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Joakim Taule Kartveit MikAoJk
Software developer, passionate about coding simple applications

@navikt Norway

Maja MajaBru
3rd year student at NTNU. Learning web development 💻

NTNU Norway

Endre Moseholm Gilje-Sørnes Endremgs
🧑‍💻 Knowit Objectnet AS 👨‍🎓MSc - Computer Science, NTNU 2019-2024


Tomas Haugland Spangelo tomasspangelo
IT Consultant @ twoday. MSc in Industrial Economics and Technology Management at NTNU, specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Optimization.

twoday Oslo, Norway

Kristoffer Førde Aarskog bustebartebill
Product Owner Team Kunde and Team Kundeinnsikt @nsbno

@nsbno Oslo

Milliam Müller MilliamM
Analytics & BI consultant at twoday Analytics

twoday Oslo, Norway

Nicklas Bekkevold nicklasbekkevold
Head Engineer at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. M.Sc. Computer Science at NTNU with specialization in Artificial Intelligence.

@folkehelseinstituttet Oslo

Alfred Lieth Årøe appfr3d
I make apps!📱

Bekk Oslo, Norway

Kristofer Giltvedt Selbekk selbekk
Hi there 👋 So glad to see you stop by! Feel free to reach out via Twitter (@selbekk) if I don't respond to issues promptly.

@bekk Oslo, Norway

Jørgen Lien Sellæg zalox
Owner of juCi++ together with the @cppit team.

Jørgen Lien Sellæg Trondheim, Norway

Vegard Vik Vik-Bytes

EY Skye Norway

Edvard Høiby 3ddyBoi

@vgno Oslo, Norway

Vlad Alexandru vvalexandru

Computas Development Center

Julie Wilberg juliewilberg
Senior Analytics & BI Consultant @ twoday

Oslo, Norway

Petter Daae petterdaae
Developer at DNB [email protected]

Bekk Bergen, Norway