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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Zuruh Zuruuh
Web dev, php, typescript, docker, rust, profile picture from


Alex Rock Pierstoval
🛠Full-stack Tech Lead. 🕊️Free open source advocate. Freelance @Orbitaleio

@Orbitaleio / @Orbitale - @StudioAgate France

hbgamra hbgamra
Symfony certified developer, passionate about creating innovative solutions

Edenred France Paris, France

Thibault G. Crovitche-1623
Passionate about new web technologies of all kinds

Predige SA Switzerland

Aurélien Tournayre atournayre
Back End Developer, @symfony ❤️, @rectorphp ❤️, 🐛 fixer (creator sometimes 🤫), 📷, member of @afup, godfather of 15 🐝

Montpellier, France

Marvin Courcier helyakin
CTO at @alximy ⏩ A Symfony expert company dedicated to build scalable applications

Alximy France

Mathieu Santostefano welcoMattic
I love literature, mainly written in PHP. @symfony Core Team Member


Valentin Silvestre vasilvestre
Lead dev at @akawaka | @Sylius key contributor 2025 Q1 |Master degree obtained in 2020 !

@akawaka Lille

Pierre Boissinot pierreboissinot
Fullstack developer :heart: @symfony @neovim

@le-phare Nantes, France

Robin Chalas chalasr
Software Architect // Maintainer @symfony, @thephpleague, @lexik & more // Co-Founder & CEO @bakslashHQ

@bakslashHQ Lyon, France

Julien RAVIA JulienRAVIA
Some of my repositories are private. If you are a recruiter, feel free to ask me access to ! 25yo back-end & Symfony developer Passionated by PHP Ecosystem

@mapado localhost

George-Cristian Tudoran Gasjki
Lead Software Engineer @ Zitec (

Bucharest, Romania

Félix Eymonot feymo
💻 🐘 PHP Lead Dev Consultant -- 🧱 Symfony enthousiast -- @bakslashHQ Collaborator

Bludevon France

Mathieu Drouet izo
Senior Product Manager

#SELF València / Lille

Damien MirakuSan
PHP/Symfony Back-End Developpeur


Tim Timherlaud
PHP|Symfony fan


Guillaume Loulier Guikingone
PHP developer @sensiolabs and forever learner, former @OpenClassrooms mentor. I share my knowledge through the web, oh and i love pizza

@sensiolabs France

Valmont Pehaut-Pietri Valmonzo
PHP/Symfony 🐘 developer

@bakslashHQ Bourges, France

Dimitri ottaviano
Certified Symfony developer at @8DIGRIZ (previously @sensiolabs)

@8DIGRIZ Paris

Jérémy Romey jeremyFreeAgent
Tony Danza

jeremyFreeAgent Paris