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Mauviette Mauviette
Etudiant de 2ème année en BUT informatique au Havre
SimpleUser Awwze
"Computer Science explorer and future developer" - 🧠🚀 Also subscribe to my news channel about incoming games! 🕹️
Kenzo hellokenzo
Passionate about the design, the web design and the cybersecurity

Lyon, France

tobyskoo TobysDev
web. plugin. mc. life.
Lucas ImJustLucas
I create some stuff, and that pretty cool

@qotum @kascad-app @predi-gg Paris

Faucon FauconSpartiate
Weirdo trying every technology he sees on the Internet

NightDream Games

Antoine Kingue AntoineKM
Full Stack Developer • TypeScript, React and OpenSource ❤️

@onRuntime, @ArkeeAgency Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France

Rodrigo Alcantara Conceição do Nascimento rodrigo-1945
🙋🏽Olá! Sejam bem vindos ao meu github. 👨🏽‍💻Developer Full-stack.

Programação Guarujá

Jijon jerembdn
co-founder @tonightpass and @qotum - administrator & tech. lead @thegreensuits - web fullstack and mobile developer - typescript flavoured ❤️

@onruntime, @tonightpass, @thegreensuits Briançon/Rouen/Besançon, France