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Shudarshan Kongkham ShudarshanKongkham
The man of everything possible ~
wuhongsheng wuhongsheng


xjx JinxiaXie

Guangxi Normal University Guangxi,Guilin,China

Saeed Ahmad saeedahmadicp
AI Research Engineer @ IKLab Inc. | Machine Learning Engineer

IKLab Inc. Geumcheon District, Seoul, South Korea

Hui Li hli1221
Image fusion, RGBT tracking, @PRCI-Lab

Jiangnan University Wuxi, Jiangsu, China

Tchuanm Tchuanm
A PhD student. Working on computer vision, especially for visual tracking and diffusion models.


Cheng Wan JornyWan
Cornell University
Eteph Vujas-Eteph
Scientific employee at the Fraunhofer IOSB and external Ph.D. student at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Fraunhofer IOSB Ettlingen

Fatemeh fatemehN

Université Laval & Mila Montreal, Canada

An Minh Hùng anminhhung

University of Information Technology TPHCM

See me at:
Dat Nguyen-Thanh datnth1709

Ho Chi Minh city, VietNam

Sachin Sakthi K S SachinSakthi
Research scholar at kunsan national university

south korea

Xijie Yang / 杨希杰 | Ph.D. student in CS @ Zhejiang University | B.S. in EE @ Tsinghua University

Shanghai AI Lab Shanghai, China

Zhuang Xiong Z-Xiong
Signal processing and pattern recognition.


Adarsh Ghimire ghimireadarsh
MSc in Computer Engineering

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Zhangshengwei Zhangsw-AI
Efforts will pay off.
Nithesh Chandher NitheshChandher
PhD student in Generative AI for Synthetic Imaging.

Linköping University Norrköping, Sweden

cocoman yeLer
Student in China , Studying on Computer Vision
