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Ihsan Praditya ihsanpraditya
Intermediate in web development. I have been learning it by mid 2025.


Azizul Islam azizulislam

BD Web Services Boston, Massachusetts

Morten Bak mortenebak
Fullstack webdeveloper @ I love programming and the TALL stack!

Indexed Denmark

Tahir Əsədov tahir-asadov
Full stack web developer, wordpress developer


Jastine Tanjuaquio jdtanjuaquio
🤔 Something to build

Manila Philippines

Jessé Cruz ojessecruz
Building great solutions

crosslab Cataguases/MG

Sebastian Novak kernel-memory-dump


Cristiano Lima TechNoirDev

Analista de TI - UFSM Santa Maria/RS - Brasil

Anton Paramonov paramonovav
Full Stack Developer at ForaTeam


Michele Di Brigida kiloblaster
Lead nerd @

Ayman Alhattami aymanalhattami
Laravel Developer | Filament | Full Stack Web Developer

Quality Connect Yemen

Mircha Emanuel `ryuujin` D'Angelo mirchaemanuel
Full-stack developer and chess amateur Curious about everything around him, especially boxes with lights, switches and sounds. @illegalstudio coder

Born to code! my first words were “Hello, World!” Italy

Sven hofmannsven
Freelance web developer with focus on PHP, Laravel and WordPress.

Freelancer Forchheim, Germany

Ibrahim Mustapha Alhaji projecthanif
Backend developer; {{Laravel php artisan}}


Hassam M fox-hassam
PHP/Laravel developer.
John Trickett johntrickett86
🤓 Tech lover & PHP geek After running my own fire compliance business, I now focus on custom app development to help businesses get smarter with technology.

Stitch Digital United Kingdom

Clarke SP clarkesp
Continuously learning

Clarke SP

AO™ osawereao
Humane • Solutions • Music°

@vae24co • @Repo-NG Nigeria, West-Africa

Nibir Ahmed thenibirahmed
Turn ideas into code

The Next Level Bangladesh

Rob RobMacKay
I am Rob - web dev!

RSC Media Scotland

Luis A. Guisado PushoDev
✨ Graduado en la especialidad de Informática 🖥️. Apasionado al desarrollo de Software 📱⚙️ y a la Solución de problemas. 😊⭐ 📧[email protected]

@Freelancer Ciudad de Manzanillo, Cuba

Michael Nabil michaelnabil230
👋 CEO and Founder of Apps Cell | 🚀 Laravel Contributor and Web Developer | 💡 Open Source Enthusiast | Let's innovate together!

@apps-cell-tech Egypt, Cairo

Prodromos Pantos prpanto
Laravel is my favorite taste.


I'm Thy Chanthoeurn, Student of Computer Science and Engineering at the Royal University Of Phnom Penh (RUPP).

Phnom Penh Cambodia

Talent Su Sparkinzy

Chengdu Sichuan .China

Beshoy Wageeh beshoywageeh
Laravel Backend Developer