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Daniel J. Dufour DanielJDufour
builds,, georaster, georaster-layer-for-leaflet, date-extractor, geotiff-stats, and xml-utils; built, and maintains proj4js/mgrs

@GeoSurge Chattanooga, TN

Derek Dohler ddohler

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Christos Charmatzis
Hi, my name is Christos and I am GIS Solution Architect. My passion is designing and developing GIS solutions.

@TA-Geoforce Athens, Greece

Brendan McAndrew bmcandr
Geospatial Software Engineer @impactobservatory / Previously @NASA-LIS

@impactobservatory Washington, D.C.

Thuy Ng thuyngch
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Signal Processing

Ho Chi Minh city

Minwook Kang (Min) kmu973
MIT LCAU Research Associate ('23-) Master of Urban Spatial Analytics('23)


Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

不易 lanmingyi
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the World." - Nelson Mandela
Xavier Nogueira xaviernogueira
Geospatial data scientist / engineer.

@panoai Washington D.C

Saheel Ahmed saheelBreezo
Master's Student @utwente, Prev - @blueskyanalytics, atlan

@utwente Netherlands

Umang Kalra theoway
Entrepreneur | Software Developer | GSoC '21 | Open source contributor

Octaflyte Technologies Pvt. Ltd. India

hshaik Hidayathullashaik

Harman Bangalore, India

ANJIREDDY -Architect - AI-ML [ BNYMELLON.COM -PUNE] anjilinux
MSc embedded systems design , whatsapp === +91 9505782251


Johnathan Rush rushgeo

Element 84 Columbus, OH

Fran Martin Rivas fmariv
Environmental scientist crunching data and typing code

EarthPulse Barcelona, Spain

Chingchai Humhong chingchai
leverage the power of Open Source GIS

MAPEDIA Phitsanulok, Thailand

Shervin Azadi shervinazadi
Researcher @ Urbanism and Urban Architecture, TU Eindhoven; Co-founder / Researcher / Developer @ Genesis Lab

TU Eindhoven Rotterdam

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
zhaozhenhe canglangshushu
Brandon Sackmann bssackmann

GSI Environmental Inc.

Joshua Sainz Palacios joshuasp95
Just an environmental lover seeking ways for helping nature through IT technologies.
Aaron Woodward aaronwoodward1
Current: U.S. International Trade Commission 🇺🇸 | Former: KPMG, Morgan Stanley 💹 | Education: M.S. in Applied Economics @ University of Maryland 🐢

Washington, D.C. USA

sachin jain sachin9390
Researcher working on Application of GIS in Solar energy such as Solar resource assessment and solar forecasting Expertise in Numerical weather prediction
nothing important

@privattttttt in between

x.adrien Sciencoded
Handling exceptions since 2015.

Paris, FR

Mark Morley mmorley0395
Transportation focused philly guy
n9omi n9omi
Research interests: Globalization, Economic Geography, Networks, Risk.
Easy Scraping easy-scraping
Easy Scraping Tools.


Dev Blockchain Jobs at Github Nitesh639
GSoC'22 Developer | ETH India Fellow '3 | Former Intern @ AIC-JNU | Former Intern @ Codeif | ECE Student @ JNU'19

New Delhi

Robert Cheetham rcheetham
former Founder and CEO of Azavea. Geospatial. Earth observation. Open knowledge systems.

Philadelphia, PA