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Aleksander George aleksandergeorge
15-year-old Fullstack Web & Game Developer from Finland Finland

Luca Bazziga squarerootof49
we do a little coding


r0b1nn_ or0b1nn

@Rede-Salute France

Tim Laubert TimFL
Software Engineer, working on a variety of cool ideas.


Frostfire frostfire575
Chase the Chaos - Let’s build something amazing together ⚒️
Elisa Costa lizacosx

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Erythos mhhoz
ordinary isn’t enough
BonoboTurbo tontsa97
I started my coding journey from scratch!


Devexity Devexity-fivem
New to Fivem Scripting please no flame
David''MadaraExtreme''Ferreira madarafer123
🇵🇹 24y 📌Criador de conteúdo 💻 Fundador Tekware 📧Contacto: [email protected]


Bryan Smith Zerosks471
I ❤👨🏽‍💻


motrion motrion

San-Andreas-County-Roleplay United States Of America

Houloude_Official Houloude9IOfficial
A Normal Developer For Everything

HTDevelopers Cyprus

Cxmmunity Club DavidBrxxwn

@CxmmnuityClub San Andreas

Bruno R. Schmidt brunorsch
Java Developer, Kotlin (JetBrains at all) passionate, and Minecrafter.

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

PixoVoid PixoVoid
Hobby Developer 👨‍💻


Lewis (Apollo Networks) Thunderwolfx
Founder & Creator of Apollo Networks.

Apollo Networks Australia

Eliel Mato ElielMato

Mendoza, Argentina

Hudsawat Akkati BossBoxing
Full Stack Developer

THAI DATA CLOUD Khon kaen,Thailand