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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Eugene Letenkov letenkov
Software Engineer Expert (DevOps)

@letenkov Moscow

<MLOps Engineer | AWS | Azure | All-things Kubernetes | 🐍 Python Developer | SRE | GitOps | DevOps Engineer />
Kapil Agrawal netops2devops
Network Security Engineer dabbling with code


Rosko Gabor roskogabor
python linux kubernetes

Evosoft Hungary

holmofy holmofy
Learning rust...


Natália Granato nataliagranato
Kubernetes Contributor | CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native | DevOps | Site Reliability Engineer | DevSecOps | Observability | Infra as Code | Plataform Engineer

Magalu Cloud Belo Horizonte, MG

MohamadAli debMan
telecom. eng, python, and Linux lover, in favor of freedom, toward DevOps, Clouds, SRE, bike rider

@snapp-cab @snapp-incubator Middle East


Cathay Bank Taiwan

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Dmytro ShadowUser17


Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Byron Geils bygbyron3

Telecommunication Cascadia

Yuliang Zhang alazyer
Be attracted by Cloud Computing, Python and Golang


Gokul gokulyc Python and React Enthusiast


wongearl wongearl
golang, kubernetes,cloud native!
Rafael Pissolatto Nunes rafaelpissolatto
SRE | DevOps | SysAdmin | Cloud Computing | Developer

São Paulo, Brazil

Frank Kloeker eumel8

Deutsche Telekom AG Berlin, Germany

Jared Tan JaredTan95
DaoCloud Observability / @apache skywalking Committer & PMC Member. @apolloconfig Committer & PMC Member. @open-telemetry Member. Software Engineer.

@DaoCloud @apache ShangHai(China)

Matteo Baiguini bygui86
Automating everything as automatic as possible 😜

Swissblock Tech Ticino, Switzerland

Peter Wilcsinszky pepov

@axoflow Budapest, Hungary

Rezky Aulia Pratama rezkyauliap
This is a github account that I used in my fulltime job. My private github account is @rezkyauliapratama

@pintu-crypto Indonesia

genofire genofire


Ryan Faircloth ryanfaircloth
Architect, Security, general geek

@humio Florida, USA

R2D2 r2d2pl

Leszno, WP, PL

Zadkiel AHARONIAN aslafy-z
Linux lover and OSS enthusiast. Currently working at @ccl-consulting on scalable @kubernetes platforms.

CCL Consulting Toulouse, France