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Germany 🇩🇪

Kira Pracht prachtkira
Data & Process Analyst

Siegen - Germany

ChatonDeAru (Romain) chatondearu
Application Artist Developper 🐈‍⬛ and 🍜 lover. @vuejs fan, Twitch Streamer and Lead Front

@De-Aru, @NeoMatixLTD, @fluctuo Paris, France

Marko Kopraa
Software Developer, enthusiastic about VR, AR and game development.

Belgrade, Serbia

.michu michudeveloper
jeśli umrę młodo, to przynajmniej będę dumny że zacząłem..
John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Nourredine nourredine1981

Nourredine Healthcare Brienne Le Chateau Brienne le Chateau

쓰니 seongmoolee

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Odhiambo Dormnic ayimdomnic
Dad | Building @lindapay | Freelancer @proxify-dev | Senior Software Engineer @Sycous

Sycous EMEA

Andrei Muraro AndreiMuraro
💻 Ciência da computação estudante. Dev. apaixonado em resolver problemas.
KYBEX kybex11


Golang, Node.js software engineer.
Vijay Meena vijayymmeena
Full stack software developer and cloud server administrator.


PHONGNARES​ S. Masta1992

[email protected] Nakhonratchasima THAILAND 30120

Young hacker, maker, and most importantly a builder. Building distributed bullshit.

@laidbackdao Szeged, Hungary