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X350d netbdg
Anyone can Hack IoT {The "S" in IoT stands for Security!} [[Hacking is not a crime]] Selfmade"Ethical Hacker" Reverse Engineering

@netdbg Germany, NRW, Düren

Andrew Rathbun AndrewRathbun
DFIR @ Unit 42, Admin of the Digital Forensics Discord Server, USMC Veteran, Former LE.

Unit 42 Michigan

@VMS1987 VMS1987
Frist off I want to start off what I want to accomplish by coding and develop an universal language that can communicate with any type of language imaginable .


stormed stormed
why do programmers like dark mode? because light attracts bugs.

the internet

Bruno Dias de Amorim brunodyas
Game Programmer(Unreal/Unity/Roblox) | Software Engineer | Ruby on Rails Fullstack | Web developer Fullstack

Pronto Afeto Salvador-BA