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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


LChumi LChumi
Software development


nichoth nichoth

@bicycle-codes Interzone

Juan Marulanda Juan-789
CS Student at Carleton University

Ottawa, Ontario

Benedicte Raae raae
Privacy focused #IndieHacker and #JAMStack enthusiast. Located in Oslo, 🇳🇴. MSc Computer Science.

@queen-raae Oslo, Norway

O.T. oleksify
Web Designer & Software Developer. Enthusiast Photographer & Musician.
Paulo R. A. Sales salespaulo
Desenvolvedor desde 2002, amante de desenvolvimento, matemática, física, filosofia, antropologia e espiritualidade! Tudo de bom neste mundão!! :)

Freunde Von Ideen São Paulo

Ciaran Finnegan ciaran-finnegan
Chief Information Security Officer at Mantel Group. Personal consulting at

@mantelgroup Sydney

Gyuri Lajos gyuri-lajos

TrailMarks Ltd United Kingdom

Edison Moreira EdisonMoreira
Membro da Aprender Sempre

Aprender Sempre Rio de Janeiro

David Chase davidchase
λ Enthusiast, Most.js Core Contributor, Currently interested in building p2p apps


Mike L outwebbed
Web Developer


Tej Pochiraju tejpochiraju

@IoTReady Bangalore, India

Matthias Max bitflower
I help companies utilize web technologies to their advantage to create real business value.

bitflower Germany

Jakub Viták mainiak
Software Engineer / Dev Ops


Raj Raorane Raj-RR1
Electronics Engineer. Contributor at Edgeware.
Michael Vigor michaelvigor
Full stack developer. Mostly writing/learning Elixir
braeden hall broskicodes
building the memory layer for AI agents
v1rtl talentlessguy
nullstack dev at @ensdomains, building Stauro

Empty world

A.B. Samma abesamma
Medical doctor & researcher; I love building on the web. I have a thing for wikis and knowledge/thought processing tools aka tools for thought.

MUHAS, @OnePlaybookLab, StrongRoom AI Canberra, Australia

Joshua Fontany joshuafontany
A passion for Art and Design drives me. Focused on software testing and design methodologies, 'high-end' and 'game' 3D and CG skillsets.


Ankesh Bharti feynon
Systems researcher and technologist. Making a personal software notebook / / Stewarding

@ua-community, @agent54 IN

Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities


Charles Cianos (Charlie) ccianos
Wassup friends! I'm Charlie a beautiful Homo Sapien of hominization only for peace. BLM, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, the Working Class, the Poor and the Homeless matter.

Hagginwood, Sacramento, CA

Barton Rhodes bmorphism
"Parametrised optics model cybernetic systems, namely dynamical systems steered by one or more agents. Then ⊛ represents agency being exerted on systems"

@plurigrid san francisco

Benjamin Bollen benjaminbollen
physics. decentralised computing. privacy. ai.

Ethereum Lisboa

NeverEngineLabs cristianvogel
Cristián Vogel

NeverEngine Labs Copenhagen

Bastien Dehaynin bdehaynin
Technical Program Manager

Fission Montreal, Canada

Justin Johnson justindotpub
🤔 Trying not to fool myself
Steven Vandevelde icidasset
Creator of | Distributed tech & user agency advocate | Web engineer | Open source | Previously,, |
