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Elise Liang eliseliangz
Quant Recruiting for tradefi and defi AI Lab researcher hiring WeChat: eliselll

Hong Kong

Integral Integral-Tech
Free Software Enthusiast | @KDE Plasma Supporter | @archlinux User | Switching to Codeberg

@archlinuxcn China

zhencon zhencon
Technology makes applications more easier


Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


贺巩山(Gongshan He) hegongshan
File System/Recommender Systems Ph.D. Candidate@Fudan University

Fudan University Shanghai, China

Leonardo Benicio lbenicio
A FullStack Developer researching interesting deploys strategies for web application on distributed systems.

IBM Brazil

Parham Alvani 1995parham
Backend Developer, Happy and Smiling
Paul Michael Tidwell kythrasuntamer
38 year old male out of Portland Metro area, oregon.

Abraxus Industries Cornelius, Oregon

予纾 Yushu2606
Stay curious: 好奇心を持ち续けてる

@SourceZoneDev @DerakkumaDev @Hosihikari 青岛

Fox Unlocker princeaseer
Web Server , Online Service

Fox-Unlocker egypt

Gabriel Staples ElectricRCAircraftGuy
Sr. Embedded SWE; Follow me here & on LinkedIn! (follow me; please don't add me unless I can vouch for your skills)

ElectricRCAircraftGuy Sierra Vista, AZ, USA

Kevin Karhan kkarhan
just a dude collecting ideas, code and stuff...

- under NDA - 51°N 7°E

Artur Pędziwilk wilkart
Wireless Intelligent Lifeform Keen on Accurate Repair and Troubleshooting


Hakim BOUKHADRA P5-2005
windows dude


James Collins Tubbz-alt
The prevention of the end, if utilised correctly! SPG Slack Lifes Matter, Slack Is Wack, Wack Is Slack, Slack Lives Matter!

Slackware Industries Tubbington of London

31core 31core
The world's best 31core

31project & Foundation localhost

Jeffrey H. Johnson johnsonjh
Not RPM developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not XTree developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not Jeffrey Johnson, Google Senior Software Engineer. Not the robotic engineer, either.

BAN AI Systems

Valtarien Valtarien
Lunar devotee, I decipher life's cryptic receipts. Teaching rocks quantum physics, I seek sock-sandal harmony. Beware my glitter-induced chants.

California, USA

mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@SocioProphet Planet Earth

Ahmet Akkoç madprogramer
Help subtitle the world with Nekocap!

ZiteLab ApS Other side of the world

Nick Chan asdfugil
I make things do things that they are not supposed to do