lld format instead of using <cinttypes> PRI macro.
  • Update included gdalcpp to version 1.2.0.


  • The gzip/bzip2 compression code was overhauled and is better tested now. This fixes some bugs on Windows.

Version 2.14.2

23 Jul 18:51
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  • PBF reader and writer depended on byte order of system architecture.
  • Removed an unreliable test that didn't work on some architectures.

Version 2.14.1

23 Jul 07:41
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  • Libosmium now needs the newest Protozero version 1.6.3.
  • Removes dependency on the utfcpp library for conversions between Unicode code points and UTF-8. We have our own functions for this now. This also gives us more control on where errors are thrown in this code.
  • Add support for using the CRC32 implementation from the zlib library in addition to the one from Boost. It is significantly faster and means we have one less dependency, because zlib is needed anyway in almost all programs using Osmium due to its use in the PBF format. Set macro OSMIUM_TEST_CRC_USE_BOOST before compiling the tests, if you want to run the tests with the boost library code, otherwise it will use the zlib code. Note that to use this you have to change your software slightly, see the documentation of the CRC_zlib class for details.
  • Add a clear_user() function to OSMObject and Changeset which allows removing the user name of an entity without re-creating it in a new buffer.
  • In Osmium the 0 value of the Timestamp is used to denote the "invalid" Timestamp, and its output using the to_iso() function is the empty string. But this is the wrong output for OSM XML files, where a timestamp that's not set should still be output as 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. This version introduces a new to_is_all() function which will do this and uses that function in the XML writer.
  • Use protozero::byteswap_inplace instead of htonl/ntohl. Makes the code simpler and also works on Windows.
  • Marked MultipolygonCollector class as deprecated. Use the MultipolygonManager class introduced in 2.13.0 instead.
  • Lots of code cleanups especially around asserts. Libosmium checks out clean with clang-tidy now. Some documentation updates.


  • Fix compilation error when fileno() is a macro (as in OpenBSD 6.3).
  • Make Box output consistent with the output of a single Location and avoids problems with some locales.

Version 2.14.0

31 Mar 13:49
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  • Add ReaderWithProgressBar class. This wraps an osmium::io::Reader and an osmium::ProgressBar into a nice little package allowing easier use in the common case.
  • Add polygon implementation for WKT and GeoJSON geometry factories. (Thanks to Horace Williams.)
  • Various tests.


  • Add git submodule with osm-testdata repository. Before this the repository had to be installed externally. Now a submodule update can be used to get the correct version of the osm-testdata repository.
  • The XML file reader was rewritten to be more strict. Cases where it could be tricked into failing badly were removed. There are now more tests for the XML parser.
  • Replaced strftime by our own implementation. Uses a specialized implementation for our use case instead the more general strftime. Benchmarked this to be faster.
  • Changed the way IDs are parsed from strings. No asserts are used any more but checks are done and an exception is thrown when IDs are out of range. This also changes the way negative values are handled. The value -1 is now always accepted for all IDs and returned as 0. This deprecates the string_to_user_id() function, use string_to_uid() instead which returns a different type.
  • It was always a bit confusing that some of the util classes and functions are directly in the osmium namespace and some are in osmium::util. The osmium::util namespace is now declared inline. which allows all util classes and functions to be addressed directly in the osmium namespace while keeping backwards compatibility.
  • An error is now thrown when the deprecated pbf_add_metadata file format option is used. Use add_metadata instead.
  • Extended the add_metadata file format option. In addition to allowing the values true, yes, false, and no, the new values all and none are now recognized. The option can also be set to a list of attributes
    separated by the + sign. Attributes are version, timestamp, changeset, uid, and user. All output formats have been updated to only output the specified attributes. This is based on the new osmium::metadata_options class which stores information about what metadata an OSMObject has or should have. (Thanks to Michael Reichert.)
  • The < (less than) operator on OSMObjects now ignores the case when one or both of the timestamps on the objects are not set at all. This allows better handling of OSM data files with reduced metadata.
  • Allow version = -1 and changeset = -1 in PBF input. This value is sometimes used by other programs to denote "no value". Osmium uses the 0 for this.
  • The example programs using the getopt_long function have been rewritten to work without it. This makes using libosmium on Windows easier, where this function is not available.
  • Removed the embedded protozero from repository. Like other dependencies you have to install protozero first. If you check out the protozero repository in the same directory where you checked out libosmium, libosmium's CMake will find it.
  • Various code cleanups, fixing of include order, etc.
  • Remove need for winsock2 library in Windows by using code from Protozero. (Thanks alex85k.)
  • Add MSYS2 build to Appveyor and fixed some Windows compile issues. (Thanks to alex85k.)
  • Use array instead of map to store input/output format creators.
  • Update included catch.hpp to version 1.12.1.


  • Remove check for lost ways in multipolygon assembler. This rules out too many valid multipolygons, more specifically more complex ones with touching inner rings.
  • Use different macro magic for registering index maps. This allows the maps to be used for several types at the same time.
  • Lots of code was rewritten to fix warnings reported by clang-tidy making libosmium more robust.
  • Make ADL work for begin()/end() of InputIterator<Reader>.
  • Various fixes to make the code more robust, including an undefined behaviour in the debug output format and a buffer overflow in the o5m parser.
  • Range checks in o5m parser throw exceptions now instead of triggering assertions.
  • Better checking that PBF data is in range.
  • Check read and write system calls for EINTR.
  • Use tag and type from protozero to make PBF parser more robust.
  • Test testdata-multipolygon on Windows was using the wrong executable name.