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Arturo González ArturoG1z
Just chilling


Faisal El Hussein faisale
machine learning

Berlin, Germany

Victor Eronmosele victoreronmosele
Software Engineer, experienced in building web and mobile applications, with a strong focus on testing and maintainability.


Iouri Sorokine iourisorokine
Full Stack Developer React, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, GraphQL


Rodrigo Neves xmajox

@root-global Berlin, Germany

Medha Patil memedhap
Data Analytics

Choco Communications GmBH

Osama Aref osama-ahmed
Software Engineer interested in Software design, development and Machine learning

Choco Berlin, Germany

Malachi Soord inverse
Software Engineer based in Berlin. Interested in Home Automation and making lives easier.

@vinted Berlin