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MonkeyMike.eth mon-key-mike
I build Blockchain Business Services, along with other infrastructures. Available to Hire. I work for DAOs, Communitities, and Private companies

@MonkeyMike Inside the Singularity of the Multiverse, and then residing within that inside the microcosmic reflection of the our Universe. My location is right in front of you.

Nikki H Serenitychic
Fuññ stack global software, analytics, compliance & deployment developer. Crypto development pro Wisconsin

Gemk83 Gemk83
I fun and a Gemini and love to go on adventures and I'm very handy
Virtual Universe Asset (VUA Dapp) VUAdapp
虚拟宇宙资产(VUA Dapp)是一个创新的去中心化市场,旨在赋能艺术家、收藏家和游戏爱好者无缝交易非同质化代币(NFT)收藏品。

VUA Dapp 香港中環中環民耀街

Halftion Jack halftion

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shrimponthekeyboard zhengkai15
Let it be, just enjoy the moment, your life would be better.
Brittney Boone Shai69bb
I am a Web3 developer and cryptocurrency lover and enthusiast since 2015.

Program.Stacked.ME United States

Sophia Lee x-zack
Hi, I'm Sophia Lee. I'm a dedicated student with a passion for learning and determined to make the most out of my education.
CodeCruncher 455631680
I am a computer science major, improving my programming skills by participating in open source projects and completing personal projects.
Muhammad Awais Shah awaisshah228
MERN | RUST | NFTs | DeFi | BlockChain Developer | DevOps 🚀
yqq youngqqcn
日拱一卒,功不唐捐 (Step by step, no effort will be in vain)
MHZ CallMeMhz
Get out of my way, son. You're using my oxygen.
Ushana Bandyopadhyay UBgood
PhD in Post Quantum Cryptography. Master's in Cryptography. Computer Science and Engineering undergrad.


tuanggolt tuanggolt
Bảo vệ

tuanltd@ Việt Nam

Kim Ngọc như ý Kimtrai2020

Github-INC Chi nhánh Vietnam's