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Vinay Jirgale vinay-meg-nxt

Meg-NXT Technologies Pune, India

dreamway dreamway
Computer Vision & Deep Learning Computer Graphics

scut shenzhen,china

suchaoyong suchaoyong
software designer, specializing in computational mechanics, systems modeling and simulation techniques.

DPIT Beijing

Alan.He alanhe421
Learner, Programmer, Blogger.


GP Wang cetium

Beijing ,China

Carsten Barkow CarstenBarkow

CellSense Technologies GmbH

Megamind megadl
computer vision researcher
Naresh MARTURI mvnnaresh
Senior Researcher in Robotics and Vision

Extreme Robotics Lab, UoB UK

刘明明 lauming
Think different,write less code

changsha,HuNan, China

给时间以生命 taketimeasafriend
A sloppy Civil Engineer,an IT amateur Engineer.


ollydbg asmwarrior
I'm one of the Code::Blocks IDE ( developers
Ming Wo D0xide
A student of talking to machine, quite new but in a persistent way.
Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai


FALP Italy

Rafael Aiquel Garbarini bixo-d

IDI-Orinoco Ciudad Guayana

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA