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Ananya Gupta gupta-nu
experiment 626


Sravya flurry101
🎓 CS Undergrad

Bangalore, India

Maaz Karim Cyber-Machine

ML @VideoVerseHQ Bangalore, India

Ashutosh Pandey ashpande
Compiler Engineer with an interest in Compilers, C/C++, IoT, Embedded Systems and Programming language design.

Bengaluru, India

Geethika Geethika-Kancharla
Web Developer | Member @pbdsce


Kamini Banait kamini08
Member @pbdsce | Full Stack Web Developer


Lavi Khandelwal Nexusrex18
Dsce 2027 | Member @pbdsce

Bengaluru, India

Vivek Agarwal agarwalvivek29

@soundversegit Bangalore

Govind govindup63
The picture isn't mine.                 Member @pbdsce
Chetan R chetanr25
Member of Point Blank @pbdsce | Flutter developer


Mohit Nagaraj mohit-nagaraj
🚀 Crafting dreams | 🔥 Member @pbdsce | 🙌 Hacktoberfest 2024 | 📈6x Hackathon wins | 💻 Intern @SellerSetu | 🎓 DSCE 26

SellerSetu Bangalore, India

Shreyash Srivastava ShreyashSri
writing testcases for your code is doubting your own coding abilities. it's a sign of weakness.


Shreyas Hegde shreyas-omkar
I love to Innovate! 😊

Bangalore, Karnataka

Dhruv slashexx
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

Bangalore, India

Areeb Ahmed areebahmeddd
I like to code sometimes


Yugesh yugeshweb
CSE - CyberSecurity

@cozvox Bengaluru

KARAN JAIN karan2527
CTRL + ALT + EXPLORE: Rebooting life one adventure at a time.

dsce banglore

Yash Agarwal 2004yash
Member @pbdsce

AMX Innovations Bangalore

Prajwal KP Prajwal-kp-18
Winner @sih'2024 | Member @pbdsce | Full Stack Web Developer


Inchara J Incharajayaram

DSCE Bangalore, Karnataka

Sky Singh SkySingh04
The guy with the messy hair, who doesn't know who he is yet.
Rishi Chirchi rishichirchi
🚀 Just a Student Interested in Development | 👨‍💻 Member @pbdsce | 🏆 3x Hackathon Wins | 🎓 DSCE '26

Bangalore, India

Anisha Patra ap766
Hi👋,I'm Anisha🌸| Computer Science Undergrad


Aryan Pandey aryanpandey1507
Exploring Open Source .

Altair Bangalore

Sumukh Chitloor sumukhchitloor
Cybersecurity || Python || C++ || Bash || student by day, programmer by night


Rahul k rahulk789
Screen time = infinity


Swayam Gupta swayam0322
Systems Developer

@vicharak-in Bangalore, IN

Pratik Singh kitarp29
DevOps and Go Developer✨ | Open Source | Backend Developer | Linux | Problem Solver¯\_(ツ)_/¯ आलस्यम् परमम् धर्म

GitLab Bangalore,India