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Loudbook Loudbooks
An independence developer that focuses on quality and usability.
João Inácio Neto birobirobiro
Front-end Developer

São Paulo, Brazil

cSharp noidwasavailable

@hayanmind Sudkorea

Le Dien Phuc phucledien
iOS, macOS developer. In ❤️ with Swift

@dwarvesf @consolelabs Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Narco morong34
Software Developer

Computacenter Timisoara

Bruno Geronimo brunogeronimo
JavaScript developer

@kittl Berlin, Germany

Marcos Barbosa marcosmbm
Software developer

@marcosmbm-dev Aracaju SE

Elisson Guímel Guistoff081
Entusiasta de tecnologia, estudante de TI, gamer e músico nas horas vagas B)

@GreemTech, @atlantis-software-solutions Recife

Levy Sant'Anna levysantanna
Senior Support Maintenance Engineer

Red Hat Brazil

Eduardo Sávio Dsfr62
Founder - Novasce Engenharia de Software - FIAP

Novasce Brazil

Vladislav henkel-v
Backend Software Engineer👨🏻‍💻

Russia, Königsberg

Prakash Pun prakash-pun
Learning, GOING INDIE 😁 @IndieHyve
Afonso Rekbaim afonsorek
> The worst && <= The best


Néstor Ojeda González nestorojeda
Product Developer at @inbenta, MSc in Artificial Intelligence at UAX, BSc in Computer Science and Software Engineering at ULPGC

Inbenta Canary Islands, Spain

Mohammed alaa m7md1alaa
Front end developer

Saudi arabia , Qatif

Andrew Mackarous Mackarous
Traveling, coding, writing

@TinyEmpress Canada

Alexander Camacho Gámez alexandercg
iOS Software Engineer, coding from 🏖️

@cerbyinc Mzt, Mx

Leon Gattermayer LeonGatt

@dotlab-cz @notum-cz Brno

Ken Wu KenWuqianghao
UWaterloo CS

Lancaster University Lancaster, UK

aya mohamed elsayed Ayam33802
𝚊𝚢𝚊 𝚖𝚘𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚍-u🇦🇪 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝐴𝑏𝑢𝐷ℎ𝑎𝑏𝑖 𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚊🎙 Part of 3 Olympiads🏆 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜🎬 5 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛🗣

al samha school Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

Jonas Jelonek jonasjelonek
🦀, OpenWrt, networking and embedded systems


Travis Lord lilxyzz
I Build Things For The Web | Web Developer & Front-End Enthusiast


Andy Han hackinghackers

Princeton, NJ

John Moura jovimoura
Fullstack Developer React / Native | NextJS | NodeJS | TypeScript | JavaScript

Rio de Janeiro

Marko Jovanovic fr1sk
Senior Backend Engineer 👨🏻‍💻

Belgrade, Serbia

Erik Slovák effektsvk
27 y/o, creating React Native apps, occasionally trying to make some useful stuff when I'm bored... work acc: @erik-slovak

Bratislava, Slovakia

Jason jquaglia
Software Engineer | Inquisitor

Software Developer @ FileOpen Systems Seattle, WA

Rychillie Rychillie
Software Engineer and Content Creator based in Brazil, just a dreamer.

@construtores Brazil

Florentin / 珞辰 ecklf
Fullstack Web, App and Game development. I love tinkering with *nix systems and learning new languages.(DE | EN | ZH)

@vercel Munich, Germany

Matheus Freitas Campos MatheusFC2
JR Front-End Developer - 18 years old - sharing knowledge with the community.


Yu8n ptntp
As a user who continues to benefit from the vast resources on GitHub, I will continue to use this privilege with humility.


Liam Palmqvist LiamPalmqvist
I'm a guy with no social life coding for University!

United Kingdom

Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Igor Marcossi Kinark
Dev and annoying. Currently working on projects like NotchNook and Winston. Brazil, SP

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Koray D3XX3R

@Offchat /root/

Matheus Bernardes mbernardes19
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in mi pellentesque, pretium nulla a, sodales nisl. Aliquam diam lectus, hendrerit quis quam

São Paulo, Brazil