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SonyMvie SonyMvie
Welcome To My Profile. Hope You Enjoy.


Mr. Giancarlo Colfer giancarlocolfer
Experienced full-stack developer adept at delivering innovative, high-quality solutions that drive business growth and enhance user experiences.

Affinity Media & Publishing Group, LLC The United States of America

Jason Kiel Wells BinaryAtoms

Lost & Found Treasures Hemet CA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Riccardo Civiero ricciviero
Tech enthusiast focused on front-end development. Currently exploring React, React Native, Swift, Next JS, and more.


I am the spark that makes your idea bright the same spark that makes you differentiate your left from your right.

Lions Somewhere Remote

ange silvermoon004xx
IT student | do stuff, program, learn
Alxira5 Alxira5
Software developer and digital artist, defender of free culture.

@xarzteam Venezuela

Just a wannabe programmer.
Jake VanEssendelft jrv11706
UGA Computer Systems Engineering Major UGA SSRL MEMESat-1 Chief Engineer

Athens, Georgia

Alexander Vado Hatake0093
I am an .Net developer, having worked on a wide range of small and medium-sized projects. I always strive to step out of my comfort zone and grow as a developer

@QuovisCR Managua

CHA1NSK1 Chainski

Chainski Inc. Canada

Nik data-nik

Outer Worlds

Matteo Santoro Matt-code-d
💼 CTO @BlasterFoundry 🖥️ Full stack Passionate about video games, I've turned my passion into my job.

Blasterfoundry Italy

Mike Wallio scaryrawr
A computer nut kupo.

Microsoft Boston

Wender Matias da Silva Dxwender
Sou aluno e estagiário

Belo Horizonte

Tyler TILR16

United States

Antoinette la-antoinette

Paris, France

Chimipupu👾💜 Chimipupu


Nicolai Kofod-Jensen NKofod
Data Science student with an interest in Politics, Whiskey, Fantasy and Science fiction books, etc. Mostly private projects.

University of Copenhagen

James Charles Taylor JimCarlTay
Born April 23, 2002 Student, Mapua University, School of IT Degree course: B.Sc. Information Technology


oliver pecek oliverpk2000
student at the HTL St. Pölten


Jun Murase PlasmaXD
Gifu University Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering Field of Intelligent Informatics 1st-year st
beanie_axolotl beanieaxolotl
formerly LogoGuy2013.

Vermont, USA

Amy ASentientBot
skipping down 32768th avenue

@moraea Ottawa