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Elizabeth Snyman SnymanE
I am passionate about the environment and data management

SANBI Cape Town

Michael Ducrocq mducrocq
Animateur technique SINP HdF. Développeur full stack,C#, core, python.
Li CHEN Chenshize0104
I'm a PhD student in Ecology working with plant–mycorrhizal fungi networks and plant-pollinator interaction networks in Invasion Ecology.

CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Kunming, Yunnan, China

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Max Hachemeister TyrannosaurusSnacks
Udergraduate of Forestry @ Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde Eberswalde

Isabelle Buerger Isabeekat
Research assistant at IWÖ, focused on biodiversity risk analysis and management in global value chains. Using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS in geographic research methods

University of St. Gallen - Institute for Economy and the Environment St. Gallen, Switzerland

Paloma Avena palomaavena
Data Analyst | GIS | PD&I | GeoHab | DSPC™ | SFPC™ | BIFPC™


E ObiwanKenobee

@Guardian-IO Wakanda

Emily (Chisholm) O'Grady EOGrady21
Ocean data connoisseur, working at Bedford Institute of Oceanography.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Halifax

Katharine Hogan, Ph.D. katharinehogan
Director of Conservation at Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha, Neb., USA

Omaha, NE

Sam Leeflang samleeflang

Naturalis Biodiversity Center / DiSSCo The Netherlands

Kit Lewers kllewers
PhD'ing at CU Boulder in Information Science Department and BioFrontiers Institute. Working with NASA BioSCape. Previously in Yellowstone National Park

University of Colorado, NASA BioSCape, University of Florida (iDigBio), Planning Pod Boulder, CO

Kelsey Yule kyule
data science specialist senior - neon biorepository - biodiversity knowledge integration center

Arizona State University

Fiona Jordan fionajordan

University of Bristol UK

Matheus Moroti mmoroti
📈 Post doc at UNICAMP 👨‍🎓 PhD. Ecology and Conservation 🗺️ Data science, community ecology and macroecology
Cameron Kraft camfran201
Aquatic Science Technician working and learning with an Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB). Aspiring phytoplankton taxonomy whiz and blooming algal nerd.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Sean Jungbluth seannoaa
Microbial Ecology and Oceanography. eDNA|Genomics|Bioinformatics|Software Development @ NOAA-AOML
Siobhan Leachman SiobhanLeachman
Wikimedian, #DigiVol volunteer, Zooniverser and citizen scientist volunteer. Contact me via Bluesky

New Zealand

Jacob Van Veldhuizen javanveldhuizen

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Boulder, CO

Sirikit Joshi scarredwitch
I'm a Masters student studying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Tim Parker-Nance (SAEON) TimPN-SAEON
Senior Developer (Coastal) at the South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON)

SAEON Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Leanna Feder LMFeder

New York Botanical Garden

Sara E. Hansen SaraHansenData
PhD Candidate studying biodiversity data science at Central Michigan University
Bill H billhbk
Software integration and prototyping. Focus areas: SA, GIS, Cyber, XR, and immersive tech. Co-founder and lead developer of Maryland Biodiversity Project.

Maryland Biodiversity Project Monterey, California

Tang, Sheng-Kai winterdrive

National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan

Mark Pitblado mpitblado
Work profile. I work as the Collections Curator, Biodiversity Informatics at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum

@beatybiodiversitymuseum Vancouver British Columbia

Christian Bermúdez-Rivas ChrisBermudezR
#Biólogo M. Sc. Esp. SIG, 🇨🇴. Interesado en geografía, ecología espacial, biología de la conservación y el estudio de los océanos. #GIS #R #Python #Linux

Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas - Dirección General Marítima Tumaco - Colombia

Ben Norton ben-norton
A specialist working at the intersection of data-driven technologies, data standardization, and science - harmonizing MySQL, Marmots, Metadata, and Malachite.

Raleigh, NC

Sean Jungbluth jungbluth twitter: @seanjungbluth

Bay Area, CA