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Marius theIBMiGuy
🚀 IBM i Explorer | Open Source Enthusiast | Integration Aficionado 🖥️

MLR Consulting South Africa

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Axel Coulet axcou
Currently studying data science at Sorbonne Université

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord Paris

Samm Du sammdu
University of Toronto CS | Linux Foundation Certified SysAdmin | All Puns Are Good Puns

Toronto, ON, Canada

There's always some tragedy behind the beautiful.


winterknife winterknife
low-level developer with a focus on 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕 𝚡𝟾𝟼 ISA devices running 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜


Jan Collijs visibilityspots
Linux & Open-Source enthusiast

The Safe Group Belgium

Tuan Nguyen tuancoltech
An Android developer passionate about creating products that improve human lives.


QuincySx QuincySx

@SmallRaw Singapore

Daniel Zs. Kinsiinoo
C# | PowerShell Maniac (PS 5.x, PS 7.x)

P Industries Orbiting Earth

N1H N1-gHT

In your six

Johannes Schoder oObqpdOo

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Deutschland

Michael gapodo
Linux Sysadmin, currently learning, playing and working with Kubernetes, DevOps, IaC. Studying IT with a focus on "Digital Innovation"

Vorarlberg, Austria