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Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Alex Arbuckle lxRbckl
digital brick layer

Herzog Kansas City, Missouri

Pınar ThecoderPinar
Data Scientist | Machine Learning 👾 Code Every Day 👩🏻‍💻

Turkey/ Samsun

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Tim Robertson timrobertson100
Hadoop ecosystem (HBase, Hive, YARN, Spark, SOLR, ES etc). Committer on Apache Beam

GBIF Copenhagen, Denmark

Huang Zeqin huangzq681
PhD candidate in hydrology science from SYSU. Worried about climate change.

Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China

Michael Corrado gaybro8777
engineer flirting with machine learning, neural networks and life sciences 💪

Mit Nyc

Samuel Foucher sfoucher
Professor, University of Sherbrooke, Dpt. of Applied Geomatics

University of Sherbrooke Sherbrooke

Khalil Teber khalilT
PhD student at the university of Leipzig, I work on climate extreme events and their social and economic impacts

RSC4Earth Leipzig, Germany

Akanksha Ahuja akanksha-ahuja
Machine Learning for Physics 🛰 Network Science + Graph Neural Nets 🧬 AI for Environment 🌿 & Social Good 🌍

Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU, Amsterdam