I am a Unity3D Real-Time Video Game Designer and Publisher. I'm interested in making and releasing a AAA Video Game.
near Paris, France
Muhammad Hasan Haikal
Hi everyone! My name is Hasan. I'm eleven years old, and a website developer!
PKBM GenerasiJuara Sidoharjo, Pringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia
Donel Adams/Donadamassociates
Consultant fostering business development through my associate networks to maximize any platform's growth potential utilizing AI and cloud with data analysis.
Donel Adams Youngstown Ohio
Zishan Rahman
I ̶i̶s̶ was Graffarts. I like games. I have my own website. I'm one of @kevinlano's PhD students. And I contribute to @flathub sometimes.
King's College London (again) Whateverland, London, United Kingdom
Jonathan David Moore
46, UVa Alumni in Computer Science, ACM Vice President, Patent Licensee, Windows Internals Certified, MSFT SI & Gold Partner and INTJ-T. Former MSDN Blogger
Retired Microsoft Gold Partner Johnson City, TN