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Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Studying at department of Commputer Science and Engineering-Comilla University

GeniusAndro Madhupur-Tangail

Senior 🌏Web / 📱Mobile Developer Proficient in React and React Native.
Katerina Akilah H. sumokario
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Percival Zheng Lafcadia
Self-Taught Programmer. President of the Team OblivionOcean. Original Account: @ChuishenX.

Team @OblivionOcean & Hangzhou Foreign Languages School Hangzhou, China

Frederick Chen ToothlessHaveBun
well done!

High School Affiliated to Southwest University @fzoi-stu Chongqing, PRC🇨🇳

Coder Shaheer ShahkerTHD
A Hackin Coder that loves to make the world go round!
Zigao Wang ZigaoWang
A passionate student developer and tech enthusiast from China

YK Pao School Shanghai, China