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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mike C. Delorme mcdelorme

NVIDIA Corporation San Jose, California

Ashish Nayak ash399
HPC & AI Engineer
ZhangNing NingZhang1
PostDoc, Quantum Chemistry, Relativistic effects, eQED, mathematics in chemistry, C++, HPC
Zhen-Qi Liu liuzhenqi77
neuroscience, machine learning, python and more

@netneurolab Montreal, Canada

Matthew Bonanni MatthewBonanni
Mechanical Engineering PhD Candidate in the FX Lab at Stanford University

Stanford University

Daniel Zou dlzou

NVIDIA Santa Clara, CA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Fred Oh fredoh1
Lead CUDA/Warp/Legate Product Marketing Manager @ NVIDIA

NVIDIA Santa Clara, CA

Xianghao wang-xianghao

Australian National University

Senior Software Engineer @TOffeeAM, admin and maintainer @fortran-lang, PhD @ AMCG, @ImperialCollegeLondon

@ToffeeAM @ImperialCollegeLondon @fortran-lang London, UK

Noah Watkins dotnwat San Francisco, CA

João Pedro Alves jpalves
Técnico superior de apoio à investigação científica

Home Coimbra Portugal

Yunshan Nullkooland
more cuyes, more fun!

@VeriSilicon 龙窝子 (Dragon's Nest) & 老鸹林 (Crow Forest) - China

Lingqi Zhang neozhang307
RIKEN-RCCS Post Doc Tokyo Tech Ph.D. Interested in parallel programming and GPU programming. Currently working on code generation and machine learning topic


Josh Reuben jreuben11
INTERESTS: AI, TensorFlow/JAX DRL+Transformers, Rust, Julia, GraalVM, LLVM, NVidia, CNCF, Program Synthesis, 3D-QSAR

@jreuben11 Israel

Muhammad Haseeb mhaseeb123
Senior Software Engineer @NVIDIA (@rapidsai) | Accelerating Data science and AI | C++, CUDA, Python

@NVIDIA Santa Clara, CA

Mario kmario23
Pixel processor 📸 Neural Networks 🧠 Python fanatic 🐍 JAX & NumPy ninja assuaging accelerators ⚡ Sedulous solo traveller 🌴

Universität Stuttgart Stuttgart, DE

Phil Pennington UsefulEngines

dba Useful Engines LLC USA

Jeremy Meredith jsmeredith
Currently in the TensorFlow Core API team at Google. Formerly a research/computer scientist at Oak Ridge National Lab and Lawrence Livermore National Lab.

Google Boulder, CO

Gabriel Wu lucifer1004
DevTech Compute @ NVIDIA

@NVIDIA Beijing, China

Karthikeyan karthikeyann
Software Engineer @NVIDIA @rapidsai CUDA, Parallel computing, Deep Learning, EDA VLSI algorithms, Signal processing.


Chris Zweck czweck

Wellington, New Zealand

Florent Aden-Antoniow florentaden
R&D Data Scientist and Seismologist

GNS Wellington


Vienna, AT

Felix Soubelet fsoubelet
Accelerator Physics PhD working for CERN on beam physics simulation codes.

CERN Geneva, Switzerland

Afzal Muhammad af-md
Software Engineer

Manchester, UK