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Rafael brinhosa
Samuel Ribeiro samuelribeiroo
Software Developer ⚡


Italo Gama italorgama
Software Engineer | Breaking things to fix them better later. Back-end specialist, payment systems wizard, and coffee enthusiast. ☕


Software and Game Developer | 42 Student

São Paulo

Luiz Fiuza luizfiuzaa
I am Systems Development Technician and now I'm studying Analysis of System Development. This is my GitHub, feel free to check some of my projects :)


Thiago Paiva paiva-thiago
Software Developer based in Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal

Rafael Pivatto rafaelpivatto

Brazil - São Paulo - Campinas

Henrique Maximo Lima Henrry-Maximo
Olá, seja bem-vindo (a)! Apaixonado por uma vida de estudos e trabalho, além de um apreciador da cultura japonesa e um amante de café (sem açúcar).

Embu das Artes, SP

Gabriel Padilha Santos gabrielpadilh4
Senior Technical Support Engineer

Red Hat São Paulo, Brazil

Savio Picanço savinnsk
Memento Mori

savinnsk LagomarMacaé - State of Rio de Janeiro

Ulisses Lima ulisseslimaa
Developer at Mambee Software School


Emerson Felipe emersonfelipesp
👨‍💻 Software Development & Opensource & @N-Multifibra & @netdevopsbr (NetDevOps Brazil) & @netbox-community contributor

@N-Multifibra Cotia - São Paulo, Brazil

Gabriel Magalhães de Souza gabrielmds42
Engenheiro de dados | Analista de Dados | DBA
Bira Lavor biralavor
Software Engineering Cadet @42sp, exploring the fundamentals of DevOps. Passionate about Machine/Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

@42sp São Paulo, Brazil

Felipe Santos felipesntr
Software developer very interested in the JavaScript ecosystem. Aracaju, Sergipe

Robson Fernando Trasel de Souza RobsonTrasel
Apaixonado por Programação!!

RB Services Foz do Iguaçu

Igor Wilian Faoro igorwfaoro
Full stack Developer - Node | Angular | React | .Net | Java

Develcode @Pristen-Digital Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil

Ivanildo Barauna IvanildoBarauna
Sr. Data Engineer | Python Developer

@MercadoLibre São Paulo, Brasil.

Eduardo Moraes Rigo eduardomrigo
Desenvolvedor Frontend - ReactJS | Angular | VueJS | NextJS

São Caetano do Sul

Alefi Cunha Elfo1507
Estudante de Sistemas da informação na UFMG, desenvolvedor fullstack e escritor.
João Victor Souza joaosouz4dev
Programming cunningly and in style 💻


Jhon jhowbhz
I created

@apibrasil C-137