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Jonathan Ascona jonathanascona
Data Science Undergraduate Student | Professional Workaholic | Licensed Amateur Boxer | Lifelong Learner

Rexburg, Idaho

Joseph Earl sakugastreet
Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho, 2 years of Unreal Engine.
Shelby Vasas ShelbyVasas
Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho
Seth Hartman SethHartman13
Avrae Content Library Developer
John Gorriceta johngthecreator
Comp Sci Student @ BYU-Idaho
Nathan Lunceford nlunce

Luxorum Idaho

Changmok Lee ChangmokLee
Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho

Rexburg, Idaho

jojo ultralightspeed
don't donothing; hyperdoeverything


Nicholas Oblitey Commey nnocj
Software Development student at Brigham Young University - Idaho.
Spencer Callister spencercallister
Data Engineer studying at BYU-Idaho. Passionate about using cloud tools and big data for innovative solutions in any industry.

Broomfield, CO

Kemish Gomez Kemishigp
Computer Science major at BYU-I
Isai Mar IsaiMar
Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho

Brigham Young University Idaho Rexburg, Idaho

Wade Withers withersw
Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho
Mason Henrie HenrieMason
Data Science and Finance

Medford, Oregon

Erick Vega erickveg
Software Engineer looking to improve human experiences.

Rexburg, Idaho

Aoi Kuriki A0i-Noel
Co-founder and CTO of Subitt LLC

Subitt LLC

Kristin Thumstedter kristint22
Computer Science Student at BYUI!!!
Nathan Weber Nathan-Weber208
I am a student at BYU-Idaho studying computer science
Aaron Jones Aaronlongstocking97
I am a computer science student.
Audrey Mae Moncada audreymae
Interested in Computer and Data Visualization Science.

Brigham Young University - Idaho Rexburg, Idaho

Samuel Rios-Lazo samuelrslz
Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho.
Keaton Tate keatontate
Physicist, Software Consultant, Game Dev
Ty Shaw tyshaw12

illumifin Coeur d' Alene, Idaho

Austen Cheethirala aust3nc
Computer Science student, Machine Learning and Lisp hobbyist. Actively searching for work in natural language processing, machine learning, and data analytics.

Redwood City, CA

Aaron aivie13
Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho
Joshua Staples joshua-staples
Computer Science student at BYU-Idaho

Denver, CO / Rexburg, ID