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Bill Bnjoroge1
interested in distributed systems, compilers, and networks.
Tobias Fischer tobb10001

Rheinland-Palatinate State / Germany

Don Livanec livando

Spruce Holdings Cincinnati, Ohio

Nick deLannoy cosmicbuffalo
Senior Staff Software Engineer at Blitz

@blitzinsurance Chicago, IL

Eslam Zanaty izanaty9
Software Engineer


Kyle King KyleKing
Senior Engineer at Parexel AI Labs. Previously at Meso Scale Diagnostics and Georgia Tech OMSCS Graduate.

Parexel Washington, DC

Brian Dittmer bdittmer

Patreon San Francisco, CA

Scott Malkie scottmalkie
Security Architecture | Technical Program Management

Amazon Web Services Virginia

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Ulises Garcia pixeleate
Changing the world a line of code at a time.

Pixeleate Inc. Austin, TX.

Jean Kathlyn Belarmino jeankathlynbelarmino
:D I love blocking wannabe influencers and networkers <3 Stop following me if I dont know you and especially if I dont like you. Get Lost! :D
djiwandou djiwandou
Full stack overflow engineer :D

Bandung, Indonesia

Zach Churchill zachchurchill
Technical Lead Interested in app development & the integration of GenAI

American Electric Power Columbus, Ohio

Joshua P. Steele joshuapsteele
"The Rev. Dev," a pastor-turned-programmer who solves problems with a heart for people. Enterprise acct: @jsteele_pfpt

Proofpoint Toledo, OH

Tommy Graves TAGraves
Software Engineer

RWX Columbus, OH

Aaron Christy surfacedamage

@edgecase @societyofseniors @tourntable @ohiogolf @setonparish Ohio

Jamie Phelps jxpx777
Staff Software Consultant at @testdouble. Previously @1Password.

@testdouble Olympia, WA

Ayaz ayazhafiz
да нет, наверное.


Kars van Iersel karsvaniersel
I'm working on a Vue.js & Tailwind CSS component library. Get it @

van Iersel Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dan Manges dan-manges
Building @rwx-research, former CTO of @braintree and @Root-App

@rwx-research Columbus, OH

Kyle Thompson kylekthompson
Software Engineer @rwx-research

@rwx-research Columbus, OH

Tony Schneider tonywok

@rwx-research Columbus, OH

Michael mjgerace
michael j gerace at gmail

Seattle, OH