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Malachi malachivdm

Vast Development Metod @vdm-io Namibia

Lemuel lemuelvdm

Vast Development Method @vdm-io Namibia

Best Codes The-Best-Codes
Christian, Coder, Creator... I'm a full-stack web developer. I'm currently obsessed with Next.js, TypeScript, and Rust.

BestCodes Earth

Mark Rabey MarkRabey
Engineering Manager @Simpplr.

Ontario, Canada

David Frank Haslam DavidHaslam
Retired Electrical Engineer. Widower. Volunteer with the CrossWire Bible Society.

Cheshire, UK

Liviu Mitrofan Liviujmk
Passionate full-stack developer

Bosanci Romania

Moses Jasi mosesjust2016
👋 Hi, I'm Moses Jasi! 🚀Software Engineer | Product Engineer | AI & Cloud Solutions Architect 🔧 Tech Stack: NET, PHP, Java , Python, NextJS

Link Pharmacy Lusaka, Zambia