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Loie LoieSun

Zhejiang University, Shanghai AI Lab shanghai

I am a student at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) following a BSc on General Engineering with specialization in Cyber Systems. Interested in Python, Java, C
Céline Angonin Cangonin

Tilburg University Netherlands

Moth! gnushoggoth
Sorry, I won't quote Deleuze & Guattari during the stand-up again.

DAO Party City Austin, Texas

Vincent Kather vskode
🎤🐦 🐋 🐆 ➞ 🎧 ➞ 🖥 💬 ➞ 🤔 ➞ 🐸 machine learning for bioacoustics

Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden, Netherlands

Danielle Celone danielle-celone
Hello! I'm an MSc student in computational linguistics at the University of Washington.

Seattle, WA

Gagan Narula GaganNarula
Current: ML engineer at Earth Species Project. Former: ML engineer at, Post-doc at University Hospital Zurich

Chunliang Li jbji


joaquin silkux
int main() { rage, rage against the dying of the light
Ivan Carrasco Quiroz ivancarrascoq
UTFSM, Chile. Northwestern University, USA.

Chicago, USA

Yuzhong Wen supermartian
Random developer

NVIDIA Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Wang Yung An Synesarts
Artist and who see world with haptic.


Nur Lan 0xnurl

Ecole normale supérieure Paris

Benjamin Benti benbenti
I research animal behaviour and animal vocal communication in diverse species. I'm interested in unsupervised classification approaches.

Osaka University Japan

R. Ant roddyka
Full-stack &| GameDev (JS/C#) Current based in Europe


Astrophysicist at Caltech. Black holes, explosions, weird stuff in space. Building and running space telescopes.
Henry Long henrylong719
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Sydney, Australia

Raphael rapsar
physicist interested in trajectories, animal behavior, emergence & patterns, LLMs

Cornell University

Dimitri W Ponirakis DPonirakis
I am a senior noise analyst and applications programmer for CCB. My main roles are developing tools and methods for noise analysis.

Cornell University

Lv Tianyou XIYOU0104
Shanghai Ocean University in Software Engineering

Shanghai Ocean University Shanghai

Anbai Jiang jianganbai
PhD student at EE, Tsinghua. Anomaly Detection | Audio Processing

Tsinghua University Beijing

Isael_Calderon isacalder
I am a Biological Engineer interested in understanding machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in species behavior.
TRG TecReaGroup
Listen, feel, think, and then at least do something

SHOU Shanghai