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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Luca Mossina lmossina
Data. Science. Code.

Toulouse, France

Fabien Antoine rhanka
full stack data/IA (speech, text, image, geo, fuzzy, deep, GenAI, analytics) & IT (front/back, architecture, CI/CD GitHub ec2 nova k8s) program & IT management

matchID, CGI Montreal

Johann Christensen juhannc
AI researcher

AI Safety & Security @DLR-KI (part of @DLR-de) Hamburg, Germany

Arthur Chiron Arthur-Chiron

@deel-ai Toulouse, France

Killian Steunou killian31

Idemia Paris

Tsara tsaratiana
AI engineer, artist and musician


Camille Besombes Cam-B04
Research assistant/Data scientist at McGill University Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences.

McGill University Montreal

zhihaosui suizhihao

shanghai ai lab shanghai

NguyenS (he/him) sangnguyens
Data Scientist

Vietnam Petroleum Institute Ho Chi Minh city - Vietnam

Abdelhakim Benechehab abenechehab
Ph.D. Student - Huawei Noah's Ark Lab & EURECOM

Huawei Noah's Ark Lab Paris Area

Yoann Poupart Xmaster6y
💻 XAI PhD Student & Entrepreneur

Sorbonne University Paris

Eteph Vujas-Eteph
Scientific employee at the Fraunhofer IOSB and external Ph.D. student at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Fraunhofer IOSB Ettlingen

Nader AttentiveNader
Deep Learning Engineer

@Proteinea Cairo, Egypt

Adrien Lafage alafage
CS PhD Student at Renault Group and @ENSTA-U2IS-AI - Trajectory Forecasting / Risk Assessment / Deep Learning.

Renault Group France

Alexandre Rodríguez Rendo alexandre2r

FADA-CATEC (Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies) Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Noémie Cohen NoCohen66
Formal methods for ML-vision based systems

Onera & Airbus France

Daniel Anadria danadria
PhD Candidate in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Utrecht University Netherlands

Mohammad Javad Maheronnaghsh mjmaher987
ML Student at CE Department

Sharif University of Technology Tehran, Iran

Minal S Patil minalspatil
Explainable AI, Machine Reasoning

Umeå universitet Umeå, Sweden

Youcef Korichi yokor1
Software Engineer. PHD Student at BDRC (Big Data Research Center)


Luhao Zhu Luhaozhu

CCAI Ningbo, China