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Kaan Kaanhehe
16 years old. Student at Dreieichschule Gymnasium. Software, Web and Game Development. Using Python, HTML, C# and LUA.
MC_redstoner mcredstoner
i'm a random user with an account
Henning Kauler Edukonline

Staatliches Schulamt für den Landkreis Groß-Gerau und den Main-Taunus-Kreis

Wait... did i mention that i use arch btw?


Jens Hummel Kopf02
📚 Computer Science Student


MasterWWW gerald525
Senior Full Stack Engineer - React | React Native | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Next.js | Nest.js | MySQL | MongoDB
Trickfilm400 Trickfilm400
Student, interest in DevOps and Developing with Typescript and WebStorm


Dacjan Gapinski kurwjan
Doing somethin'.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany