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Jonas Dautel SNRSE

ByteHive Germany

Paul Buchan paulbuchan

@mills-james-productions Columbus, OH

Brett Belau brettbelau

B2 Web Studios Appleton, Wisconsin

Marcelo Moyano marcelomoyano
CXO @mindsmack. Creative Technologist. Entrepreneur 😁. In NYC. Photo, Video and Audio FX. VR/AR. Geek. iOS Dev .IG: MarceloSmack.

MindSmack New York

Lukas Herzog herzogmedia

JGU, naheTV Idar-Oberstein, Germany

Mike Latta mikelatta
Executive Vice President and CTO of Cross Tracks Distribution Inc.

Cross Tracks Distribution Inc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Brandon Butram butram

Purdue Universtity

Brian Duck bduck

The DuckWorks Plymouth, MI