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HTML, CSS, Wordpress; former grant writer. Skillcrush alum.

DC Metro Area

Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Laura Ferguson allenderl
Xoogler * Applied Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering Leader Startup Founder & CTO

Arlington, VA

Helena Wu helenamwu
National record-holding powerlifter.
Naty Clementi ncclementi

NVIDIA Arlington, VA

Anna Yeddi (Kanterova) anna-yeddi
Sr. Software Engineer, Accessibility at Firefox. Striving to code for a cause and design accessible experiences to end-users

Mozilla Stone Ridge, VA

Paula Gearon quoll
Clojurista and Semantic Webstress

Ardoq Virginia

Prabir Singh | Web Developer | Freelancer prabirshub
Hey there! Looking for someone to create a website that'll knock your socks off? 🎯🚀🚀 Reach out ⤵️. ❤️ JavaScript, React, NextJs & Pluto 🐕 ✌️🐶

Freelancing India

Caitlin Floyd cafloyd
DC-based front-end engineer, driven by the power of technology as a force for good

Washington, DC

Maria aria-2022
I'm a people person, I love ideas, design, and Soft humor :). I am really enthusiastic to break into the tech industry as a Front-End Developer!!!


Neha Natesh neha-natesh
Learning my way to becoming an UiPath Developer

Her Second Innings Bengaluru