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Oscar Lagatta edited this page Oct 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

To start building a database structure for a home improvement agent hub application, we need to consider key entities such as:

  1. Agents: The home improvement agents (e.g., plumbers, electricians).
  2. Services: Services provided by agents (e.g., plumbing, electrical work).
  3. Customers: Users requesting services.
  4. Jobs/Bookings: Jobs assigned to agents by customers.
  5. Reviews: Feedback for the services provided by agents.

Here’s an initial database structure:


1. Agents

  • AgentID (PK) - Unique identifier for the agent.
  • Name - Agent's full name.
  • Email - Agent's email address.
  • Phone - Contact number.
  • Location - City or region the agent operates in.
  • Rating - Average rating (calculated from reviews).
  • ProfilePictureUrl - URL to the agent's profile picture.
  • Specialties - List of services the agent specializes in.

2. Services

  • ServiceID (PK) - Unique identifier for the service.
  • ServiceName - Name of the service (e.g., plumbing, carpentry).
  • Description - A short description of the service.

3. Customers

  • CustomerID (PK) - Unique identifier for the customer.
  • FullName - Customer's full name.
  • Email - Customer's email address.
  • Phone - Contact number.
  • Address - Customer's address.

4. Jobs (Bookings)

  • JobID (PK) - Unique identifier for the job.
  • AgentID (FK) - Foreign key referencing Agents.
  • CustomerID (FK) - Foreign key referencing Customers.
  • ServiceID (FK) - Foreign key referencing Services.
  • JobDate - Date and time when the job is scheduled.
  • JobStatus - Status of the job (e.g., pending, completed, canceled).
  • TotalCost - Total cost of the job.

5. Reviews

  • ReviewID (PK) - Unique identifier for the review.
  • JobID (FK) - Foreign key referencing Jobs.
  • Rating - A rating out of 5.
  • ReviewText - Text feedback from the customer.
  • ReviewDate - Date the review was posted.

Example Data


AgentID Name Email Phone Location Rating ProfilePictureUrl Specialties
1 John Smith [email protected] 555-1234 New York 4.5 /images/john.png Plumbing, Carpentry
2 Alice Johnson [email protected] 555-5678 Boston 4.8 /images/alice.png Electrical, Carpentry


ServiceID ServiceName Description
1 Plumbing Fixing pipes, installing sinks, etc.
2 Electrical Wiring, lighting, and electrical work


CustomerID FullName Email Phone Address
1 Bob Anderson [email protected] 555-9999 123 Main St, Boston
2 Jane Doe [email protected] 555-8888 456 Oak St, New York

Jobs (Bookings)

JobID AgentID CustomerID ServiceID JobDate JobStatus TotalCost
1 1 1 1 2024-10-21 09:00:00 Pending 150
2 2 2 2 2024-10-22 10:30:00 Completed 200


ReviewID JobID Rating ReviewText ReviewDate
1 2 5 "Great job, quick and professional!" 2024-10-23

ER Diagram (Entity-Relationship Diagram)

  • Agents are connected to Jobs via AgentID.
  • Customers are connected to Jobs via CustomerID.
  • Services are linked to Jobs via ServiceID.
  • Jobs are linked to Reviews by JobID.

Let me generate a design for the database's Entity-Relationship Diagram (DER).

Here is the entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for the home improvement agents hub application. It illustrates the relationships between the main entities: Agents, Services, Customers, Jobs (Bookings), and Reviews, along with the key attributes and foreign key connections. You can use this to visualize and implement the database design. Let me know if you'd like further adjustments or explanations!

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